104. Jameson

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Lauren laid in bed next to Tig, their last time as an engaged couple. She held his hand while she stared at the ceiling.

"What is it?" He asked her, propping up on one elbow "is it Tara? I got that covered already"

"No, it's this Chibs shit. You aren't worried?"

"I've had a lifetime full of this, no one is dead until we see the body. For now, in my mind, that Scotsman is alive somewhere because he ain't dyin yet. He won't do that to Brea and Juniper, loves them too much"

"What if-what if that were you? I'd lose my mind. I wouldn't be able to hold together like Brea is for me. I'd drive myself absolutely insane" she shook her head, not even liking the thought of Tig being taken.

"You aren't already?"

"Asshole" she muttered as she hit him in the torso.

"What if's can last a lifetime, how bout we think about now? We are getting married in less than twenty four hours because I'm still here right now. Then we'll have a beautiful baby Jameson-"

"God, you've your mind set on that name, don't ya?"

"Hell yeah I do" he nodded with a smile.

"Keep dreamin"


Brea could barely hold herself together for Juniper. She had called Juice to help she had been such a mess. She tried for a while to hold it together but it just got harder and harder. The more she tried to ignore it the more she thought about it. It was a slippery slope.

"We'll find him" Juice said as he rocked Juniper.

"Dead or alive?"

"Alive, hopefully. But if he's dead, it'll give you some type of closure which I'm sure you won't mind"

"I appreciate the honesty"

"I don't want him dead, I owe him my life. Wether I like it or not, I get to spend time like this with my family" he smiled.

"Family, huh?" Brea threw a burp cloth over her shoulder and leaned her weight on one arm against the counter.

"Yeah, Juniper is like my niece"

"Be her godfather, Juice" Brea blurted out.

"I-i don't know if that's the best idea" Juice shook his head, looking at her.

"You love her, you love chibs, you love me, my family. So, why not?" She shrugged.

"I think Chibs is closer to Jax, plus Jax already has kids" he shook his head.

"You said you didn't have family here, like real family or whatever, this will be real. We're your family. Plus, if Chibs doesn't come back, you can get in my pants next" she shrugged, making herself laugh.

"You sealed the deal," he laughed along with Brea "thank you, Brea, in all seriousness. You're my family"


The next morning, Lauren went to TM, as a normal day would. Just because it was her wedding day didn't mean she was off. She was only ever at two places anymore, her home and TM.

As she got out of her car, she saw Chibs, sitting with Bobby, Tig and Jax. She immediately walked right towards them, putting her hands on her hips.

"Laure-" Tig tried to calm her but couldn't.

"Does Brea know you're back?" She raised one brow at him.

"Nah, haven't told her yet" he shook his head with honesty.

"She was falling apart last night not knowing if you were alive. You get home and don't tell her?"

"I've a lovely gash in my head I'm sure she would love to see. Give her a more a reason to leave"

"You're a son and you're scared of your old lady? The mother of your child? Grow some balls, Telford. Call her, maybe even go see her! Juniper!" Lauren demanded.

Lauren strut away to the office and the guys looked at Chibs. They were waiting for his next move.

"She's right" Jax nods, breaking the silence.

"About wha'?" Chibs turned to him.

"All of it. She was a mess last night, think she called Juice over to help even"

"What if she doesn't love me? She didn't tell me that night Frankie took me" Chibs shook his head to himself.

"She had a gun shoved down her throat for about twenty minutes, scared out of her goddamn mind thinkin about her child! You're upset that while Frankie held a gun to her husband, she was too much in shock to reply. I'm not trying to be a dick, man, just, grow up. That woman has loved you from the moment you guys met. She's been with you through hell, with Fiona and Jimmy, the late crow tattoo. You still haven't proposed either. That's love with her sticking through all that. The least you could do is see her, man. If you don't, I will" Jax reamed him out, furious with his selfish behavior.

"So you can what? You want my old lady?" Chibs stood, growing heated and getting in Jax's face.

"I want her to get everything she deserves, and this ain't what she deserves. Her old man hiding from her like some pussy" Jax spat, now in Chibs face.

Chibs walked away, giving everyone what they wanted. That didn't change the nervous feeling in his gut about going home to her.

When he pulled in the driveway he felt the ring in his vest. He carried it always, just in case the time was right. He just worried with all the heat right now and his injury, she'll leave, back away.

Juice walked out the house and Chibs flooded with jealousy. Jealous that he was there with his woman and child. He knew there was nothing to stress about but he couldn't help himself, he loved her.

"Hey man, you alright?" Juice asked him "anything on Frankie?"

"Aye, I'm fine. Got staples in my head but it's nothin I haven't been through," Chibs shrugged "Frankie got away but we're reachin out to our contacts. He got me pretty good, I was out and he made his escape. Too scared to kill me"

"Got that right, I'd be scared to kill you too," juice chuckled "you goin inside?"

"I think so" Chibs sighed looking at his house from the outside.

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