9. It'll change

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"Taste of Charming, it's a charity event I set up" Gemma talked with Brea and Lauren in the car to the site of the event.

That was today's task, since they weren't going to be at TM doing work with Gemma, they went with her. It was time for them to bond with each other and the queen of bikers herself.

"My friend, Luann is gonna be there, she's a sweetheart. She'll love you two" Gemma smiled.

Pulling up to the lot, they got out and took a deep breath of the air outside. Gemma took the lead into the place.

"You girls can set up toys at the ballon popping booth. You know, hanging prizes. And then maybe the other one blows up the balloons and nails them to the wall" she told us, handing Lauren a box of cheap stuffed toys and Brea a bag of empty balloons and tacks.

Walking to their stand, they immediately started a conversation.

"Maybe we should like, get real jobs after the car is done" Brea suggested.

"Why? I like it here, helping Gemma and the sons. It feels like family, not a normal workplace" Lauren said back.

"You're getting attached. It's barely been a week"

"No one said I was getting attached, you're paranoid"

"Am I? Or am I being reasonable? A regular person who doesn't want to get into gang territory?" Brea fought back.

"Nothing has happened. I mean, they could be a totally legit club, we don't know" Lauren shrugged.

"That's the problem, we don't know. They could be trafficking underage girls!"

"Don't be so dramatic"

"It happens, you know!" Brea shouted a bit too loud.

"I know. But, not here, not Charming" Lauren shook her head as she spoke, denying Brea of her irrational thoughts.

"You're very sure of this town being clean. I'm not buying it just yet" Brea said in between breaths blowing up a balloon.

"Then give it a chance" Lauren put her hand on Breas shoulder and looked at her "Hm?"

"Yeah, what choice do I have anyways?" She sighed.
The event took place the next day, about mid afternoon. Sun was bright and shining, place was busy. The turn out was great and they still had all night.

Brea and Lauren were with Gemma and Luann, handing out chili.  It was tedious, but got their faces around town, becoming familiar with the people. They helped keep the chili cooking, spooning it into bowls, topping with sour cream and cheese and handing it out. They all had their jobs worked in an assembly line arrangement.

Bobby was next door, dressing kids up as Elvis. There was a moon bounce for the kids, egg toss game for children. The police department was barbecuing for the people.

Jax and Gemma talked briefly about a guy named Kyle. It was messy.

"Who's Kyle?" Brea asked Gemma as Jax left.

"Long story short, got Opie in the slammer for five years" Gemma replied.

"Oh, shit"

"Then why is he here? I'm assuming he was kicked out" Lauren questioned Gemma.

"Club voted it in, let him come to see his kid preform" Gem replied.
"Seen Jax?" Bobby asked as he approached the booth, Tig beside him.

"He's with Ope, why?" Gemma answered.

"Boss wants us"

"You got two more hours left in that booth" Gemma sighed.

"Sorry, mother. Lauren, Brea" Tig apologized to the three of us land then quickly leaving.

Gemma continued to talk to the sheriff, introducing us to him. They were close with him so it was good to get us familiar.

"Bad time to come to Charming and become buddy buddy with the Sons?" Brea asked Gemma.

"Never a good time, now is worse than normal. I know if put Lauren and Tig's relationship at a halt, but it'll go back to normal soon" Gemma joked.

"No relationship, it's not anything" Lauren defended herself once again.

"I see the way he looks at you, he wants whatever you got" She spoke matter of factly.

"Stop, it's just physical attraction" Lauren blushed.

"Right now. But whenever this shit settles, it'll change"
As night fell, booths closed up and everyone gathered at the stage. There was a brief auction and then a band played. The crowd cheered and laughed, feelings good overall. Some kids stayed in the moon bounce, enjoying the music themselves. Enjoying it in their own little way. When the song was coming to an end, fireworks were set off. Exploding pink and blue and other colors.

"I'll be back" Brea said to Lauren before slipping out the crowd.

She wanted a moment alone, she had been busy all day. As she came around a corner, she ran into Gemma.

"Hey," she breathed "have another?" She referred to the cigarette in Gemma's mouth.

"Yeah" she said and handed her one.

"Haven't gotten around to getting my own pack yet" Brea spoken, taking the lighter that Gemma was handing to her and lighting the cigarette.

"Mm" she hummed.

"You okay, momma?" Brea asked, giving the nickname a try.

"Yeah. Just wish Clay could've made it"

"I get that. I know Lauren's craving company from Tig"

"What about you? How are you? Adjusting okay?" Gemma asked looking at Brea.

"Homesick. Everything is moving so fast, like being brought into this new, family. It's just been so swift and I feel like, like I belong here, but it's still not clicking.

"Accept it, why are you so hesitant?"

"It's a gang, I don't know what happens in that clubhouse and behind closed doors, but I got a bad feeling"

"Yeah, I remember. You scared of the club, huh? Don't be. When you accept that, you're family, the club takes care of you"

"We just got here, it's not too early to be in the club?"

"We got crow eaters in the family, slept with a son a few times and they're included when we go on lock down. They're at every party, help out" Gemma explained.

"I'm not a crow eater, neither is Lauren" Brea shook her head.

"I know, you're more than that and that's my point" She pushed herself off the wall "let's get you home, sleep on that change of mind. Let me know when you make up your mind"

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