100. Best man

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"Gotta head to Diosa" Tig said to Lauren as he walked in the kitchen.

"Behave" she replied, looking up at him.

"When don't I?" He smirked as he walked to her.

"When we met you were the whore of TM. Don't give me your shit" she smirked back, hands on his chest.

"Now I can only be your whore?" He whined jokingly.

"Yes, you're a pregnant woman's bitch, how sad?" She pouted "now go before I change my mind"

"Yes ma'am" he kissed her and slapped her butt before leaving.

"Keep an eye on Chibs as well please !"

"Will do!" He said as he left the house for sure.


Chibs had to give the same news to Brea. Lauren and Brea were two different people.

"Headin' to Diosa today" he said as he walked downstairs to see her with Juniper.

"With the pimp?" She asked skeptically.

"Nero, yes. He's a good guy, he's makin us money"

"I just don't like it. Don't cheat on me please, I can't handle that"

"I won't. You can always call Lyla to check in on me. I'll see you ladies tonight" he kissed them and put on his kutte.

"Alright. Love you, Filip"

"Love you too, mo ghra"


Lauren took a drive to Brea's to just be there, not be alone before she went to TM, if she went. TM now relied on Chucky, Gemma and the actual mechanics who weren't sons. It worked and no one was complaining.

She walked into the house and made herself known. Locating Brea with Juniper she found a seat on the sofa. She put her hands on her stomach as she laid on her back. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"What is it?" Brea asked her.

"I'm pregnant and I'm getting married to a retired man whore in two days. Two days" she let it all out.

"I have a four, almost five month old and I'm not even engaged. Feel better?" Brea one upped her, but only as a tactic to comfort her.

"I asked my dad to come. You know, ex first nine Dad" she spoke about what was really on her mind.

"Lauren, that isn't smart. He left on bad terms, without saying a word"

"I want my dad to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day and that's that. It's my decision and I'm keeping it like that. If he shows or not is a different story"

"Hopefully he won't, I'm sorry, Lauren. It just isn't smart, what was going through your head?" She shook her head.

"I wanted a traditional wedding"

"You could've just asked another son. I'm sure any of them would walk you down the aisle"

"I don't want that, my minds made up" she shrugged.

As Juniper fell asleep in her crib, so did Lauren and Brea. Brea laid her head on Lauren's hip, a pillow behind her head. Brea exhausted from the baby, she could sleep anywhere at anytime. Lauren had just been so comfy laying down that sleep was what followed.

Lauren woke to the sound of her phone ringing, she answered it quickly in hopes that Brea wouldn't wake. She knew her friend needed her sleep.

"Hello?" She whispered.

"You with Brea?" Tig asked.


"Chibs was worried because she wasn't answering"

"She's asleep"

"You good? I gotta go up to the cabin for a few hours" he didn't say who with, for obvious reasons.

She sighed "I'll be alright. You better be ready for the wedding in two days"

"I will. You'll go to sleep as a fiancée for the last time tomorrow night"

"Alright. You go, love you"

"I love you too, doll"

Tig turned back to Chibs and nodded.

"Juniper is asleep, Brea is taking advantage" Tig relayed the message to Chibs.

"Sounds about right ta me" he nodded.

"Be my best man" Tig then blurted out.


"Yeah. I want that to be you, brother"

"Aye, so I will" he agreed to the offer.

Chibs pulled Tig in for a hug. He knew that when Chibs got his patch he feared their friendship would be at stake. Luckily, there weren't any hard feeling towards one another and they pulled together. Looking out for one another. Both working together to be there for Jax.

"Tig, you ready?" Tara asked him.

"Yes ma'am" Tig nodded as he jogged over to get to the car and get them going on the road.

He got in the drivers seat, Tara sitting in the seat beside him. It was silent, he had nothing good to say to her. It was best he kept his mouth shut for the time being.

"I'm sorry, Tig" Tara groaned, trying to fix this silence.

"Sorry don't change how to risked my baby's life for some bitch fight. It wasn't even her battle to fight" he said as his eyes were trained on the road, biting his thumb nail.

"It was an impulse action and I regret it"

"Don't bother coming to my wedding. If that means Jax isn't going, than so be it. I won't let you ruin that day for her, nothing is gonna do that" he shook his head.

Tara sat in silence, looking out her own window, stewing with anger. She clenched her fist in hopes of fixing some anger but it did nothing.

Tig drove in the quiet, it didn't bother him. He did turn on music to keep his mind from wandering. His mind was focused on driving forward to the cabin.

Hours after Tig had waited on the porch with a gun and a beer, Jax and Chibs were heading up as well. Chibs would drop Jax off and then he'd drive back to Tig to his house. Each man was just trying to get to their wives and children.

Suddenly a van had come up beside them, running them off the road. They were driven off into rocks and sand. Jax flying over his bike, Chibs hurled off his as well. Laying on the side of the road when gunfire erupted through the settling air.

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