11. And a lighter

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"Brea, answer this door please, right now" Lauren pounded on her door

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"Brea, answer this door please, right now" Lauren pounded on her door.

Brea walked home after the incident, turning down rides from a few of the guys. That was two days ago, she didn't go to TM the next day. Told Lauren and Gemma she was sick when she really just wasn't ready to go back. She reassured Lauren to resume as normal, and she did.

She went to work yesterday and stayed with the boys after Brea left due to her meltdown. Bonding with them all, Tig especially. Still not boyfriend-girlfriend, just closer friends than the others. Lauren told the guys how Brea was, when Jax and Chibs asked why she didn't show.

"Half-Sack has boxing practice today, fighting, you like that ! I think Chibs is coaching him too" Lauren tried to get Brea out her room.

"I'm coming, just let me get dressed" Brea groaned from the other side of the door.

Lauren smoothed out her yellow skirt and fixed her floral shirt. Making sure she looked neat, it was her first time 'dressing up' for work. She hoped it didn't look too fancy.

Brea opened the door, she wore ripped jeans and a white tee, cigarette hanging from her mouth. She looked tired, as if she hadn't slept and sad.

"It's no smoking in the rooms" Lauren mumbled to herself but Brea heard.

"It's fine" Brea sighed.

"Are you okay?" Lauren questioned.

"I'm workin on it, I just, I'm not adjusting like you are. No one likes me, I don't like gangs and small towns" She shrugged as they walked down the steps of the motel, waving at the desk guy as they left.

"I like you. Chibs does, so does Jax. They both convinced you to stay, no one else made that effort" Lauren rationalized.

"What'd you do yesterday at TM?"

"Not much, paperwork as usual. I had to do it alone, with some help from Tig, with Gemma in jail and you at home" she exaggerated the absence of her helpers "what'd you do?"

"I got that pack of cigarettes" she answered simply, flashing the pack "and a lighter, because I'm not completely careless"

"If you cared, you stop smoking all together" Lauren said trying to take the pack from her hands.

"You gonna pull this shit with Tig too?"

"I'll try my best, to save him from a long and slow death of lung cancer" she spoke, exaggerating once again.

"Wanna start a no smoking campaign around the whole club?" Brea laughed.

"Maybe I will, now that you say that" Lauren said putting her hands on her hips, putting her nose to the sky.
As they walked to the clubhouse, Half-Sack was in the rink, fighting Lowell. Tig and Bobby watched from afar, on picnic tables and Chibs was up front.

"Half-Sack, get in there, kid!" He cheered on the prospect.

"Welcome back, Brea" Tig smiled seeing as we approached.

"Feelin better?" Bobby asked as she walked closer.

"Yeah, fine"

"She got her cigs, now it's all okay" Lauren whispered as she sat on the bench in front of Tig, he was on the table behind her, putting Lauren between his legs.

She rested an arm on his one thigh and then placed her head on that arm, watching the boys fight. Brea was still standing, in between the couple and Chibs. He continued cheering on Half-Sack in the rink. Brea watched, lighting up her second cigarette of the morning.

Tig looked down at Lauren as she was calm and resting on him. She felt safe with him, at least that's what he thought. Not many women were comfortable like this around him, only around for sex and the drunken pass out afterwards. But Lauren was calm and comfortable with him. He passed his joint to Bobby and then used his now free hand to stroke Lauren's hair.  She closed her eyes, to really take all of this in. Being home and feeling safe, that was a new one.

"Anyone can beat up a junkie prospect, doesn't mean shite" Chibs shouted before turning around.

Brea and him were now facing each other, she gave him a half smile. Wasn't feeling her best at the moment but seeing Chibs made her feel better.

"Aye, lass. You're back, how're ya?" He asked "see you got your own pack finally"

"I'm good, just tired. Glad to see you" she stopped and caught herself, faking a cough to correct what she said to avoid embarrassment "To see you guys"

"Glad to see you too, you see Half takin a try at boxing!"

"Yeah, you his coach?" She questioned, raising one brow as Chibs plucked the cigarette from her mouth and taking a drag for himself.

"Far from it" Brea took this as a turn to take his beer from him and take a swig of it "I just yell at 'im, it works" he shrugged.

"I used to box, a long time ago"

"If that's your half ass attempt at trying to get with Half, he's got a gal already" he said, holding the cigarette in his moth and pointing to half sack and some girl.

"It's not" she punched him lightly "He's just, not my type"

"That punch was bad, must've really been a while since you've boxed" Chibs joked as he walked towards the table.

"Let me punch you for real then, asshole" she chased him and he sped up to the table with the others.

"Things all better with the little missus now?" Tig asked as Clay approached them.

"My balls are still attached" he replied and walked further, taking in the fight happening as Lowell took an extremely bad hit "shit, Lowell. Get out of there. Whose idea was this?"

"Tig's" Bobby said.

"Bobby's" Tig also said.

"I don't mind it Clay, just helpin Half-Sack train" Lowell spoke as he stood up.

"Yeah, well, you killed enough brain cells. Back to work" Clay shouted to him, he proceeded then to get a beer out the cooler and walk to the table "how's he doin?"

"The latest round of rehab seems to be sticking. Hasn't missed any work" Tig answered.

Lauren tensed and he sensed that.

"If i could get A.A to lock up a vig, Lowell could make us all rich"

"He's always been a freak, d-" Bobby spoke.

"Thats a little harsh, yeah? A freak? Because he had a serious problem with drugs. It wasn't his fault, he made one mistake and it takes over, you know. It's physical and psychological. You can't just stop" Lauren ranted on and on.

"Lo, it's okay" Brea tried to calm her.

"No, no it's not. It's not fair" she said and left into the clubhouse.

The boys all confused with her explosion and only Brea knew what it was really about. Tig looked at her for answers and she just shook her head. This wasn't the place nor time.

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