85. Back to reality

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"You're done" Happy muttered to Brea.

She sighed out of relief. Her arm throbbing and sore. She smiled to Happy and nodded her thank you to him. He smiled back, understanding how words aren't always needed. She stood and lifted up her arm in the mirror. The back of her forearm was now inked with her old mans crow. It made her tear up. After everything they'd been through, that's what this crow meant.

"I love it" she whispered.

"And I love you" Chibs mumbled into her neck, hugging her from behind.

"Thank you"

"We did this, lass. Don't thank me. We worked for it" he smiled.

"Yeah, we did"
The next day was slow, no rush to get into TM. Chibs and Brea got to sleep in at their house with the dog. Tig and Lauren were up early, using this time to move some stuff. All they needed was this morning, the rest was just shopping.

By time anything happened, it was the afternoon. Everyone at TM, wether the office or clubhouse. Brea was looking down at some papers when her phone rang. She only wondered who it would be.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey, Brea. Tara and I are at St. Thomas. I'd appreciate it if you would come down, tell my mom too" Jax panted into the phone.

"Y-yeah. Of course. Just, take a deep breath, alright? Is she okay?" Brea asked, putting down papers and collecting her things.

"Yeah, just, her hand. God damn, her hand" Jax mumbled.

"I'm coming, just you can't do anything about it now. So try to calm down"

"Okay, I'll see you soon"

Brea hung up and turned to Gemma.

"Something happened with Tara, they're at St. Thomas. He told me to relay the message to you" Brea said to Gemma who was looking at her wanting answers.

"Shit, Lauren. You good here alone?" Gemma asked her.

"Y-yeah. Go ahead" Lauren nodded, walking to the door as they got in their cars.

Tig and Chibs left the clubhouse, seeing everyone leaving and Lauren alone. Tig shrugged at her with confusion as he started to walk to her. Chibs stopped Brea in her car.

"What's happenin?" He asked her.

"Tara is at the hospital, Jax called me" She replied, wanting to leave.

"Oh, alrigh' love. Be safe" he kissed her briefly and let her go on her way. Perplexed why she was called and why she was in such a rush. It made him worry.

Tig walked into the office where Lauren returned to the desk.

"Why'd they leave?" Tig asked with confusion laced in his brows.

"Jax called, Tara's in the hospital. Weird thing, Jax called Brea first. He didn't even call Gemma" Lauren shook her head, running that through her head.

"They're close friends" Tig said, sitting on the desk.

"How close?" Lauren raised a brow.

"Jax, he's loyal. Brea, from what I see, loves Chibs. Maybe Jax and Gemma are on bad terms. It could be a million things"

"Yeah, it's just weird" Lauren ran a hand through her hair.

"Wanna sleep at home tonight?" Tig asked, changing the subject.

"We don't have a mattress" she laughed.

"Have Chucky work in here, I'll ask if you don't want. Go buy a mattress and some other shit. We've the money" Tig kissed her.

"You sure? You don't wanna be there?"

"It's a mattress, can you fuck it up really? I've fallen asleep on bars and pool tables. Any mattress is good enough for me, baby" he smiled to her.

"Alright, I'll do that then" Lauren nodded, and kissed him on her way out.

Gemma and Brea walked together through the hospital. They arrived as Tara was being wheeled off somewhere, Jax hanging off of her. Eventually he had to let go. He turned to face Gemma and Brea.

"Hey, thanks Brea" Jax sighed and hugged her.

"Of course. Is she alright?"

"Yeah, as far as we know she'll live. Just, waiting about her hand" he shrugged and hugged his mother.

She ran a hand down her face.

"You alright?" Gemma asked him.

"I'm fine. She's off to X-rays, boys are with Elyda," he went through the run down "I've to talk to the cops"

"Jax, what happened?" Gemma asked, wanting answers.

"Someone attacked Tara, tried to abduct her" Jax whispered.

"Let's talk Mr. Teller" a cop interrupted and he gave a sympathetic look before leaving with him.

"When does it stop?" Brea asked, looking at her feet.

"What stop?" Gemma asked.

"The abductions and the shootings. I-I couldn't raise kids in this" she whispered.

"I don't know, baby. I don't, I wish it'd stop too"

Gemma called Clay, meaning the whole entourage was arriving. They walked through the halls together, all rushing to Gemma, and Brea, but mostly Gemma. They all needed to be filled in but Chibs took Brea aside.

"What happened?" He asked her.

"Someone tried to take Tara" she answered.

"You alrigh'?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" She asked, scrunching up her brows.

"Yeah, just worried about my brother and his old lady" he answered, trying to ignore the Jax and Brea thing.

"Filip, you're staring" she waved in front of his face.

"I can just imagine this'll be a long day for us. Might be home a little late, not sure. I'm sure you can go home after this, take the day off. Chucky can handle the office"

"Hey, what's wrong? I-I thought things were going good" she said, running a hand down his cheek.

"They are, I'm just, distracted. I'll be fine after today" he looked at her, bringing himself back to reality, or trying to at least.

"Just be safe, as always. Please"

"You too, you know how to use a gun, aye?" He asked.


"Get one from my personal stock, I want you keepin' one on ye. Keep the doors locked and call if you need anythin' of course. I'm sure Sam isn't the scary guard dog we need but he'll do"

"Yeah, I will. I love you, Filip" she whispered the end.

"You too, love" he mumbled and kissed her forehead leaving to be with the boys.

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