90. Be here

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-year and a month time lapse bc season change, some flashbacks gonna be thrown in-

About a year passed, Brea had told everyone about her pregnancy. A quick hooray before back to normal. Gemma and Lauren helped her with the nursery, the furniture and painting. In return, Brea would help Lauren with wedding plans (meaning Lauren and Tig are back on).

"Lauren, you home, doll?" Tig asked, the night after church.

Lauren was upstairs and didn't answer on purpose. She was upset and had the right to be so. He stood in the doorway.

"You can be mad but let me fill you in on it all. Jax is president, Chibs is the new Sargent at Arms and I've no title. VP is to be determined, Juice is back, Bobby is M.I.A. That day I snapped, that was the day I pulled a hit and run on black for Clay. I don't know the damage I did but I did it for Clay. And finally, I'm sorry. That shit wasn't real, I can't lose my patch and then my girl. I need you, doll. You're it for me" he pleaded

"Give me some time first, yeah?"

"Yeah. Yeah"

Opie and Jax delivered the news about Piney. He was killed up at his cabin. Gemma had known but kept quiet for a while. She knew everything inside and out, even if you thought it was a secret, she knew.


"Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asked Chibs and Brea.

"Aye" Chibs nodded quickly, squeezing Breas hand.

"It's a girl" the doctor smiled.

"That's damn right it is" Chibs cheered.

Brea's delivery went smoothly. Giving birth to a baby girl as expected, she was healthy. Her name was Juniper Aideen Telford. Brea chose the first name, it was one she liked from her childhood so she let Chibs choose the middle name. He went with an Irish name, of course, it meant 'little fire' and he thought it was fitting. He knew she'd be a force to be reckoned with, like her mother.

Many sleepless nights followed, it was a good thing the club was quiet. Gave time for Chibs to help out, let Brea sleep as well. She sure was the little fire he'd expected her to be.

Lauren and Tig still tried to get pregnant but were coming up empty, time and time again. Lauren went as far to see a doctor about it.

"With your history of past drug use and age, pregnancy is gonna be difficult. Not impossible but it might be a long road that may take a toll. Miscarriages and the chance of the baby being born with a defect is high," the doctor said to Lauren and Tig "I'm sorry, if you do continue to try, I wish you luck"

Lauren couldn't answer, too many thoughts going through her mind. Tig noticed it.

"Thank you, sweetheart" Tig smiled and waved goodbye to the doctor as she left the room.

As soon as the doctor closed the door, Lauren fell apart in Tigs arms. He held her while she sobbed, blaming herself for stuff she can't change anymore. A child may not have been high on his list but after so long of trying, he wanted the kid. He couldn't do anything to fix Lauren's pain but just be there and he was.

Lauren had taken a test about a week ago and found out she was pregnant. She didn't want to tell him yet, she wanted to reveal it in a cute way. Right now the only people who did know were Gemma and Brea. She told them in full disclosure the risks of her being pregnant and they understood. Lauren had to prepare herself personally to lose this baby, but nothing could prepare you for that, ever.

Chibs and Tig had a specific relationship with their old ladies being friends. It made them closer, be there for one another more than normal already. After the power change, it was the same. Tigs loyalty carried over to Jax quick, even without a title. Chibs was now Jaxs' right hand, and he made sure Jax knew it. They both had been close with Brea as well, Jax and Brea were friends, Chibs and Brea were together. It all made sense. The whole Tig, Chibs and Jax dynamic.

Juice and Chibs were also close, Juice and Brea had a bond as well. While the boys were on the run, Juice came over a few times to help Brea out. Just being there, keeping company or Juniper entertained. Brea had felt the family daily but it didn't change the situation.

In present time, the boys had been on a run for a few days and were coming back today. Probably would arrive in the morning since they drive through the night.

Brea woke to the babbling of Juniper in her crib. Four months has her itching to talk and crawl. Brea walked out of her room and pulled her hair up in a bun to go see her. Junipers face lit up with a smile when her mother walked in the door.

"Hi, baby," Brea cooed as she lifted her out of bed "daddy's comin home today, to see his girls" she smiled as big and bright as Juniper, excited to see Filip.

Lauren had the same excitement but in an empty nest. Tonight would be the night she'd tell Tig she was pregnant. She would put the test in a box and have him open it to see it himself. It was simple but the look on his face would be worth it. Either way, simple was what he needed after a long run. Come home to his wife and soon to be born child. After so long of trying and failing, she had it at the tip of her fingers, a baby and she'd do anything to keep it.

When Tig walked in those doors she was all over him and he was all over her. He kicked the door closed behind him.

"How's my baby doin, huh?" Tig asked.

"Just missed you a whole lot" she nodded, her arms around his neck.

"Then lets make up for lost time" Tig rushed into the sex to forget about everything else.

"Sounds like a plan" Lauren smirked not sensing the distraction Tig was creating and only thought it was his normal behavior.

When Chibs got back, it was a different welcoming. Brea was on the floor with Juniper, keeping her entertained. Chibs had almost snuck in without Brea noticing but the smile on Junipers face gave it away. Brea turned and saw her old man back home. He sat on the sofa behind her and kissed her.

"She's rollin over now" Brea told him as she pulled away.

"I'm gone for three days and she's learnin new skills" Chibs huffed, upset he'd miss that.

"Yeah" Brea nodded and looking back at Juniper.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm not upset" Brea said, still looking at Juniper.

"Ye are and I dunno what to tell ya" he shrugged, pushing his hair from his face.

"Don't say anything, just be here"

lauren // tig tragerWhere stories live. Discover now