46. No remorse

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"Can I talk to you?" Brea asked, knocking on Tigs door, getting Lauren's attention.

"Yeah" Lauren nodded.

She took her aside in the hallway before speaking.

"You knew he killed her?" Brea asked.

"He told me one night, it really fucked him up" Lauren sighed.

"Jesus fuck, you weren't gonna tell me?"

"It wasn't necessary information, Donnas dead and Tig isn't your problem"

"But the club is, Chibs and Tig alike, part of the sons. Donnas death falls at the clubs feet. Tig, he was gonna let Opie pull the trigger"

"And you were running to save me? Don't play these games" Lauren scoffed.

"That could've been you in that truck, me. That could've been us dead"

"But it's not, don't overreact now, Brea" Lauren said as she left Brea in the hall.

After Tara finished cleaning up Tig, she went to see Brea. Taking off her bandage and cleaning her cut.

"Have you seen it yet?" Tara asked.

"Nah, been avoiding it" Brea shook her head.

"It's healing nicely, the stitches are almost dissolved and then bandages won't be needed anymore"

"I don't want Chibs to see me with this scar, I don't even want to see me"

Tara gave a half hearted smile, running a hand across Breas cheek bone.

"He's been where you are, he'll understand you more than anyone. You'll be alright, I know it" Tara smiled at her.
Later in the day, as Gemma was arriving for work she saw Chibs alone in the garage. Looking around, Lauren and Brea weren't in the office. Really looking around, none of the sons were around in general. As she walked inside, Chibs sat up, pulling his head out of his hands.

"Hey, darlin'" he sniffled.

"You okay? Is it your head?" She asked.

"Heads fine, just everything else is shit"

"Yeah" she mumbled.

She continued walking through the garage but stopped. She set her stuff down on a work bench and wheeled over a stool to where Chibs sat.

"What's goin on, honey?" She asked.

"I don't know," Chibs whispered as Gemma took his hands in hers "you ever done somethin that's made you feel wretched, protectin' someone you love?" He asked her.

"More than once" Gemma agreed, thinking back on past experiences.

Chibs was silent, only noises were the sounds of hm crying. Gemma stroked his hair while he cried.

"I've dug myself a good one, Gemma. I've no idea how to get out" he cried, dropping his head to her shoulder.

She held him for a second, telling him it was okay while she thought of a response.

"You tell them, that's how you get out," she started to speak, Chibs pulling his head from her shoulder "whatever it is, it's the only way out of the hole, baby"

Chibs stood up to go to the clubhouse.

"You know somethin? Don't know what we'd do without you. We love you" he said and kissed her forehead.

"Chibs," Gemma stopped him "Does Brea know about Fiona?"

"No, it's not important. If she stays in Belfast and we stay in Charming, ain't nothing to worry about"

"What if you wanna marry her one day? You're still a married man, that license carries over to America, sweetheart. You've got to tell her, come clean, no secrets"

"I've got it, Gem. Thank you" he nodded to her and left to the clubhouse to come clean.

At the table everyone, expect Piney, sat around as Chibs confessed.

"Stahl used my hate for Jimmy against me, told her I'd give him up for protection of Fiona and Kerrianne and full immunity for the club"

"Jesus, Chibs" Jax says.

"I didn't make the deal, Edmond must've given up his old man and if Cameron gives up Jimmy, Stahl threatened to tell him I set the whole thing in motion. Jimmy will kill both of them and Brea to hurt me. I'm sorry, boys"

They sat in silence, pondering where he stood with the club. No one spoke while Clay made the decision in his head.

"You didn't make the deal, you ain't no rat. Figure out a way to make this all right with Jimmy, that's all" Clay said.

"We won't let anything happen to your family, including Brea" Jax told him.

"Thank you, brothers"

Next thing they knew, Piney burst in the room and fired at Clay. Brea and Lauren both heard the gunshots fire from each of their places. Running to the noise, to see what went down. In the clubhouse all the boys seemed to be huddled around.

"Is everyone alright?!" Lauren yelled.

Opie turned to the girls and nodded that they had it all under control. As he handled his father, the others exited the church.

"Chibs, Tig, Kasper hasn't left as far as I know. He hasn't used any of his cards and his car hasn't checked out anywhere. He's probably hiding at home" Juice spoke.

"Alright, let's go, brother" Tig pat Chibs' shoulder.

The boys left in the van, they needed a way to dump the body and come to the house quietly. They entered the house with guns ready. Kasper was on his couch when he heard them enter, he stood to try and leave but Tig shot him in the leg. He fell to the ground and turned to see the two. Tig dragged him into a chair and tied him to it. They had him gagged to prevent too much noise.

"Hitting women is dirty, man, but kidnapping is another low" Tig taunted "You took the old ladies of two members of the Sons of Anarchy, you're sure and shit stupid"

"I'm sorry, man, oh g-" Kasper said with his voice wavering.

"I'm not done, sport," Chibs shouted, shooting his foot, crouching to his level "Brea never loved you, she never will love you. Once you're dead, not one person will know you went missing off the face of this earth because you're a greasy scumbag. You hurt her, you don't even know the things I want to do to you but I've got to get back to my woman tonight" he growled, fighting back tears thinking about Brea.

"We can shoot off his fingers off real quick, I can do it. Shoot him in the head and call it a night" Tig offered.

"Alright" Chibs nodded.

Kasper screamed in advance for what was going to happen. Tig held the end of the gun to the base of each finger, firing off each one. Kasper crying in pain, blood everywhere and dripping from his hands.

"I want to strangle him. He doesn't get to die easy" Chibs spoke with no remorse.

He cut Kasper loose, letting him have a chance to run as if he could. He limped down the hall, bleeding and whimpering but Chibs kicked him over. He straddled him, holding him by his throat. He watched as Kasper suffered beneath him, trying his hardest to breathe but couldn't. Reminding himself of all the pain he's made Brea go through he watched as the life slipped out from his body. This was for Brea.

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