42. Strangers

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The week progressed and Brea was cleared to go home but stayed at the hospital with Chibs. He recovered fine and today was the day he'd go home. Another reason Brea had stayed with Chibs was to avoid seeing Lauren, avoiding the cult that resided deep within her already. Seeing Lauren would crush her in every shape, way and form. Brea still hadn't seen her own wound for herself, made Tara keep it clean and did it in private so Chibs wouldn't see.

Tig and Lauren had been distant. Tig was out all day and Lauren stayed at TM with Gemma, but even she had her own plans from time to time. At night, Lauren would make sure she was in bed before Tig was, avoiding any chance she could where he would want to get intimate.

Today was the day that Chibs got out, Half Sack came to wheel him out. He got dressed in his black tank and jeans with boots as the prospect came through the halls, throwing his chair at Jax, Bobby and Happy.

"Abracadabra!" He shouted as he brought his wheelchair to a halt with a screech of the tires "I'm free!"

He stood up and ripped the bandage off his stitches. Bobby helped him into his kutte.

"Clearly there's been some brain damage" Bobby joked.

"Pretty sure he was this stupid before he got here" Jax tagged along and hugged him.

Chibs and Jax walked in the lead, his arm wrapped around Chibs as he filled him in on club business. Bobby and Happy were the next duo, ending with Brea and Half-Sack. The walk was brief, when they got to the doors Brea stared to wonder.

"He's not riding, is he?" She asked with concern.

"Of course not, we aren't trying to kill him yet," Jax laughed, he stopped and waited for Brea to catch up to him "how you feelin? Everyone's worried, haven't seen you in a week or so"

"I'm fine, Filip helps, a lot" she nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"He cares for you, dare I say loves you"

"What about Lauren?" Brea asked as they got outside.

"Worried, I bet you are too. She's not mad if that's what you're worried about"

"I'm not scared that she'll hate me, I'm scared I will"

Brea rode with Jax, felt good to be back on a bike. Felt like old times, riding with someone and just letting the wind fly through your hair. Felt better when Lauren was riding next to her on another bike.

"Jax!" Bobbys yell brought Brea out her daydream.

"Shit, I got this, meet me back at the club house" Jax shouted.

"What about Brea?"

"She can come, might need her"

Jax made a sharp u-turn and then another turn around a corner, Brea tightening her grip around Jax. He drove faster to tail the van, following it through Charming to see where they'd end up.

When they arrived at the shop, Jax made sure Brea was with him assuming that Chibs had bad intentions. He hoped that Brea could talk him out of anything stupid he'd consider doing.

Brea walked behind Jax as they entered the store, a shotgun pointed at them as Jax immediately pulled his gun. Brea stood behind Jax, relying on him from protection from the gun and from Chibs.

"Enough," Jimmy spoke "enough"

Jax and Cameron both lowered their guns. Chibs still focused on Brea.

"Get 'er out of here!" He shouted at Jax.

"Don't take our little catch up time, Filip. Let me talk to Jackson" Jimmy warned Chibs "so, how are you, Jackson?"

"Been better, Jimmy. Chibs, come on"

Chibs looked at Jimmy before turning to Jax and Brea.

"What's the rush, lads? Who's the lass with the bandage? Looks like Filip after I got to him" Jimmy taunted.

Chibs ran to attack Jimmy but Brea yelled his name, stitches ripping as she did so. Chibs stopped and walked back to her.

"We go, now" She whispered to Chibs.

"Listen to her, man" Jax backed her up.

"I'll listen to her, because you're not my V.P anymore, nomad"

Chibs grabbed Brea's hand and took her outside with him. Her bandage was spotted with blood.

"You alright, love?" He asked, touching her bandage lightly.

"Fine, we can just call Tara"

"Let me look, why don't ya? I was a medic ya know"

"No, I'll have Tara do it" she said as she got her helmet from Jax's bike and waited for him.
At the clubhouse, everyone greeted Chibs and Brea. No one had seen them in a while and it was like a part of the family was missing.

"Caracara burnin' down, Jax goin' nomad, Kasper kidnappin' my ol' lady, anythin else I need to know?" Chibs said as he met Clay and the boys halfway across the lot.

"We were gonna let you heal" Clay relied.

"Well I'm all better now," he said with a fake smile "more worried about her than me right now" he said looking down at Brea.

"Shit, we heard, how are you?" Tig asked, touching my face to turn the bandaged side to them "you're bleeding"

"Fine" she replied quickly and then turning her head back "yeah, I need Tara to come around and fix me up"

"Why don't you let Chibs do it?" Tig pried.

"Tara can do it," Chibs shut him down "How are ya, Lauren?"

"Better, healing well" she smiled with a nod.

"I've a repo run" Gemma spoke as she joined the group after hugging Chibs.

"Sack, lets go" Opie said as the two left to take care of the repo.

"Chibs, I'll catch you up" Bobby offered, nodding his head towards the clubhouse.

"You alright with this, babe?" Chibs mumbled into Brea's forehead.

"Yeah, I'm okay" Brea nodded.

The boys left while Lauren and Brea stayed behind. There was a silence, hesitation from both ends. Neither knew how to approach this situation or talk to each other. Like they didn't know each like.

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