49. Broken and weak

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"What?" Lauren asked in shock.

"I figured I'd kill an old lady to even the score," he pointed the gun at Tara "I've a nice array to choose from. If I really wanted to get back, I'd take the Irish one's"

Half-Sack tried to lunge for his gun but Cameron was quicker.

"Don't get brave, boy-o," he shouted and Abel started to fuss "Sit!" He shouted.

Half-Sack looked around at Abel and the girls, deciding what to do. At this point, sitting was the best way to keep everyone safe as best he could. He sat down with his hands in the air.

Cameron walked towards Abel and looked at him. He had the gun up towards the four at the table still. All watching his moves carefully.

"A son for a son, seems about right" Cameron spoke as he pulled a knife on Abel.

Half-Sack ran to stop him, Cameron pulled the knife of Half-Sack causing him to run into it. Tara had gotten up as well, cried out loud as she saw what Cameron had done. Brea and Lauren didn't dare move.

Cameron dragged the knife up, making sure to make the cut bigger. Half-Sack gasping for air as he did so. Brea closed her eyes to try and not be in her body at this moment in time. Lauren was filled with an anger but didn't dare act on it.

Cameron cried as he dropped the knife and picked up Abel. He was hurting in his own way. Half-Sack laid on the ground, Tara was by his side. Cameron made sure to tie up any loose ends before leaving. He tied Tara up to the chair in the nursery, Lauren in the living room and had Brea stay in the kitchen. He purposely let her face the prospects dead body, seeing she had taken it the hardest as he killed him. Taping each of their mouths shut to prevent any yelling.

It was about forty five minutes until help came. Chibs had rushed into the house first, seeing the prospect dead and Brea tied up.

"My baby. Tara!" Jax shouted as he was second in the house.

"Oh, shit" Chibs mumbled, dropping to the prospects body and taking his pulse seeing he was dead.

He then went to Brea, cutting her from the restraints.

"He took Abel, Cameron did. Killed the prospect and then tied me, Lauren and Brea up" Brea spoke as soon as she could.

Chibs ran his hands through his hair out of stress. He was relieved Brea was alright but Abel, he took that personally. Opie had untied Lauren and she made sure to check on Brea. Chibs held her while he could while she cried in his arms.

"Let's go" Jax said as he ran into the kitchen.

"I've got to go, love. Just, stay here with Lauren and Tara. It'll be alright, you're alright" he kissed her forehead firmly.

Patting Lauren on the shoulder and thanking her for him. Tara had called the cops before joining the girls in the kitchen.

"The cops will be here soon" she told them.

"I-I'm not talking to cops" Brea spoke frantically shaking her head "I need to go to the clubhouse, smoke a cigarette or something"

"I'll give you my keys, I'll stay back with Tara. Be safe and go only to the clubhouse" Lauren said.

"Yeah" Brea nodded as she took Lauren's keys, lighting a cigarette on her way to the car.
That night, Hale came to talk to Tara and Lauren. Tara was inconsolable and Lauren had preferred to not say anything at the moment. She didn't know what she was and wasn't allowed to say. She caught on to the club and their illegal business quick and cops weren't good.

That night, Lauren sat in the living room at Tara's house deciding to stay there until Jax arrived. Her phone rang, looking down and seeing Tig's contact.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Listen, I won't be home tonight or for a few nights in fact. I've to do something, for Gemma. I'm sorry, doll" he said.

"No, I get it" she mumbled, biting the inside of her cheek "I love you, Tig. Stay safe, keep Gemma safe"

"I know, babe. I love you, I'll be sure to check in"
Chibs came back to Tara's with Jax, to make sure he wasn't riding alone and to get Brea but she wasn't there. He drove Lauren back instead to the clubhouse so she could sleep at home and so he could see Brea. He ran inside to his room and saw her on the bed. She sat hunched over with her hands in her hair, sitting next to her he held her.

"Cameron left with Abel, he's gone" he whispered.

"I should've done something" she shook with sobs.

"No, you did everything right. If Kip didn't die, he still would've taken Abel. Nothing could've stopped him. Gemma had to leave, fleeing from cops"

"Oh god," she sobbed more and more "If only I tried to make Gemma stay back or something, I could've done something Filip!"

"No love, no" he consoled her, his eyes fought back his own tears seeing Brea so torn up and he couldn't say anything to fix it.

That night he held her in his arms as she cried herself into her own sleep.

Lauren sat up in her own bed, staring at the wall ahead of her. Her mind was catching up with the events from today. She had been stronger than she used to be, especially stepping up for Brea. She stood up and ran a hand through her hair as she paced the room alone. Abel was gone, Gemma fleeing from cops, Half-Sack dead and Tig headed out the state. The group was broken worse than before, scattered and weak. Lockdown was called off, SAMCRO was on its own once again, as well as Lauren.

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