114. Lockdown II

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Tig sat outside TM, there was nowhere for him to be. Lauren was at home, Brea and Jax at the hospital. Chibs walked outside and sat next to Tig, lighting a joint. He took a long hit to try and forget his major fuck up.

"I'm fucked, brother" he sighed, head back and looking towards the overhang.

"Yeah, you dug yourself a good one" Tig agreed with him, pushing his hair from his face.

"I just, it's hard to find the balance between family and club. You don't get it until you're in a moment where you have to choose. This club has been my life, but Juni and Brea are my heart" he sighed.

"There may not be a balance," Tig shrugged "Gemma raised Jax into the club, that was her way of balancing. She made her family the club"

"I'm not raising Juniper in this, I don't wish this life on her, nor does Brea" he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"If I've a boy, I want him to be a son, completely one hundred percent. Want him to come in the club like Jax. Lauren and I would watch him grow in this, starting a new generation of Tragers to take on the place of a son" Tig rambled, thinking about his future, almost forgetting his fight with Clay.

"Wish my future was as clear cut in my mind as yours is"

"Don't stress about it" Tig took the joint from Chibs.

"How can I not when my girlfriend hates me? I'm never gonna propose, or marry her. I just, I don't know Tig, I really don't"


After the clubs day with their meets for guns and etc. they called a lockdown. The day ensued with their beef with the Irish. Tig got on his bike to get Lauren and bring her back. Jax had gone back to St. Thomas to get Tara and his boys. Chibs had to face Brea and get her to TM.

Tig walked up to his door and let himself in. Lauren was on the sofa, asleep. He gently closed the door and tapped her on the shoulder. Crouching in front of her, he pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her nose.

"Love, we gotta go" he mumbled.

"What? Why?" She asked as she woke up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"We're on lock down. I'll pack us some clothes, you just wake up" he told her and started packing.

Chibs had gone to St. Thomas in hopes of finding her there. He ran into Tara first, she was holding Juniper.

"She alrigh?" He panted, out of breath from running around the hospital to find Brea.

"Yeah, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary" she nodded.

"Where's Brea?"

"In my office. I'm going back there now, you can just follow me" Tara offered.

He followed Tara to her office. Brea was on the sofa waiting for Tara to come back. Now she was back, but with Chibs.

"Jax stop by yet?" Chibs asked Tara.

"He did earlier but then he left. Why?" Tara asked with her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Clubs on lockdown, gotta get everyone there ASAP. Tha's why I'm here now, for Brea" he explained.

"Do you want me to stop at home and get clothes?" Brea asked him.

"Nah, I want you and Juni at the clubhouse, safe"

"Surprising," she rolled her eyes, hinting sarcasm at earlier "how is she?" She turned to Tara.

"She's all good to go. I'll get her in her car seat and you can go" Tara smiled and put Juniper in her car seat like she said.

"Tara, we gotta go" Jax panted, appearing in the doorway with Abel and Thomas.

"I've heard" she replied, raising her brows.

Brea took Juniper and shoved her way past Chibs to leave. Jax saw and glared at Chibs, almost scared for him. Jax knew Chibs was swimming up shit creek with his mouth wide open.

"That ain't good man" he commented on his thoughts.

"Piss off" Chibs scoffed and left behind her.


"What's it this time?" Lauren sighed to Tig as they sat with each other, Chibs and Brea.

"Some shit with the Irish went south," Tig shook his head "they kidnapped Wendy from the hospital"

"Stuffing everyone who's unhappy with everyone in one room, this'll be great" Lauren rolled her eyes at the slim chance a lockdown would happen the same day a fight went down.

"Love, it's-" Chibs tried to relax her.

"Don't say shit to me, not after today" Lauren stood up while she defended Brea and Juniper.

"That isn't about you" Chibs shook his head at her, trying to keep this conversation between him and Brea.

"That's my niece, I'll be dammed it it isn't about me" she shouted and walked away.

"I'll talk to her" Tig mumbled and left Brea and Chibs.

Brea sat across from him, her arms crossed, staring straight at him. He stared back, nothing to say at the moment.

Lauren went to the room Tig and her used to live in. She had thought about her life before this. She didn't know if it was better or not, now or before. Brea had a point about the harm it's done but Lauren couldn't see past all the love. She was like Gemma, she's loves this club, her husband and his brothers so the hurt didn't matter. It was a part of the package and Lauren was alright with that while it didn't sit so well with Brea.

Chibs has conjured up something to possibly say. It wouldn't hurt to try. If she listened, she listened, if not, at least he tried.

"I wasn't thinkin' straight," he shook his head "I fucked up, Brea, I know that. I can't let this ruin us, you can't let this ruin us. Don't let it ruin us" he begged.

"Then tell me here and now" Brea said, looking at him with her brows raised.

"Tell you what?" He asked, desperate for the answer.

"That family is number one from here on out. If you mess up again Chibs, I don't know if I can stay" she spoke, ignoring the tears prickling her eyes at the thought of leaving him behind.

"I promise you mo ghra, from here on out, family is number one"

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