2. Hairy dog

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"Some days you're the beamer, some days your the goddamn deer" a blonde spoke approaching the tow

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"Some days you're the beamer, some days your the goddamn deer" a blonde spoke approaching the tow.

Brea and Lauren watched from the office at the shop. Chibs had instructed them to wait there while the rest figured out what to do with the car and such.

"Some girls creamed the poor thing at the streams" Chibs replied to the blonde, looking over to Lauren.

"Run into it or hit a tree while it was giving her head?" The blonde spoke again.

Brea tensed at his arrogance, her fists clenched and jaw clamped. She had anger issues and was trying to keep them under wraps but couldn't help herself, already fed up with the day as is.

"That's not quite how it happened" she spoke through gritted teeth, not able to stop herself.

Lauren got worried at what was going to come out of her mouth next. She didn't bother stopping or attempting to stop her.

"You the one who hit her?" He asked with a nod of the head towards her.

"No, but I was in the passenger seat, dead deer all over me" she stood her ground "that doesn't matter though"

"Look pretty good for a yuppie with deer guts all over ya, I'm Jax" he said walking towards her, hand out to shake.

"Brea" she replied tersely, shaking his hand.

"How the hell you want me to get it out of here" a guy asked Jax as he turned back to the situation at hand.

Jax smiled and turned to the truck, pulling out a chainsaw. Lauren and Brea watched as the scene unfolded a few feet in front of them. Jax handed the chainsaw to the reluctant boy with Prospect written on his leather kutte.

"Oh, Jesus man" he whined.

"Just, pretend it's carve your own steak night at Sizzler" Jax replied with a smirk and a small chuckle.

"I dont eat meat, man" he shot back.

"Figure it out, grunt" he raised his brows, sticking a blunt in between his lips.

"You girls stay here, I'll have someone over soon to take care of ya. For now just hang tight, sorry we aren't better company" Chibs spoke to us.

"Club business" Jax shrugged towards us as if we knew what that meant as they walked away.

Brea turned to Lauren, confusion on her face. Her mind racing trying to put together pieces in her head to some grand puzzle.

"He said club, there's a line of motorcycles out here. Is this a motorcycle gang? Automotive shop is their front for their dirty business?" She asked Lauren, spilling with worry

"Yeah, Sons of Anarchy, been around for a long time. Everyone here knows them" Lauren shrugged at her.

"Oh, yeah, because that's normal. We need to leave, Lauren. We're gonna die, we've too many ties to them already. Gangs are bad" she rambled on.

Lauren couldn't stop her now. Maybe this was a bad idea, bringing Brea down when she didn't even want to come. Lauren knew that gangs had freaked her out since they were teenagers. Nothing good came from them, jail, drugs, guns and death.

"Where do we go? What do we do? What if we get ambushed because we're on their territory and rivals attack? Lauren why would you let us come here!" Brea yelled with a jump for exaggeration.

"Because we're fine, it's fine. Let's just, find a bar or something to go to. Have a drink and come back, we'll leave a note"

"It's 3 PM, Lo"

"You need a drink"
Lauren and Brea left a note, letting the people know they'd be back and left their phone numbers. Of course they let some other workers there already know they're going. Leaving out into the town, they walked down the sidewalk. Passing place after place until they landed at the Hairy Dog.

Brea and Lo took seats at the bar, far from the others. All the others in the bar were old white men. A few younger ones stood around the pool table, littered with tattoos and had shaved heads. Thank God Brea didn't pick up on that one, the Nords. It was pretty obvious due to the large tattoo on the mans arm that said that, but Brea was just focused on not being at TM anymore and happy about it.

A few hours went by and they just stayed, laid off the alcohol and were drinking sodas and talking. There was nothing better to do and it was at close to Vegas Brea was getting.

When the door was slammed open, three men came in wearing the kuttes that Chibs and Jax had. Just then they realized it was Chibs and Jax plus another. Jax was filled with rage and hit one man with a pool queue, another guy held a gun to the other men at the table. Jax continued to beat the guy while the bartender and other lonely man at the bar laid back and let it happen.

"Sell crank to my pregnant ex-wife?" Jax spoke and jammed the queue to the mans groin.

"Brea? Lauren?,"Chibs asked as he walked it "get out of 'ere, wait outside for us"

Brea looked to Lauren and she nodded to her. Lauren knew it was gang business and the gang they were sided with were the sons. Stepping out the dark bar and into the sun was a harsh adjustment. Standing outside in silence, waiting once again.

"I hate Charming" Brea scoffed.

"It's been seven hours, you caught it on a bad day. It gets better" Lauren reasoned.

The three walked back out and met up with the girls.

"Funny seeing you two" Jax joked.

"What the fuck was that?" Brea yelled at Jax, then she looked around to Chibs "and who are you to tell us to leave? We were just havin a drink, trying to forget the deer slaughter, and gang business were tied with now" she whispered the last part.

"This isn't a gang, we're a club" Jax corrected her "you've got no ties, yet" he whispered in her ear.


"Yeah, club party tonight, thought we'd invite you. Maybe a little, welcome party" Jax spoke aloud "you can ride with me, darlin', you're friend there can ride with Chibs. We've got a little meeting to handle but then it's all fun from there" he winked.

"Well?" Lauren asked Brea, she was already up for it.

Brea crossed her arms and looked around her. To Jax, shit eating smirk on his face. Then to Chibs, he was hard to read. The third guy in leather, he was already on his bike. Then to Lauren, begging her to go.

"Fine, party it is" she agreed and Lauren ran to her, wrapping her in a huge hug

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