70. You smell smoke ?

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Like old times it was, boys in the garage and girls in the office. Chucky had been a help recently as well, Gemma was babysitting a lot. It was nice, it was said a lot but it was true. Having everyone around was good for the town and the club.

It was pretty dull for most of the day, only Jax and Opie leaving for club business. Other than that it was everyone on home base in mechanic uniforms, eating Gemma's meatloaf. Unser stopped by briefly but nothing that concerned Brea and Lauren.

It was late afternoon when a fleet of police cars in the drive way pulled Gemma, Brea and Lauren from their work. Walking out to see what was going on. Lauren walked up to Tig's side as Roosevelt met them.

"If you need fleet work, you're gonna have to make an appointment" Clay joked.

"No, we just have a question about your whereabouts last night" the cop asked smugly.

"We were at the reservation all night and you'd know that since you were outside, directin' traffic, right?" Clay responded with a smirk.

Brea was startled as a fire truck horn blared, Clays smirk dropping. The truck pulled into the lot.

"You smell smoke?" Roosevelt asked, pulling off his sunglasses.

He prompted the firefighters inside the clubhouse where the boys and the girls followed closely. Roosevelt looked at the SAMCRO wall of mugshots for a second.

"There's no brothers on your wall, what's up with that?" Roosevelt asked.

"Nothing, there's clearly not a problem with color here" Brea spoke up, being mixed herself.

"Doesn't count when you're just around for sex" he fired back.

"You mo-" Brea started but was cut off by Chibs pulling her back.

"No more cop punching, love" Chibs whispered into her ear.

"You assaulted Stahl, right? I should watch out" he laughed at himself.

"Just do what you gotta do and leave" Clay says.

Roosevelt walked to a wall and placed his hand on it. It was the wall right by the chapel doors.

"You know, this feels warm," the boys tensed with each movement he made "might be electrical. Come here a second" he prompted a firefighter.

He took the axe from the fireman and immediately driving it into the wall. The axe landed in the frame with Lauren's dads face and she balled her fists. He continued on hitting that wall, all the frames falling to the ground. Then shattering the window that separates the chapel from the bar before kicking in the chapel doors. Driving the axe once more through the chapel table.

"Ah, you piece of shit!" Chibs shouted as he grew heated.
Once the cops finished their work tearing apart the clubhouse, they met outside. Roosevelt claimed there were nine code violations, Lauren scoffing at the mention.

"I just wish Chibs let me have a swing at him," Brea mumbled "just one. I'd make bail" she shrugged.

"Don't make this a habit, alright?" Lauren replied, nudging her with her elbow.

"Just wish we had nice cops"

"No cops are nice cops when you're riding with outlaws, Brea" Lauren shook her head.

The cops and firemen left and they were alone on the lot. They boys walked to their bikes.

"Where you off to?" Brea asked curiously.

"Gotta go save precious Jackie boy" Chibs shouted back with a laugh.

Brea headed towards the clubhouse, Lauren tailing her. Brea lit a cigarette as she walked into the mess that they left.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked.

"Cleaning up what I can" she replied, moving her hair from her eyes.

"You don't have to" Lauren whispered.

"Then you don't have to stay here! Just let me do this, I need to, I need to think. I just need to do something" Brea stumbled over her words as she started putting bar stools back at the bar.

Lauren left her to do her business and went back to the office. Gemma turned to her as she approached.

"Hey, baby. How are you?" Gemma cooed.

"Pretty good, not gonna lie. Tig and I are engaged" she smiled.

"Wow, the crow and the ring. Sounds serious, any thought about babies?" She asked.

"I brought it up but he didn't seem so fond of the idea. I'll wait a while before I bring it up again, to be safe" she answered as she sat down on the sofa.

"He has two girls already, doesn't talk to either of them much. One old lady died and the other is M.I.A, he has his right to be hesitant. But if you really want one, I'm sure he'll come around to it"

"What about Brea and Chibs? Think he'll ever propose to Brea? Get her his crow? Have a kid even?"

"Oh, yeah," she nodded "he's just gonna take his time, you know the Fiona situation. He'd love to have a child with Brea, I just know it. They'll make it, we all will" she smiled warmly.

"I love you, Gemma, thank you" Lauren smiled back.

"Love you too, baby"
When the boys came back, there was a welcoming party for them. Gemma hugging Clay, Lyla and Tara rushing to their men's side as they were worried and Lauren at Tigs side. Only person missing was Brea and Chibs took notice. They walked into the clubhouse after the whole thing. Seeing the damage was somewhat better than it was earlier as Brea was cleaning for a while. It was still silent with no words on what to say.

"I have some good news" Tara mustered out, digging her hands in her pockets and she slid on a ring "we're engaged!" She exclaimed.

There was a round of cheers and applauds that Gemma did not join in on. Lauren clenched her fingers together to feel her own ring better. Brea was sitting on the sofa, trying her best to fight off tears at the moment.

"Also," Gemma cut in as she stood up "Tig and Lauren are engaged as well"

"Really?" Bobby asked with his brows raised.

"Yeah" Lauren nodded and put her left hand up with her ring on for display.

"A wedding and two engagements! Sounds like we can get plastered!" Clay shouted "serve em up!" He directed the prospects to get everyone drinks.

Tig snaking his arms around Lauren to kiss her. A smile was glued onto his face looking at her, being with her. It made him unbelievably happy.

Brea slipped out of the clubhouse and lit another cigarette. She sat on the picnic table looking out on the sunset. Everyone had been getting married and crow tattoos and she was just still a girlfriend. She stared at her cigarette and the red embers on the end before pressing it onto her palm. She hissed in pain as it burned her skin but brushed it off. Lauren was right, it really was just like old times.

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