71. Lost puppy

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It had been a few days, Chibs had come down with something after Brea and him ordered takeout one night. He had spent a lot of time on the toilet, sick to his stomach. And today he had to go to work with the club and it made Brea worry.

"You gonna be alright, baby?" She asked him, leaning at the doorframe in her pajamas as Chibs was ready to leave.

"I'll be fine, if I really need to, I'll come home early. Other than that, I'll be back by your side tonight" he nodded and pecked her quick on the lips.

"I'll call to check in, love you" she smiled.

"Love you too, baby girl" he smiled back at her and he left.

She watched as he drove off on his bike, coffee in her hands. The clubhouse was being fixed and the garage was closed today so her help wasn't needed all that much. Lauren had stayed at the clubhouse with Tig, they were in the process of getting a house as well. Up early mornings and late nights searching the web and flyers, cramming in viewings on lunch breaks. It was hectic but it was what it was.

Around noon Brea called Chibs to check in.

"Hey, love" he answered.

"Hey, just checkin in" she spoke.

"Yeah, I just got a full cleanse. Feelin like a new man!" He exclaimed and Breas face lit up to hear him sounding better.

"That's good, babe"

She heard sirens as well as he did. He rolled his eyes and turned to see a cop car backing into the parking spot right in front of him and Juice.

"Baby, you alright?" She asked worried.

"Sure, I'll call you back" he said, half paying attention to the conversation and the other half on the cops walking towards them.

"Hands on the wall" the one officer spoke.

Chibs took his time walking to the wall when a cop shoved him against it.

"Hey, be careful, my old lady will lose it if you leave a scratch" Chibs warned as if they cared.

They pat Juice and Chibs down. They found weed in Juices pocket.

"Got a card for that" Chibs said, defending his brother.

"Are you kidding?" Juice asked as they pulled his arms behind his back.

"Does this feel like a joke?" The officer responded as the familiar feel of cuffs latched onto Juices wrists.
Lauren hung around the clubhouse and with Gemma for the day. It was boring, but it was nice to have a break and be alone. The clubhouse was slowly cleaning itself up. Brea had helped in the beginning but she hasn't seen it since. Tig had been stressing with a club thing that she hadn't asked about for obvious reasons. But tonight there was a vote she hoped that would settle his mind.

She walked to the garage office to go see Gemma. Stopping when she reached the doorway.

"This vote, it's weighing heavy on Tig" Lauren spoke, directing the conversation.

"Yeah, deciding on wether to mule drugs for the cartel is a big deal" Gemma answered, taking a drag from her cigarette.

"Drugs?" Lauren asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it'll make bank but it won't sit well with all of them"

"Brea won't like it"

"Chibs won't tell her, I wasn't supposed to know. It's not required for old ladies to know everything. What I'm in on is more than some old ladies ever know" she answered honestly.

"She'll find out, Gem. Brea is smart, as if she isn't already cracking with the lack of commitment Chibs has shown, this'll come up somehow. She'll catch on, get suspicious about extra cash"

"He'll do what he has to" Gemma answers solemnly as Tara's car pulled up.

She joined Lauren and Gemma in silence as the boys exited the clubhouse. The way the boys left the clubhouse was an indication on how it went. Picking up after a while on being around, this wasn't good. Bobby practically marching to his bike, Kozik punching the punching bag and none of them talking. It went bad for some, the others got what they wanted but the tension wasn't good for them. Drugs were already a plague to this club and they hadn't even started it yet.
At night, Lauren stood washing her face and Tig was laid in bed already, waiting for her.

"Drugs is our game now?" She asked.

"Doll-" be started.

"Just tell me, no bullshit" she cut him off, looking at him from the doorway.

"Yeah, just for a while, babe" he tried to make it better, rolling on his side to face her.

"What'd you vote? Yay or nay?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Doesn't matter" he shook his head.

"You voted yes?" She answered her own question.

"Clay is my man, I'm by him no matter what" he replied truthfully.

"God, you're a lost fucking puppy following him. You're walking into shit with this, Tig. I know it" she mumbled, shaking her head as she wiped her face clean "and you know my history with drugs, you know how they mess people up. This isn't as light as you think it is"

"I'm going down to Arizona in a few days, gotta go see SAMTAZ. Quick trip, maybe two days" he spoke, changing the subject.

"Great" she answered sarcastically.

At the Telford-Herder household, they spoke of the vote as well. Chibs wanting to come clean to her, it was her right to know in his mind. She was leaning against their kitchen counter with a cup of tea in her hands and Chibs stood across from her, his arms crossed.

"What?" She asked dumbfounded as to why he was just staring at her.

"There's a change in the club and I need you to know. For your safety and just to come clean"

"God, what is it this time, Filip?" She asked, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"We voted in muling drugs. I said no, but majority rules" he blurted it out.

"Guns was one thing I already didn't want to be apart of, but now drugs? That's a whole new game, Filip. That's dangerous shit and you fucking know it! That's gonna follow us home"

"You don't know that! But a positive is more money for us, get ready for a family maybe" He spoke of the future to try and make her think of something other than this argument they were in now.

"I don't give a shit about the money, Filip. And are you shitting me with the family bullshit? Chibs, we aren't even engaged! I don't even have a crow, we haven't even spoken of a crow!" She yelled now.

"Love, just calm down please. I have more"

"What?" She crossed her arms, absolutely unimpressed with anything else he had to say.

"Goin down to Arizona to visit another charter. We won't be gone long"

"Maybe it's best for us if you go on that run. I'm going to bed, good night" she said, quickly wrapping up their conversation.

"I love you, mo ghra" he mumbled as she left the kitchen as he stood there alone.

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