29. Welcome home Bobby

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The year went by faster than expected, over before they knew it. Tig had officially made Lauren her old lady. They had talked about her getting his crow but she wanted to wait, he respected it. It was a thing they both had to be willing to do.

"Get my crow, baby. It's been a year" Tig begged.

"Oh, please," she rolled her eyes with a scoff "barely a year! That's a lot of commitment, that crow. Talk to me again when I'm drunk"

"Nah, I'll wait for you to be sober. I want you to mean it. I'll wait as long as I have to, to see that crow on you" he spoke kissing her roughly, leading them into sex.

Chibs helped Brea with her restraining order from Kasper. Went to every court meeting, paid for her to have the best lawyer she could. He made sure to do anything he could to keep that asshole from her without killing him first. That was a last resort, for her feelings, not because he didn't want him dead.

The day of the meeting, Chibs stood outside the court house with Brea. She held his hands as they stood across from each other. Her eyes were closed, trying to center herself and calm down.

"Chibs" she whispered.

"Yes, love?" He asked also in a whisper.

"Will you pray for me?" She asked as a tear fell from her cheek.

Chibs eyes were open and he saw the tear, wiping it away with his finger.

"Of course i will" he said, honored that she'd even ask him to.

The judge approved it that day, Chibs and her drove to his house to serve him the order. Give him the bad news on his newfound legal separation from Brea.

Brea made sure Sam found a nice home with Gemma and Clay. She knew she could take better care of him at an actual house with a yard. Not a dingy clubhouse and bar, he deserved better than that. She also got the car she wanted, not a fancy car of her dreams, but it got her to and from.
As today was the day Bobby would be coming home, there was a party. At night the place flocked with the usual crowd of bikers and crows. It took some time to get used to but it becomes normal. Almost every week is a party so you fall in line. Stocking for the party, being a part of the party and then cleaning up the party. A never ending cycle that the women were bound to.

The worst part for Brea was seeing Chibs in the morning with a crow with him. It didn't matter where, or how much or little they were wearing. Just knowing that he did that after caring so deeply for her, hurt. Granted she never had the right to call him hers and still doesn't. He said he didn't want to rush, it had now been a year, what was he waiting for ? For Lauren, her waking up and seeing Brea drinking the day after the party or burning through a pack a day was a sign of the day after a party. It put her through a frenzy of sadness and feeling as if she meant nothing to him.

But now was the party, everything flew smoothly. The SAMCRO boys, Lauren, Brea and Gemma all sat together awaiting Bobby's arrival. Tig and Lauren were doing their usual, drunken talks about how much they care for each other, how much they love each other. Gemma and Clay, their relationship was older, not needing that constant reassurance. They loved from a distance and it worked for them. Chibs kept Brea close, didn't want her to stray and do something she'd regret. He didn't want her to be the one waking up to someone she doesn't know. He wasn't blind to her hurt and her feelings but couldn't pull her in for some reason.

As a black car arrived, everyone eyes turned to it. At first thinking it was Bobby but when three white men got out of it, the crowd was not thrilled. Tig kissed Lauren.

"I'll be back" he said to her and she nodded in agreement.

Chibs kissed Brea's head before mumbling for her to stay put. Clay knew Gemma knew the drill. This was SAMCRO business and their job to figure this out. They walked out to meet the men, the party overall came to a halt. Everyone watched them talk, waiting for them to fight or them leaving, Lauren hoped for the latter. Her heart raced seeing Tig so close to the man, the talk looked hostile and tense. Both the girls were worried as was the rest of the party.

When they got in their car, Tig and Happy followed the car as it backed off the lot. Chibs stayed close with Clay before straying away. Gemma took that as her turn to talk to Clay herself and find out what that was all about.

Tig went back to Lauren and kissed her cheek, ruffling her hair.

"Do I ask?" She asked, still looking forward.

"Nah, ain't nothin' to worry about" he shook his head.

The next black car that pulled into the lot was Bobbys ride home from ATF. Stahl stepping out the car to survey the grounds of the party. Bobby joined a huge group hug between the boys and himself. All excited to be back with their brother who was gone for so long.

"Glad to see the girls are still here!" He said with a smile when he turned to Lauren and Brea.

"Of course" Lauren slurred "welcome back, Bobby"

Bobby pulled them both in for a hug.

"Finally an old lady? Either of you?" He asked.

Brea pointed to Lauren who was smiling wildly. She was still proud to call herself an old lady to Tig.

"Chibs is still out of his mind then!" He exclaimed with a laugh "congrats to you though, Lauren"

Lauren couldn't help but feel guilty and she wasn't going to go unheard.

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