65. Not my choice

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The boys had church one last time that night, Jax at the hospital with Tara. She got back safe, with Jax by her side. Lauren, Lyla and Gemma sat together, waiting for the boys.

"Getting your crow tonight?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah," she nodded "I'm excited"

"Should be, baby, this is big" she winked.

Brea stomped out her cigarette outside TM. She walked in slowly, dragging her feet to the clubhouse. She was nervous, nervous of everyone's reactions. She worried they'd be mad at her for leaving. Maybe she should just go back now, before anyone can see her. Vegas was safe, at least that's what she thought.

She walked in the door as the boys were just exiting church. She cursed silently, not knowing if she should walk inside more or not. But someone caught her eye before she could. He ran towards her, picking her up in his arms in a rib crushing hug. Brea felt herself cry in his arms, feeling regret for ever leaving him.

"Oh, mo ghra, I've been worried," he mumbled into her neck "I'm so sorry, baby girl. I love you so much, and Jax, he got divorce papers and Abel. I've missed you so much" he kissed her, still not believing her was with her.

"I'm sorry, Filip" she whispered, stroking his face and kissing him softly.

"Do you forgive me, mo ghra?"

"Yes, I do forgive you," she nodded with a smile "I love you, Filip"

Walking further inside, Lauren was laid on a table used as a makeshift bed. Happy had his tattoo gun to her hip, Tig holding her hand with a smile.

"I leave and she's gettin tatted" Brea joked.

"Shut up, this is a lesson, when you leave, I do stupid shit" she laughed.

"Stop laughing" Happy grunted.

Tig held her hand as he watched her get his crow inked onto her permanently. He only filled with sadness when he knew he was going away tomorrow. He'd be in prison for a little over a year and he had no intentions on telling her. He couldn't do that to her, tell her such news. He thought it was best to keep to himself.

Chibs held Brea by his side as she held Abel. She looked down at him, remembering the last time she saw him before everything that happened. Yet Abel hadn't even known what happened, unaffected by it all. Chibs looked at them and smiled, remembering what it was like when Kerrianne was a wee one. Nothing but happiness filled his body seeing his daughter for the first time. He only wondered if Brea would want to feel that happiness and let him experience all over again.

"We're gonna head out, meet Jax and Tara at the house," Gemma said as she approached Brea, having Abel handed to her "don't you ever leave again, have everyone all sad and worried. We love you, babe, don't forget that" she said and kissed her forehead.

"I won't, Gem. I missed you guys too much, this is home now"

Lauren winced as the tattoo neared her hip bone. Clenching onto Tigs hand a little tighter, gritting her teeth. Happy moved steadily, swiftly and didn't stop moving. It made the process happen somewhat quicker than someone who would want to talk more and take breaks. When it was done, Lauren and Tig walked to a mirror to see it together.

"It's gorgeous" Lauren spoke, almost catching her breath.

"Can't wait for that to heal, it'll be beautiful, doll" Tig kissed her head.

"Thank you, for letting me get your crow and for loving me" she smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Of course, doll. Falling in love wasn't really my choice to be fair" he laughed.

"Ah, shut up" she laughed along, punching him in the arm "I love you, Tig"

"I love you too, doll. I'll be in the bedroom, meet me there?"

"Yeah, of course" she nodded with a smile.

She winced as she limped to Brea, hugging her tight.

"This here, this is home Brea. What's here for you, every single one of us here" Lauren told her in the hug "we love you, we all worried about where you were and if you okay. Can't believe you pulled that shit"

"I learn from the best, I'm surrounded by outlaws twenty four seven" she gave a dry laugh.

"Only the best around, love," Chibs pulled her in "let's get to bed, yeah?"

"Yeah, didn't sleep in Vegas" she agreed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

They walked back to their room together. Brea taking off her two day old clothes, just wanting to be in bed already. Chibs' hands on her waist startled her as they wrapped around her torso. He kissed down her neck with gentle kisses.

"Let me love you, baby girl" he whispered into her neck.

She nodded at his request and he wasted no time in putting her on her back in bed. He kissed her with nothing but adoration for her, his hands running all over her. The two have only had sex once before, Tig and Lauren were another story. But this now was even more, this was makeup, reunion sex.

Chibs thrusted into her swiftly and she threw her head back at the motion. She clawed at his back hungrily, searching for her breath. He picked up the pace and Brea struggled more and more to keep quiet. She bit his shoulder to muffle herself and her noises. As Chibs came he mumbled a string sweet nothings and profanities into her ear.

"Filip," she sighed as he laid next to her in bed "I want us to move in together, in our own little house"

"I can make that happen, we can look around the market, find somethin' we love" he smiled at the thought of settling down with her.

"I'd never have pictured myself here, settling down with an outlaw biker" she closed her eyes.

"Well here you are and I couldn't be happier with how it's turned out"

"I love you, so much, Filip"

"I love you so much more, Brea"

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