22. Foolish

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In the car Brea only felt that she deserved this, she wanted this. An excuse away from Kasper for a night, a full night of sleep without being beat or yelled at. She would've never attacked an officer but what she said was out of line, sensitive. She knew what she was doing, trying to break her. Stahl looked at the weak human in her car with a smirk.

"What the hell happened?" Jax asked as if anyone had answers.

Chibs had gotten on his bike and left to meet them at the station. Jax didn't oppose it, let Chibs go to keep an eye on her while they figured out if they had money for bail for her and is Kasper was a bigger deal now. Jax and Opie made their way to the clubhouse.

"Brea was arrested, we gotta pull from the savings" Jax stated.

"Why? What'd she do?" Lauren asked.

"Shit, I can't have a mini Gemma" Clay sighed, running a hand down his face.

"What we can't have is Kasper, we all know that but are too worried about hurting her feelings we let her suffer" Lauren says.

"Stahl is a cold bitch, she plays dirty. She got personal in there with her, she does with everyone. She's trying to break us" Jax said with raised brows.
"Aye, who can I talk to about her bail?" Chibs asked someone at a desk.

"She hasn't been processed yet. We can give you a call when she is and we have it, if she gets it" the woman responded.

"Ah, shite" he cursed to himself, running his hands through his hair "god dammit, Brea"

Jax called him to let him know they were holding church, talk about the A.T.F shakedown and why they're even in town. Chibs left knowing they'd find a way to get Brea out.

Meanwhile, Brea was sitting in a cell alone. Across from her was Cherry and in the last cell was Luann. They were shaking down everyone. She hoped she'd be alone but from the looks of it she was not. Now she just hoped they'd be quiet and let her rest easy.

At the clubhouse, the guys called church to discuss it all. Gemma and Lauren sat outside and waited to hear what they're gonna say, what the plan is.

"It's not like her" Lauren mumbled into her hand, sitting across from Gemma at the bar.

"Haven't known you two long but I know that ain't like her. She was tough but smart, smart enough to know not to punch a cop" Gemma shook her head.

"Will she go to jail?"

"Maybe. Hopefully she'll get bail posted so we can get her. If not, she'll have to have a trial and it's out of our hands. Don't stress yet" Gemma soothed her.

The boys exited church a few minutes after their conversation ended. Walking out and spreading out across the room, making themselves comfortable.

"There a plan?" Lauren asked.

"We wait for bail to be posted for Brea, Luann has the money for bail and Cherry, we'll figure her out" Jax replied.

"No need to worry, doll" Tig whispered with an arm secured around her.

"I'm not worried" she lied.
Jax and Opie went with Unser to talk to Luann. They needed her to know they were going to Otto, her old man, next. She needed to deliver a message to him from the club. Unser kept watch inside while Opie stayed in the car, doing watch on the outside. Jax went in and did the inside job. Walking into the holding cells where the three girls were.

Cherry was so loud and desperate with her cries, they woke both Brea and Luann. Jax dismissed her and talked to Luann, why he was here. He turned to Brea next, a higher priority than Cherry.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Fine, I need the alone time" she answered with a weak smile.

"We got bail money ready whenever they post it. You'll get out of this"

"Unless she locks me up, Jax, you can't promise anything"

"She won't, unless she thinks you got something on us and something to use against you. That punch to the face was nothing to her, didn't blink an eye. Might try to make you a snitch but I'm pretty sure you're good, darlin'" he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, thanks Jax. I guess only time will tell" she shrugged.

He then turned to Cherry. She begged him to let her out and give her the chance to flee Charming. He caved in and let her go with him. There was no jealousy from either Brea or Luann, knowing if they escaped they had no plans of leaving Charming.

Leaving behind Brea felt wrong to him but he knew he couldn't let her out. He shouldn't have even let Cherry out but he felt bad for her. That was his brothers old lady and he was all for the brotherhood.
In the morning, Brea woke up to frantic officers upset about Cherry missing. Asking Luann and Brea questions that they both denied knowing anything, saying it happened quietly and at night. Then back to bed Brea went.

The second time she woke up was when her cell door was opened and she was told she was free to go. Standing up and stretching, she followed the officer through the station and to the outdoors. Outside was Chibs, leaning against his bike and smoking a cigarette.

"Welcome back, lass" he cheered

"It was less than twenty four hours, air conditioned and I slept peacefully" she scoffed.

"You could sleep peacefully every night if you just say the word" he offered as he handed Brea a helmet.

"You're taking me home?" She asked.

"Heard anythin' from your lover boy?" He stomped out a cigarette with the question.

Glancing down at her phone where no notifications lit up her screen. Sighing with disappointment she shook her head for being so foolish as to think he'd come.


"Then you're with me" he smiled.

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