7. Falling in love

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At TM, Tig unlocked the car for them and they got their bags

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At TM, Tig unlocked the car for them and they got their bags. He showed them to the bathroom and they dragged their suit cases inside. He stood at the doorway, not leaving with his hands propped on his hips.

"You okay?" Brea asked.

"Uh, ohh yeah, fine" he said kicking himself out a daze.

Neatly laying out pieces of their bags, all of their stuff combining. It didn't matter, as they always shared clothes anyways. Looking down at the clothes on the floor, hung over towel racks and laid across the sink.

"These" Brea spoke, picking up pink overalls.

"Here" Lauren said handing Brea a white t-shirt that was closer to her.

"Thanks" Brea said.

"Now, I think I wanna wear this," Lauren shifted around and picked up a low cut star patterned shirt and high waisted jeans.

"Showin off for Tig, huh?" 

"And it's a cute top" she smirked.

Leaving the bathroom in their outfits, ready to go. Tigs eyes were on Lauren, just because he wanted to see her in general but today her shirt really showed off her chest nicely. He grunted softly as he felt himself become hard from just looking at her.

"Ready, guys?" Lauren asked.

In the line for the kid roller coaster stood Jax, Bobby and Tig. Lauren had tried to talk him out of it, to not embarrass themselves but it was no use. The next round of kids was let on, then included. Cheering as the dragon started up and took them around a rail three feet above the ground.

"You and Tig ? Anything?" Brea asked.

"Friends, I guess. We haven't been here long"

"I know, but I don't know. Maybe they move faster here in the MC" Brea shrugged innocently.

"They're people too, ya know?" Lauren replied, watching Tig laugh on the ride.

"I know, but they, live differently"

"You do recall that in Vegas, people got married if they didn't even know each other, don't act surprised just because we're in a new town. You keep doing that"

"I can't help it, okay?" She shrugged in defense once again.

"Where to now?" Jax asked as they got off the ride.

"Gemma and Clay are by the cotton candy, we should catch up with them" Tig said.

"Get myself some cotton candy while we're there" Bobby added.

After Bobby had gotten his candy, they walked towards the fun house. Gemma and Clay laughed about something and he then threw her over his shoulder. Then they stopped to talk to a family, Brea and Lauren stayed nearby.

"Hey, Clay" the man spoke.

"How you doin, Elliot?" Clay asked him.

"Okay, Clay" he responded as they shook hands "New friends?"

"Yeah, came down from Vegas, they're helpin around TM now" Jax replied.

His daughter was saying how she wanted to go on the spin out. Jax had given her some of his tickets and gave her a wink.

"Come on" Jax mumbled, pulling Brea by her arm.

She got Lauren and they went off with the three guys once again. Coming around the corner to a dunk tank with a clown sitting over the pool. Passing two white guys, they shared looks with them and the men then eyed up Lauren and Brea.

"Darby's guys?" Bobby asked Jax while Tig was off to the side, puffing his chest at the men who had been passed them.

"Don't recognize them" Jax answered.

"Darby?" Lauren asked.

"Nazi skinhead, runs with the Nords" Jax told her and Brea "same guys at the bar"

He continued to brush it off and walk closer to the dunk tank.

"Ooh, look at the big, bad bikers with their crow eaters, huh?" The clown taunted.

Jax paid for three balls to get his chance at the guy. Bobby cheered him on quietly. Tig did as well, keeping an eye on Lauren while doing so. Jax missed.

"What's the matter, tough guy? Can't put the little ball in the tight hole?" The clown continued on.

Jax missed once again.

"Bet all your leather wearing butt buddies say the same"

"Oh, no that's a bozo no-no" Tig says and walks up to the trigger that'll dunk the clown.

"Oh Jesus you guys, I was just screwing around" the clown said filling with fear.

Bobby and Jax went around with Tig, when he pushed the lever, the clown was in the water. Holding him under and pulling off his wig.

"Jesus," Brea mumbled to herself.

Out the corner of her eye she saw Juice running to them.

"Ladies" he addressed them and turned to the three dunking the clown "hey"

They looked up from their shenanigans to Juice.

"The Irish are coming" He told them.

"Shit, okay" Jax said.

He walked to Brea and Lauren with Bobby and Tig.

"Club business. Gemma is still gonna be here, shoot her a text and she can get you two back to your motel. Catch you guys tomorrow, yeah?" Jax explained.

"Yeah, see you then" Brea smiled.

"Bye, doll" Tig said to Lauren separately and kissed her head, then nodding goodbye to Brea as he jogged off.

"Club business" Brea scoffed "You are gonna get us killed"

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked as they walked the fair grounds.

"You and Tig, getting close"

"You fucked Jax on day two?!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Fucked! Did not engage in further, romantically" she corrected Lauren.

"Fucked Jax?" Another voice chimed, they whipped around to see Gemma behind them.

Brea face palmed at her own confession in front of his mother, her superior and co worker.

"I think you'd be good for him" Gemma said with a smile.

"It's not like that, Gem. It was one night, both had a few drinks in, it was whatever" Brea explained that her and Jax were going nowhere.

"Gang affiliation scares her" Lauren mocked.

"I get that, but if you fall in love with the man, you fall in love with the club" Gemma told her.

"Woah, no ones falling in love here" Brea raised her hands up.

"That's what I said thirty years ago" she replied with a smirk.

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