59. Lumpy

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Lauren approached the garage hearing an argument between Tig and Kozik.

"Hey, those aren't your goddamn tools" Tig shouted at Kozik.

"Blow me" Kozik mumbled from behind the bike he was working on.

"What?" Tig asked for clarification.

"I said blow me"

"I need that socket"

Lauren rolled her eyes, walking into the office. There was nothing to say to stop their bickering. They were two grown children, fighting for no reason.

"What's between them?" Tara asked, Chucky looking over her shoulder.

"I don't know, to be completely honest. I was gonna ask him later" she shrugged.

"Hm, that's your problem today. Good luck" Tara smiled at her.

"Thanks," Lauren laughed "I'll need it"
From inside the shop, Gemma and the girls saw all the guys gather up outside from the window. Gemma and Brea went to check it out. Two black cars pulled into the parking lot, one van. When the door opened, Chibs' eyes lit up as he ran to it. He hugged the older woman, kissing her in the cheek and turned to the younger one. He hugged her after a second, then the three of them hugged together. Brea felt her heart drop and her throat tighten.

"Who's that?" She asked, trying not to jump to conclusions.

"Family" Gemma responded tersely.

Gemma knew she had told Fiona about Brea, but she had never seen her. She hoped that Fiona picked up the signal that the only other woman around was Chibs' old lady. Kerrianne though, that couldn't be ignored. That was his daughter, no matter what. Following them inside, everyone gathered around them. Brea sat alone, keeping her distance from the others, drinking a cup of tea and listening in.

"I have no idea why Jimmy lied, I'm not privy to his plans," Fiona spoke, Chibs sitting next to her "he doesn't trust me anymore" she finished, turning to Chibs.

"Do you at least know what they've been up to since he got back?" Chibs asked.

"Recruiting. He's at his bar in Newry pretty much day and night"

"What about O'Neill?" Jax asked "he on Jimmys permanent payroll?"

"Not that I know of," she shook her head "but like I said, last few months, been in the dark"

Brea assumed this woman knew things about Jimmy the club needed to know. It made her have some hope. Juice sat next to her at the table, looking over to her on occasion. He felt bad, obviously sensing that she was oblivious to Chibs and Fiona.

The door opened, one of the men who escorted Fiona and her daughter walked in.

"Start wrappin' it up, Fi. Need to get back" he spoke.

"Kellan wants us to stay at the rectory, it's like a bloody fortress" Fiona told them as she stood with her stuff.

"Jimmy really gonna try to hurt us, ma?" Kerrianne asked Fiona.

"Hey," Chibs stood up to talk to her "no ones ever gonna hurt ya, I'll make sure of that" he kissed their foreheads.

"Can't they stay for a while? They just got here" Gemma asked the man.

"Church is nearby, right? We can get them back safe" Clay said.

"You lads armed?"

Everyone pulled out their weapons to show them. Proving that they were prepared.

"Tonight, then" he agreed to it and left.

Brea took the chance to slip out the room into the bedroom that her and Chibs would share that night. She sat on the bed in silence before dialing Lauren.

"Hello?" Lauren answered, sitting back in her chair at TM.

"Who's Fiona? Do you know?" She blurted.

Lauren was quiet for a second, not sure in what to say.

"Name doesn't ring a bell" she lied, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Oh, alright. How are you and Tig?" Brea changed the subject.

"We're good, his license is suspended but we'll make it" she nodded.

"I'm gonna go, jet lag is taking its toll. I'll call you later, I guess" she sighed.

"Be safe" Lauren told her and hung up.

As she hung up her cell, the landline went off. She sighed and answered.

"Teller Morrow" she spoke.

"Hey, its Lumpy from the gym, wondering if I could talk to Tig if he's around"

"Yeah, one second" Lauren out the phone on hold and shouted Tigs name.

"Yeah, doll?" He asked.

"Lumpy on line three"

"I'm comin" he said and walked to get the phone.

The phone call ended quick, Tig taking off his uniform.

"What?" Lauren asked.

"Gotta go to the gym with the boys, stay here, yeah? This'll be quick"

"Yeah, love you" she smiled and kissed him as he put on his kutte to leave with Kozik and the prospects.
Chibs went to check on Brea before leaving but she was fast asleep. Piling into the truck they left to drop of Fi and Kerrianne.

"How long you gonna stay with the priest?" Jax asked Fiona.

"Not sure" Fiona shook her head.

"Listen, there's plenty of room on Oswalds plane, so you're coming back with us"

"I don't want to leave Ireland" Kerrianne spoke.

"Sweetheart, not for long. Just till all this blows over" Chibs added in.

"And when's that?" She rebutted making Chibs fall silent.

Coming to a halt, the driver honked at the car in front of them.

"Get down! Get down!" Opie shouted as they all fell to the ground.

Gunshots ricocheted through the truck. The glass breaking and everyone scared. Chibs could only think about Brea.

The first thing he did when he got back was check on her. Brea laid awake but hearing the door open, she faked her sleeping. She didn't want to deal with him at the moment, didn't feel right. He came in and kissed her forehead gently, pushing her hair from her face.

"God, I love you" he mumbled against the skin of her head.

Brea fought tears hearing those words. She only felt as if they were all lying to her and keeping her in the dark from a whole other life here in Belfast.

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