94. May God bless you

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Everyone arrived back safely, gathering in the lounge at Diosa. Chibs sat with Brea and Juniper, Tig with Lauren. Jax and Tara were doing a little marriage ceremony. It was last minute but Jax wanted it.

"We're here to join in legal matrimony of Jackson Nathaniel Teller and Tara Grace Knowles. You're both here on free will with intent of marriage?" The judge spoke, Jax and Tara replied with a 'yes' "Do you Tara take Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Tara smiled.

"And do you Jackson take Tara to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Yes, I do" Jax replied with nothing but love for Tara in his eyes.

"You have rings?"

Jax replied no but Tara replied yes. She set down two rings on the counter in front of them and Jax looked as well. He didn't know of it and was surprised.

"You can put them on, if you want" the judge said, clearly not wanting to be here.

Jax slid the ring on Tara's finger and Tara to Jax after taking off his precious 'SO' and 'NS' rings.

"Anybody wanna say anything?"

"Aye," Chibs stood with Juniper still in his arms , walking up to where the judge stood and pushed him out of his way. He held Juniper in one arm, winking out to Brea before starting his prayer "May the Lord hold you in His hand, and may He never close His fist too tight. Beannachd Dia dhuit (may god bless you), I love you both" Chibs finished as he walked back to Brea.

"Lovely. Now, by the power invested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. I need witnesses to sign the license"

Everyone have a round of applause with their separate cheers. Even Juniper squealed her own. Everyone stood to hug Jax and Tara. Giving them their thanks and well wishes.


The time had come for the boys to go to jail. It was inevitable, but them getting out soon and alive was what they needed before the inevitable. That's what they had spent all day doing. Everyone was at the clubhouse, Juniper was down for a nap.

Sirens wailing, Chibs stood from the bar and said goodbye to his baby girl. He kissed her forehead before leaving back to the main room of the clubhouse with Brea. She lit a cigarette, she was now alone and could smoke so she took the opportunity.

The truck rolled into the parking lot to transfer them to prison. It felt surreal. This was Lauren's second time doing this. She held Tigs face between her hands.

"It'll be alright, baby. Just, stay safe on the inside and come home to us, as always. I know you know but I've gotta say it in case you don't. I'll follow up on Fawn, make sure she's alright. We'll be alright out here" Lauren told him, kissing him.

"I trust you, doll. I love you, so much" Tig said back to her with a nod.

"I love you too" she whispered to him, kissing him one last time.

Chibs and Brea did the same. This would be Brea's first time dealing with Chibs incarcerated, and with a four month old. It freaked her out but she knew she could handle it with help, and that was never hard to find.

"I'll be alright, I'll stay out of trouble with Juniper and you in my mind. Can't ever lose hope with two lovely women like that in you're life. I love you, mo ghra" Chibs said, his forehead pressed to hers.

"I love you too, Filip. Too much" she closed her eyes as the club life was setting back in with her moral compass.

A pounding on the door drew the moment to an end. Final rushed goodbyes happened now. They stripped their kuttes, giving them to their old ladies or Gemma.

"San Joaquin Sheriff. Open up!" Roosevelt spoke from the door.

Chibs took Breas cigarette and used it himself, like old times. They exited out the building as Opie sped into the driveway, parking his bike. The boys coupled up, as officers came to cuff them. Chibs gave two middle fingers to the cops, Brea removing her cigarette from his mouth.

Opie punched Roosevelt before anyone could process it. Then fighting off another cop, the sons moved closer but guns were drawn to them. Behind the boys is where Tara, Gemma, Lauren and Brea stood. Any bullet that missed would hit them but it was a risk they took.

"Don't move!" The officers shouted.

Opie was added to the line up. He put himself inside and he knew it.

"What the hell is he doing?" Tara asked, oblivious.

"Stayin' close" Gemma replied with a smirk.

Watching them pack into the truck was heart breaking. The sunset and them were overcome with darkness. Juice looked at Brea and saw her sadness.

"It'll be alright, they got the protection they need. You ever need help with Juniper, I'm here" Juice told her with a goofy smile.

"I know, Juice. Thank you" Brea nodded

"I owe Chibs a lot, you too. This works out well for me, I enjoy bein with you guys. You, Chibs, Juniper. Like I've the sons as family, but this is the family away from the sons I want and I got it"

"You fake it till you make it, Juicy. Were here for you, always. Don't forget that now"

Lauren had Gemma come to her side. The worry from Lauren wasn't their safety, but his mental state. He was emotionally fragile and unstable and that didn't work well in jail. The guys will feed off of it, hunt it like a predator to prey. Tig was the prey.

Her heart raced and she bit the inside of her cheek. Her mind was filling with the worst case scenarios and it didn't ease her anxiety. But Gemma, she was just the cure.

"He'll be okay, baby. They all will"

"How do we know?" Lauren asked with doubt.

"Because they're the Sons"

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