95. Gavel corrupts

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Lauren had come over to Brea's to help with Juniper. She came to be with her as well, wedding plans, pregnancy tips or anything. Lauren's phone rang while she was playing with Juniper. She got up and answered it, leaving Brea with Juniper.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, Lauren, it's Juice. Just letting you know that the boys are safe on the inside" he told her.

"This is true?"

"Yeah. I gotta go now"

"Thanks, Juice" Lauren smiled and hung up.

She went back to the living room with Brea. She was on the ground, keeping Juniper smiling and laughing.

"Who was it?" She asked Lauren, looking up at her.

"Juice" Lauren nodded and sat down.


"Boys have protection inside. They should come out alive, that's all we can ask" Lauren sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Yeah, all we can ask" Brea said with a sad half smile.


Time passed slow for Lauren and Brea without the boys. Nowhere to go, nobody to see. The others who were left behind, did their own thing aside from them.

Lauren went back to wedding planning with Brea but the baby made it harder. It wasn't like how it was before when it was just them. Just the crying and fussing, diaper changing and feedings.

"I'm sorry, I really am" Brea shook her head as she bounced Juniper on her leg.

"No, don't worry. That'll be me in nine months, hopefully" Lauren smiled.

"You think that now but when she's screaming at four in the morning you'll wish you didn't have a kid. Or one that would be quiet at least"

"Yeah, but I've just been waiting for so long for this, it all feels like a blessing. Nothing I'll have to regret or wish was different" she shrugged.

"When even is the wedding?"

"To be determined. I'd rather it happen before the baby, so within nine months"

"Maybe you should go dress shopping. They need time to do that. Have Gemma go with you and try on the dresses"

"What about you, my maid of honor?" Lauren asked as she closed her planning binder.

"Those dresses are different. Don't take long, they don't need to be customized and sized. I'll find one without a problem. But wedding dresses are a whole other story"

"You remember how I was seeing my dad?" Lauren changed the subject.

"Yeah, what about him?" Brea asked, scrunching her brows.

"He said the presidents gavel corrupts. You know, Chibs is in line for that gavel"

"I've wanted to get out, I know this club is shit but I love him and I love our daughter. I hope and pray that gavel won't do what it did to Clay, but I'm staying. I'll be there for him no matter what"

"I'm not saying you leave, I'm just, letting you know I guess," she shrugged "he just said a lot of stuff about the club that really sunk in for the first time"

"It's probably all true. Shit I've been saying for months but since it came from him it's different. I get it. I know the poison this club is, known it since we set foot into TM but I'm still here. Dealing with it, first for you, now for me and now? My family. You made me end up here with this scar on my face, the pain I've felt falling for Filip, seeing members killed, my suicide attempt. You don't get to leave now, not after this shit storm you've put me through. Get that dad out of your head and wake the fuck up, get back to the Lauren that crashed this car into Charming and fell for the club from her childhood"

"Brea, it wasn't supposed to be like this" she shook her head.

"What was it supposed to be like hanging with a biker gang? Cuddles, strolls around town, a normal life, no murder or kidnappings?"

"I don't know, Brea. I didn't want this to happen is all I know. I saw the club all the time as a child and it's just different now. Being in it. I didn't purposely keep you in it for the heartbreak and the pain, mental and physical. I stayed because this is where I feel home, where I felt safe. I know these guys, the sons. They were good in my eyes, I didn't know anything close to what I know now. You can't blame me, treat me like I knew this would happen to you, to us" Lauren argued back.

"Then I don't know what to say. We weren't ever like this in Vegas, never fought like this" Brea shook her head.

"Because I was too strung out to care. I had left med school so I could pursue my druggie life twenty four seven! I could've been making millions and had a nice life but I'm here and happy with what I've got" Lauren stood, throwing her arms with defeat.

"It looks like where each of us belongs doesn't work for the other. But I'm here and there's no hope for me to get out again so you win, Lauren. You win" Brea sighed.

"I'm not winning if you aren't happy. Even if we leave now, you won't be happy because Chibs is the one. He's the guy" Lauren crossed her arms and looked at Brea to let her words sink in.

"Unfortunately. I wish I could make him not the one but he's here to stay, in my heart. Even if I leave, I'd see him in Juniper everyday. In her eyes, they're just like Filip's. She also has his nose" she said, booping Junipers nose.

"I'm sorry, Brea. I guess that's all I can say now and that won't fix anything"

"It's my problem to deal with and I'm not. It's my fault I snapped, and with Filip gone I don't sleep much. There's too much goin on"

"Well I'm always here, Brea. Wether you like it or not. Wether I like it or not, really" Lauren raised her brows in realization.

Brea turned to Lauren with a smirk, "I know you are"

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