88. Family

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In the morning, Brea left before Chibs was up. She went to St. Thomas to visit Tara, she owed her that. She had been with Brea through quite a deal of things.

She went to her room, Tara was up and watching tv. Tara invited her in and Brea entered.

"Morning" Brea smiled.

"Up early" Tara smiled back.

"You too, you should be resting" she commented and sat down across from her.

"Hard to sleep with this on your arm" Tara lifted up her cast.

"Sorry, I didn't like, bring you anything. I just, needed to get out my house"

"Why?" Tara asked her.

"You had Thomas, right? How'd Jax take it?" Brea questioned her.

"Jax likes kids, wanted that family feel. I love them with all my heart" she spoke truthfully before asking , "Are you pregnant?"

"Too scared to take the test and get a real answer. Don't know if I even want a kid, if Chibs does, if I want to stay"

"Stay? In Charming?" Her brows scrunched.

"Yeah. Left once already and I came back quick. But thinking about raising a kid in this, Tara. I don't know. Especially if I have a boy, I don't want him living this life" she shook her head, trying to hold back tears.

"I know what you mean. Just, talk to him. He's not ranked so him leaving wouldn't be as dramatic as Jax leaving. If not, you've got a decision to make" Tara told her the cold truth.

"Yeah, I guess I will"

"If it make you feel better, you could take a test here, professional or store bought, but I'd be here for you. Support from one mother to another"

"Really?" Brea asked as she went for the door handle.

"Yeah. You're family, I love you, Brea"

As Brea left she ran into Gemma. When she saw her face she was shocked.

"I won't ask, you're smart enough to know to stay away with Clay. Stronger than I was" Brea mumbled, looking at her feet.

"He made you who you are today, stronger than you were before. Don't forget that"

"I won't"


Lauren laid in bed, alone. Tig had left a while ago for club stuff. Lauren worried about his standing with the club after last night but knew he could handle himself. The club was in a shit storm right now and it was hitting everyone somehow. Kozik dying, Juice suicide attempt, Tig getting rid of his patch, Gemma beat, Brea possibly pregnant and Tara's hand crippled.

Lauren got in her car and drove to her dads house. It felt like the place for her to be at the moment. Knocking on the door, he invited her inside.

"What is it now, Lauren?" He asked, wondering why she was still around SAMCRO.

"It's all going bad, dad. I see why you wanted me out. It hasn't hit me though and Tig and I are fine" Lauren explained.

"You aren't leaving, are you?"

"I'm not but my friend is. I know it's what she thinks is best—but her family is here. She can't leave," Lauren shook her head "I'm here"

"She sees it how normal people do. You grew up with the sons in your backyard, she didn't. It's normal for her to want to leave, but you, it's natural for you to want to stay. What has the club done to her?"

"In a way, kidnapped and her face slashed. Her old man, Chibs, was blown up. Jax and her are close, his kid was kidnapped"

"And what about you?"

"I was taken too. Not for long but it counts" Lauren dismissed her own self doubt.

"She felt that club hurt her. More than you have. That's why she wants to go. You won't leave until you feel that club rip your soul, hurt you bad. Hit your family, Tig and kids if you have any"

"It won't. He won't let it, I won't let it"

"I said I'd never let anything happen to your mother and look where she is now"

"It's different, Tig is different"

"Yeah, I'm sure he is. He's not me, and he'll keep you safe. The club is gettin to your head already. Leave before it infects you all the way" he shook his head as he stood up.

"It already has" Lauren whispered to herself.


At the hospital, Brea was back with a test. In the bathroom she sat after peeing on the stick, Tara waiting right outside. Brea held her head in her hands.

"I can't be pregnant Tara, I can't be a mother" Brea mumbled, to herself and Tara.

"Don't say that. I worried with Abel first, then Thomas. I'm fine, I did it"

"God they all say that, make it sound all good but I-I can't wrap my head around it. After all I went through, I can't let my kid go through it" she was now crying.

"You can always have an abortion if you really don't want a kid" Tara shrugged.

"I don't want to do that"

"I think it's best you check now. Know for sure because after all this it could be negative"

Brea stood up form the toilet and grabbed the test. She stepped outside with the test just as Chibs walked in the room. He saw it, looking down at her hands. Tara looked back at him as well, she panicked for Brea.

"Wha's tha'?" Chibs asked, pointing at her hands.

Brea shook her head, tears dried on her face at this point. She closed her eyes knowing there was no way out of this. Chibs came over and took it from her hands. He looked down at it and saw the two lines, indicating she was indeed pregnant.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, looking up from the test and at Brea.

"Am I?"

"Aye, we are" he nodded.

"I'm sorry, Filip" she spoke, her lip wavering.

"For what? For what, mo ghra?" He asked, hugging her as she cried into his chest.

"We've barely, if not ever, talked about kids. Now that I have one inside me, it's too late to turn back. If you want it, if you don't is all up in the air" she sighed, eyes watering.

"Then talk to me, I'm here for ya and this wee one you're carryin for us" he kissed her forehead.

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