116. Planned out

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Tig, Jax and Juice all slowly made their way to the clubhouse. Happy and Bobby had been there for a while alongside Brea, Lauren and Juniper. Tig has Lauren on his lap, them playing with the dog together.

"What are we gonna name her?" Lauren asked, looking down at the white pit bull.

"Man, I'm not sure. Our son is gonna be Jameson-"

"Oooh," Lauren chuckled and Tig gave a hurt look her way causing her to raise her hands "okay" she nodded.

"Maybe she can be Baily"

"You choose the dogs name or the sons, not both" Lauren made a statement.

"Jameson then, name the dog" he scoffed, easily handing control of the dog to Lauren.

"Teddy" she shrugged, "because she's a big teddy bear"

"I hate those men that were gonna kill her. They had all these dogs fighting each other. It was disgusting, inhumane. I wanted to save all of them, but I couldn't, I can't" Tigs eyes watered looking at this dog, she was some symbol of hope to him.

Lauren wrapped her arms around him and kissed his forehead as Teddy crawled up to join the two on the small chair.

"She doing alright?" Jax pat Tigs shoulder.

"Perfect" he nodded.

"Glad she ended up with you guys" Jax said as he walked to the chapel.

Juice was working on his computer by the door, happy sitting where Tig and Lauren were. He didn't speak much but enjoyed the company of his brothers and family. Chibs walked to Brea, she was holding Juniper on the sofa.

"I wanna take ya somewhere, love" he said, kneeling down to see her.

"Filip" she sighed.

"Please," he begged, her hand in his "Juice said he can watch Juni until we get back. Just, I need you to do this"

"Alright" she nodded.

Chibs whistled, Lauren throwing him the keys of her car. Brea scrunched her brows up.

"I have a car, Filip" she said filled with confusion.

"I know" he chirped.

Brea walked Juniper over to Juice and he takes her gladly.

"You got this?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I love Juniper. You go, enjoy yourself"

"Do you know where he's taking me?" She whispered so Chibs wouldn't hear.

"Can't tell" he shrugged innocently with a large smile across his face while shaking his head no.

Chibs sits in the drivers seat of Lauren's car, Brea in the passenger side. She hasn't been in this car for years now. She remembers it like it was yesterday. Chibs started driving, driving outside of Charming, through the sunset. He then pulled off to the side of the road. Mile marker 7.4.

"Filip, what the fuck is going on?" Brea asked skeptically.

"Get out" he said.

Brea sighed but complied. She knew he wouldn't tell her why so she just did. He had been planning whatever this was for a while. Juice and Lauren were both in kahoots of this happening. She met him around in front of the car. He walked out a few feet to where he knew he first saw Brea. The first day he knew his life would change somehow. He got down on one knee and Brea started tearing up.

"Filip, stop. You can't be serious" she shook her head in disbelief, looking around as if she was on a prank show. She had waited so long and it felt unreal now that it was happening.

"I remember this was when I first saw you, where I first saw you. Covered in deer guts but still beautiful as hell. How you asked me if you could smoke in the tow. I knew you'd change my life. We've been through it all, taking a slower route than Tig and Lauren but a love just as strong. We've little Juniper now and I can't keep you just as a girlfriend because you're more than that, you're my old lady, one who deserves some kind of ring on her finger. I promise you baby, I'll fix all our problems, I'll make your life everything you want if you can just give me time. I can get us out of this chaos, I can. Just trust me and you got it. Marry me, mo ghra" he spoke, pulling the box that had made an imprint in his kutte from being there so long. He opened it up and Brea lost her breath.

"Filip" she sighed.

"I'm serious, babygirl. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life" he smiled giddily.

She picked up the ring and everything in their relationship flashed. All the good, all the bad but it was all because of their love. Nothing done with ill intents, just too much love and care for one another. She put it on her ring finger and Chibs stood up. Brea jumped into his arms, kissing him, her hands in his hair felt a scab, a big one.

"Chibs" she huffed, this moment almost perfect, just ruined. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes, hands still in twined behind his neck.

"It was from Frankie. I didn't wanna worry ya on top of the fighting" he explained.

"Alright, no more secrets now, yeah?"

"Promise" he smiled and kissed her once again.

"That's why you brought the car" she laughed as he set her down.

"An' this" he ran to the car and pulled out a deer stuffed animal but it was cut in half, kinda like the deer Lauren hit.

"God I hate you" Brea laughed as she hit him.

"God I love you" he held her by her wrists and kissed her passionately.

"Juice has Juniper right?" She raised a brow.

"Aye, why?" He asked confused.

"Let's make this alone time count" she smirked.

"You're gonna kill me, mo ghra"

"All out of love, baby"


Tig and Lauren shared a bed with Teddy between them. Their perfect family. A baby on the way, a dog and a beautiful home. It was all she wanted when she made the travel to Charming. Juice had put Juniper down and he crashed on the sofa in Chibs and Brea's living room. At Jax's place, Tara was being lead out the house in handcuffs. Jax was calling Gemma to help him with the boys because he can't do it alone. His whole club was at peace in their places except for Jax and his wife. It's like the gavel had already ruined him.

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