92. Sleepless in Charming

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Tig hadn't been able to sleep no matter how hard he had tried. When he closed his eyes, the scene replayed. His phone rang, Chibs was calling. It startled Lauren awake as well.

"Where are ye, brother?" Chibs asked.


"There's a warrant out your arrest," Lauren heard that and sat up "we can come get ya"

"Alright. I'll um, I'll be here" he said and closed the phone.

"Tig, what happened?" Lauren asked.

"My guess is as good as yours" he spoke, voice monotone.

"You gonna be alright? Want some coffee?"

"A beer and some weed" he laughed at himself, pushing his hair from his face as he sat up in bed.
When the boys arrived, Lauren was waiting with him. Jax, Chibs and Bobby came, Lauren stopped them at the door.

"He's been through some shit, cut him some slack please" Lauren asked with pleading eyes.

"Yeah," Jax nodded and then turned to Chibs "fill her in"

"Aye" Chibs nodded as well.

Bobby and Jax approached Tig carefully. He lounged back with a joint in his one hand and a beer in the other.

"Witnesses came forward, said they saw Tig in the car. Long story short, warrant is out for Tig, Jax and I" Chibs told her.

"Brea knows?"

"Of course," he huffed "pack Tig a bag, aye?"

"Yeah, yeah" Lauren nodded and left to do so while Chibs went to the guys.

"Burned Dawn to death right in front of me, threatened to do the same to Fawn and now Lauren's pregnant. I need Lauren safe and locate Fawn"

"Lauren will be and we'll find Fawn," Jax assured him "where's the body?"

"Bodies. I-i couldn't clean them up alone, wasn't thinkin straight and just wanted to come home"


"I killed them, Popes guys" Tig said, completely out of it.

"We'll go do that. But we've gotta go now, brother"

"Yeah. I just gotta say bye to Lauren"

Tig stood up and turned to the kitchen. Lauren had finished packing his bag and had it on the table.

"You alright?" She asked him.

"I will be, I've gotta go now though, doll. I'm sorry"

"No, don't be"

"I did this and I'm gonna pay for it" he mumbled and got his bag.

"I love you, Tig. Come home to me, to us" she stood up, holding his face.

"I will. I love you too"


Lauren laid in bed awake that night, unable to sleep a blink. Her mind raced, nervous for him. He was fragile and he was a fugitive now. If he got any  jail time, he'd break, quick. She wondered how long his sentence would be, if he'd miss the birth of their child. If he'd miss out on the journey like Jax did with Tara. She wondered if the boys would throw him into the fire, into club work with him like this. She hoped someone there would watch over his broken soul in a time like this. He didn't deserve this, no matter all the wrong he has done, this wasn't right. She'd stand by his side until the end.

She'd walk around to try and tire herself out, walking in circles. Rearranging stuff to keep herself busy. Counting sheep was bullshit. She had been without him before but this was different. His condition, their condition, it was different. She bet he was asleep fine, all of them probably were. Sound asleep, not a worry in their mind doubt fleeing from their warrants.

Lauren stepped into the room that would become the nursery for their child. Looking on how she'd change it and add stuff to it. Googling decorating for baby rooms, getting ideas. Her mind quickly jumped to the wedding, how she still had much to do. She searched venues and caterers and dress stores until she had them all listed and highlighted. Numbers for each place written down. She knew the one thing she could actually do now, was choose their first song.

After doing so, she thought about calling Brea but forgot the time. She forgot she had Juniper as well. Anytime sleeping she needed and if her call woke her up, wouldn't be so good. She sighed and dropped back in bed to wait for morning.

At Breas place, Brea was in and out of sleep all night. Juniper sleeping in two to three hour intervals. Brea had no trouble getting herself back in bed when it was silent. It was harder without Chibs to help her. He'd wake up for her sometimes, more often than not. He wanted to be there for this child, from start to end. Spending that time alone with her is what he loved. He was used to long nights awake either way, with the club and all. He also liked letting Brea sleep, knowing she'd be up all day with Juniper, alone.

Brea had just put Juniper back down when a knock on her door woke them both. Brea cursed to herself, grabbing Juniper and walking to the door. She looked out the peephole and saw Roosevelt. She sighed before opening the door.

"Sorry to wake you, and your daughter but we were wondering if you have any idea where we could find Filip Telford, Tig Trager or Jax Teller" Roosevelt said, shining a flashlight.

"No, I can't. Now, I need to put my daughter back to bed" Brea said, fed up and exhausted.

"You sure?"

"I'm not fucking around with my daughter here. I don't know. Lauren and I know they're in trouble, but no one told us where they were going. They're smarter than you think, Eli. Goodnight"


As the guys walked into Diosa, an escort service, Chibs was thrown off. Jax brought them to a brothel. When he was a single man, this would be a dream but now he had a girlfriend and child. Tig was the same, he was too broken to even think about cheating. Lauren didn't cross his mind except for wishing she was there to hold him. But she wasn't, he had to make due with Gemma.

"When am I gonna see my lass again?" Chibs asked Jax.

"Call her tomorrow, I'm callin Tara, call Lauren for Tig. Surprise him"

"Is she bringin' Juniper here?" Chibs asked in disbelief.

"Nothin happens out here, brother. This is all business. Nothing dirty to corrupt her yet. I think you should be more worried about Brea comin here"

"She won't like it but this is it. She'll understand"

Tig laid in Gemma's lap, she stroked his hair.

"Lauren's pregnant, Gem and I-I snapped on her. I cannot believe myself" Tig rambled, running a hand over his face.

"She ain't mad, baby. You had a reason for the way you acted" Gemma cooed.

"I just feel bad. I can't believe she wants to keep our baby after Dawn"

"It's because she trusts you, trusts you to keep her and that baby safe. She loves you, Trager"

"Still don't believe it. She's giving me more love than I deserve" he shook his head.

"She thinks you deserve it, so do we. You need to see it now, baby"

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