37. I'll be there

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As she was stumbling through the house Kasper brought her to, none of it felt real. She was barely conscious and held up by Kasper, the woman was gone. Lauren was alone and the only person that could help her was herself.

Kasper took her down a flight of steps and sat her in a chair, tying her up. A gag was put in her mouth, rope around her wrists and bound to the chair arms and her legs tied to each leg of the chair. Her heart was racing and she couldn't breathe right, her mind was wide awake but her body was losing the fight and she let it. She thought death would be better than whatever she'd face in this basement.

When she was up, Kasper was watching her closely. He was sitting in a chair across from her with a gun in his hand. Outside was light, she could tell through one of the small barred windows in the basement.

"What do you want?" Lauren asked with pure hatred.

"I just need to know where Brea is," he said "just tell me and you won't get hurt"

"What are you gonna do to her ? Huh? Hit her some more?" Lauren taunted and a blow was put to her face.

"Shut up! Just tell me where she is!" He shouted "or I can call her"

"She'll never just answer to your number, she hates you, Kasper"

Kasper hit her again, hearing that Brea didn't love him hurt. From anyone's mouth, hearing that she hated him set him off.

"I'll get her number and I'll get her, no matter what" he said and kicked her shin.
"Brea, you can visit him now" Tara whispered, waking Brea up.

"Where's Lauren?" Brea asked.

"Must've left to get some sleep, I'll swing by the clubhouse to see where she is later and let you know" Tara smiled to her.

"Alright, lead me to him, doc"

She followed Tara through the halls and they landed at his room. Brea took a deep breath to prepare her for whatever she was going to see.

"It might look scary in there, but he's okay. The bleeding stopped. He might be asleep but he's okay" Tara smiled.

Brea nodded and opened the door. She walked around the curtain to see him in the bed with a bandage around his head and oxygen tubes in his nose. Her breath staggered and she walked to him and grabbed his hand. She placed a small kiss to his knuckles and dropped to her knees. She got ready to pray again, for him. To pray he get out soon and that he'll be okay once he leaves.

"Brea?" He asked groggily, seeing her at his bedside "you prayin' for me, lass?" He chuckled lightly.

"Oh thank god" Brea breathed and stood up.

She leaned closer to him, she ached to be with him but knew she shouldn't. Her body wanted to kiss him but her mind stopped her. She felt relieved that he was awake, to see him doing good, know how he is.

"Kiss me, darlin'" he said, sensing her intentions.

Brea leaned over and held his face, kissing him softly. She was afraid to hurt him but he didn't care about any pain he was in, when he was kissing her it was all okay. As she pulled away, he smiled at her, glad to see her again.

"You scared the shit out of me, Filip" Brea whispered.

"It scared the shit out of me too," he gave a small laugh again "are you alright, lovey?"

"I'm fine, I'm not the one in the hospital bed" she smiled.

"Ya look tired, have ya eaten? Slept?"

"I've slept"  she nodded.


"In the waiting room" she mumbled feeling the reprimand about to come from Chibs.

"Go to the clubhouse and sleep, I'll be here when you get back"

"I don't have a ride"

"No excuses, take a walk, it'll be good for ya. Take a walk for me, aye? I don't want to see you until you've slept proper and had a hearty meal or two. I'm waitin" he laughed.

"Jesus, Filip. I wait all night to see you and you push me away as soon as I'm here," Brea faked annoyance "don't die on me, Filip"

"I won't now that you told me so"

Brea headed for the door but Chibs gave her hand a small squeeze. She turned to him and he pointed to his lips. She rolled her eyes but didn't complain as she pressed a kiss to his lips and then his forehead.

As Brea left the hospital, her phone rang, a call from Kasper. She stopped in her tracks, not knowing what to do or think. She answered in fear of why he'd be calling in the first place.

"Brea, it's me" Lauren spoke "I'm with Kasper and he's setti-"

From the other end, Lauren tried to help her friend but was stopped with a slap. The past few hours were on and off of her being beaten for not giving up Brea. She hoped he'd get frustrated and stop but he didn't give in.

"Brea, I need you back, baby. I didn't wanna hurt anyone but it was the only way," Kasper almost whined to her "I'm sorry, just meet me at the clubhouse and I'll let Lauren go. It can be just you and me again, baby"

Lauren just wanted for her to say no and get the boys to come and intervene but she knew Brea wouldn't. She feared Brea was falling for his facade of innocence and regret. She also knew Brea wouldn't leave Lauren with him if she could stop it. Brea and Lauren clearly did what was needed to keep the other safe. Lauren of course didn't want to be here any longer but she also didn't want Brea to. He was winning and she was pissed. Brea though picked up her pace as she walked back to TM with long strides.

"I'll be there in twenty" Brea spoke into the phone before hanging up.

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