67. Under control

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Lauren and Brea were outside, greeting the boys and Brea having a smoke. Chibs, Piney, Kozik and Opie were not back yet though. ATF cars and trucks pulled into the lot minutes after the sons got back. Fear settled in Brea and Lauren's guts feeling that this wasn't good.

Tig gripped onto Lauren tighter as he had his arm around her waist. She looked up at him as his eyes were trained on Stahl.

"Tig, what's happening?" She asked, tugging at his kutte.

"Good afternoon," Stahl greeted, striding across the parking lot at TM "where's Jimmy O?"

Clay didn't answer her soon enough in her opinion.

"Okay, I can have a dozen ATF agents here in twenty minutes and they'll shred this white trash shit hole" she threatened.

Clay turned to Juice and Happy, telling them to get him. Brea, Lauren and Tig all approached them, leaving the picnic tables by the clubhouse. As they garage opened up they pulled Jimmy from the car Tara left in earlier. ATF agents took Jimmy from the boys, putting him in handcuffs.

"Thank goodness for the American justice system" he spoke cockily.

"Jimmy O Phelan, you're being taken into custody in suspicion of conspiracy to commit a terrorist crime act" Stahl recited to him while he was being escorted to a car.

"Sorry the things didn't work out the way you planned, boys. Luck of the Irish though, yeah?" He laughed as if it was all a joke as he was put into the back of a cop car.

"How'd you know he was here?" Clay asked Stahl as they looked out at the car Jimmy was in.

Stahl was motionless and silent for a second before turning to the rest of them. Looking Jax in the eye and holding up a file.

"Because your VP made a deal" she said with a smirk.

"Son of a bitch!" Jax shouted as he charged toward her, agents holding him back from her.

Brea's mind went blank, her first friend in Charming, son of the president of the Sons of Anarchy was a rat. It didn't make sense, not at all. It wasn't linking up but it was happening in front of her eyes. Lauren still stood clueless as to what this meant for everyone else. Tig was off, she could sense it in him but couldn't get an answer out of him for the life of her.

"What is she talking about?" Juice asked.

"You made a deal for Jimmy?" Tig asked, pushing away from Lauren.

"I did it for the club" is all Jax could say.

"You ratted?!" Bobby said, shoving Jax.

"I had no choice!" He shoved Bobby back "look at everything we'd be facing!"

"All this time we've been tracking Jimmy you knew you were gonna turn him over to this bitch?!" Clay shouted to him.

Jax was spinning in circles trying to keep track of who was talking to him when. Trying to give coherent answers without losing his cool completely.

"He blew up five of our men" Happy emphasized.

"Chibs lost his nephew" Juice chimed in.

"I know! I'm sorry!" Jax shouted again, pleading for forgiveness from the brutality of the club he'd gave behind bars.

"He didn't mean to, Clay. Stahl made him do it, he isn't really a rat" Gemma tried to get to Clay, tried to protect him from his step father but couldn't.

"You are dead! You hear me? Dead!" Clay shouted with pure hatred as agents dragged him from the rest.

"You are" Tig added.

"You just signed my death warrant" Jax said to Stahl.

The boys all being taken away, Lauren grasped at Tig desperate for one last goodbye. She shoved the agents away from him with all her might.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry" Tig mumbled incoherently to her.

"I love you, I love you, baby" Lauren rambled, latching onto his arm and kissing him fervently.

"Where's Chibs?!" Brea shouted into the air "w-where is he?"

Gemma was so focused on her sons safety she wasn't thinking. Either way she was gone all day and didn't have the answers she'd want. Lowen walked to Stahl to figure out what their sentence was.

"Your clients will be out in three years if they don't kill anyone. Parole in fourteen months" Stahl told her.

Lauren had to back off as the agents took over. Watching as they latched all the boys in handcuffs. She felt tears spill freely, holding a hand to her hip with the tattoo to hold onto him even though he'd be away. She would have him with her throughout his sentence. She wiped the tears as they fell to keep her face dry. Watching the truck drive off and she was helpless. Brea still in the wind as to Chibs' whereabouts filled her with anxiety. She ran a hand through her hair and walked back into the clubhouse to her room. She pulled one of his shirts to get as close as she could. She feared he was going to be locked away with the rest.
Lauren found herself talking through her pain with Gemma. Gemma even took her back to her house, let her help take care of Abel and keep her mind off of things. Gemma was a pro in keeping busy while the boys were away, it was nothing shocking to her.

"They should be out in fourteen months, it'll all be alright, baby" Gemma reassured her.

Back at the clubhouse, Brea laid in bed quietly with no one to keep her busy. When her door opened she jumped, once out of fear and more because it was Chibs. She ran and jumped into his arms, kissing him over and over.

"I didn't know if you were off to jail too" she mumbled.

"No, love. Would've told ya if I knew, I'm alright. I told ya not to worry" he laughed at her happiness to be with him again.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Tyin up loose ends. Jimmy and Stahl, they're dead now love. Boys be in jail, short time. Now, we've time to look for a place, baby" he smiled, kissing her softly.

"What about Jax?"

"He'll be alright, the boys all knew about the deal. We've got it under control" he nodded.

"Yeah, we do"

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