57. We're good

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As they were packing, Lauren pulled Chibs aside for a moment. He walked with her outside and to a corner.

"Fiona? What are you gonna do when Brea is in Belfast with her?" Lauren asked.

"She won't say anythin, she knows her place. Gemma filled her in, she won't do nothin' love, don't worry. Either way, Jimmy has her and Kerrianne on lockdown, shouldn't see them much" he shook his head.

"Chibs, just, don't hurt her please" she sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"It's not my goal, I'm just tryin' to keep my family safe, in Charmin' and Belfast"

Walking to put away more bags, Brea and Chibs ran into each other. He helped her with his bags and turned to get more.

"On the road by four thirty, no later. Clay and I are taking the truck to say bye to my mom, see you at Oswalds hangar" Jax said to the group.

"I'm going too" Tig said and turned to Lauren.

"Then I am too, I need to talk to Gemma anyways" Lauren said to him.

"You alright with that?" Tig turned to Jax.

"She rides on your lap and no bitching if it's uncomfortable" he shrugged.

At the hospital, Jax got a call from Tara, sighing seeing her name. He picked up and it was Gemma. Telling him to meet her at the service entrance. Jax sighed as he hung up.

"What is it?" Lauren asked.

"My mother" he huffed.

Going to meet her, they were surprised to see her out the hospital.

"What are you doing?" Jax asked.

"Coming with you" she said dumbfounded as if there was no problem.

"You made a deal with the Feds"

"I don't give a shit. Those cuffs will be waiting for me when I get back" she shrugged.

"Baby, listen for a second" Clay tries to talk her out of it.

"Don't even bother boys, trust me, I've been there" Tig shuts him down.

"I guess your fever broke," Unser chimed in, everyone turning to him "there are some people looking for you"

"Tell then I'll be back soon"

"Listen, come back with me now and no one will get in trouble"

"And if she says no?" Clay argued.

"Sorry, boys. There ain't any options here" Unser spoke as he pulled out his gun.

Tig pulled his as well pointing it to Unser. Lauren looked at him with wide eyes.

"Put it down, Tig" Gemma whispered.

She walked to Unser with confidence. His gun raised to her but it didn't stop her.

"You gonna shoot me, Wayne?" She asked with a raised brow, lowering his gun "traitor" she mumbled.

Lauren and Tig took the keys to the cutlass and Clay and Gemma jumped into the truck with Jax driving. Cops were not far, able to hear the sirens in the distance. Tig pulled over with Jax pulling over behind him in an empty parking lot. Everyone getting out to see why they stopped.

"Unser must've called it in, we aren't all gonna make it, you guys take the cutlass and go to the hangar" Tig shakes his head, handing Jax keys to the car.

"No, we need you, bro" Jax said.

"You need your mom more"

"I'll stay back with him too, Gemma is here to do what I was gonna do in Belfast. We'll be alright, Jax. Find your boy" Lauren gave him a reassuring smile.

"Backtrack through town, I'll lead them up eighteen. Go" he barked.

Lauren jumping in the passenger seat as Tig flew out the parking lot. The cops chased behind them, Lauren watching at the Tellers drove in the other direction. Biting her lip as they drove at record speeds down the highway.

"Stay with me little piggies," Tig mumbled to himself "yeah, come on, stay with me little P-I-G-G-I-E-S"

Lauren out her hand on his leg to let him know she was there and he knew it.
The day was gone in a flash, by time they knew it they were waiting for Clay, Jax, Lauren and Tig at the hangar. As Tara's cutlass pulled up in the hangar everyone perked up.

"Cuttin it close" Oswald snickered.

"Sorry, had to give someone a ride" Clay apologized as Gemma stepped out the car.

"Not my idea" he shrugged.

"Where's Tig?" Bobby asked.

"And Lauren?" Brea followed up.

"Halfway to Modesto, taking one for the team"

Brea nodded as Chibs handed her her stuff. She held his one free hand with hers, walking to the jet together. She looked at him with a smile almost forgetting the situation they were in. Right now, they were fugitives fleeing their court trial, but just a big group of friends and lovers on a trip.

Landing in Belfast, the boys were set up with bikes for each of them. Part of SAMBEL met with them to help transport their bags and Gemma and Brea. Traveling with a group of bikers, Gemma and Brea rode in silence. Stopping once to meet the rest of SAMBEL, where SAMCRO had welcomed them openly. Chibs laughing and smiling, hugging old friends made Brea smile.

"That one there, that's this nephew, Padraic. He loves that boy" Gemma told Brea as she peered out the window.

"That's good" Brea nodded.

"Good to see him happy, with family aside from you. This was his home"

"Anymore family he got I need to know about?" She asked, taking her seat again.

Gemma pursed her lips and looked out the window, "nah, none to worry about"

"None to worry about and none are two different things, Gem"

"Calm down, yeah? It'll be alright, we're here for Abel" she changed the subject.

Chibs jogged over to the truck to quickly check in.

"How are our two SAMCRO ladies doin?" He asked.

"Good, good" Gemma nodded.

"Mo ghra?" He asked, wanting to hear a response from her directly.

"We're good" Brea smiled back to him.

"Don't trust me know, Scot?" Gemma teased.

"Never that" he shook his head "We'll be there soon, unpack and settle in, aye?"

"Sounds good, Chibs" Gemma nodded to him as he blew Brea a kiss and went back to his bike where the continued their journey.

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