63. Broke bartender

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Chibs sat alone in the bedroom all night. He packed her stuff to take home when they'd leave. Crying in his room all night, wondering where she went. He knew he told her to leave but hoped she wouldn't really. But he got what he wanted in a way. He knew that tomorrow he'd have to dust it all off and continue on with club business. He knew Gemma would never let him hear the end of it. Driving away such a solid girl. Everyone main focus would have to remain Abel and hope that Brea was alright wherever she was.

Jax worried for his brother and his friend. The two of them took a long road to get where they were and now to see them here was heartbreaking. He knew he wanted to talk to Jimmy about getting divorce papers for Chibs and Fiona. He would be there for his family.

In Charming the next day, Lauren was alone in the clubhouse, looking around and stuff she hadn't before. Eyes scanning the SAMCRO wall of mugshots. She studied each of them, seeing how different a few of the boys looked from then to now. She smiled at Tigs photo, making her heart warm. Her eyes then reached a familiar looking man on the wall, her father. Her eyes went wide reading the board with his name Charles Gardener. She pulled out her phone and searched the name for herself, finding an address. Grabbing her keys and her bag she jogged out to her car.

"Hey, doll, what's the rush?" Tig stopped her.

"Going to see family" she said.

"Who? Didn't know anyone was still around"

"An aunt, she's not far from here, I'll be alright. Love you" she said and kissed him before settling in her car.

Tig tapped a prospect as she was driving away, tasked him with following her. Miles got his bike behind her and followed her as he was told.

Lauren arrived at the house in about half an hour. Stopping and seeing the prospect was parked a few feet away from her, she rolled her eyes. Walking up the porch steps of the house and taking a deep breath. She hoped that one, this was still his house and two, that he'd remember her. Knocking a few times she stepped back and waited for the door to open. When the door open she had no doubt in her mind it was him.

"Dad?" She breathed.

"Lauren, is that you, darling?" He asked, taking off his glasses.

"Yeah, dad" she nodded and hugged him.

"Come on in, come in" he urged her.

She followed him in, nodding to the prospect that she was fine. Following him to the living room where they sat across from each other.

"Dad, I've some questions to ask if that's alright?"

"Yeah, yeah" he nodded.

"You were in the Sons of Anarchy?" She asked.

"H-how do you know that?"

"I, um, I'm dating a member. I saw your mugshot on the wall" she confessed.

"That club is poison, killed your mother and it'll kill you if you don't get away"

"Killed mom? Dad, how?" She asked, leaning forward.

"I was part of the first nine, alongside Clay, Piney and John and a few others. We went to a gun deal that went south, killed Fiona Larkins brother. She had this rage that she took out on your mother, to get even"

"Fiona Larkin? Chibs' wife ?" She asked in shock.

"Yes, is he still around? And Tig, what about him?"

"They both are. I'm with Tig, dad. It's pretty serious, he loves me"

"No he doesn't, the only thing he loves are those crows and what they have to offer. Don't let him hurt you, Lauren. If he loved you, he'd want you to leave Charming. Go back to Vegas," he urged her to go "don't let anyone know you were here either. Now go, darling"

"Dad, I-"

"Please, Lauren"

"Y-yeah," she nodded and stood up "okay"

He walked her out, them hugging again. He closed the door behind her and she walked to the car in a rush. Feeling tears form, thinking of how much he wanted her to leave after not seeing her in years. And her mothers death being caused by Chibs' 'ex' wife. She didn't let any tears fall in front of the prospect and headed back to TM.

In Vegas, Brea stood as confused as Lauren when she first found her. She took a cab into the city where she planned to spend the day and nights to come. Ending up in some bar like the hundreds more on the same road, she sat at the bar. She drank for a while, becoming acquainted with the bartender.

"Why're you alone, sweetheart?" He asked as the bar emptied as lunch time came.

"I'm sad, Julian, is that your name?"

"Why're you sad, Brea? Is that your name?"

"My boyfriend, he had a wife this whole time we've been together. Granted she's in a different country and they aren't really in contact with each other and the man who took her from him banished him from Ireland, it still hurts" she rambled on.

"I'm sure it does"

"What do I do?" She cried, laying down on the bar.

"I'm sure he still loves you, Brea. I bet he didn't mean to hurt you and assumed that you'd never cross paths with that woman. Don't let this stop you, break you down. Go back to him, stronger than before. Forgive but don't forget. Your situation seems a little out of the norm so I can't compare it to my dull life here"

"Dull? You're in Vegas, baby?" She spoke, sitting up.

"I'm a broke bartender"

"Then, do something? The night is still young, it's only four!"

"I'll promise to go out if you promise to go back to where you came from. Go find him and fix everything, yeah?"

"Alright, Julian. That's a deal" she smiled to him, ready to take on his challenge.

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