3. Two rooms

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Sons of Anarchy club party, what an experience

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Sons of Anarchy club party, what an experience. Half naked women hanging all over the bikers was sickening. A red cup and or a cigarette was with someone at all times. Smell of booze, sweat, blood, cigarettes and weed filled the outdoor air. It was so fragrant and present everywhere that there was no fresh air.

Brea and Lauren wandered the club parking lot, getting dirty looks from men and women alike as they were far more covered than the others and weren't willing to fuck anything that was walking with a kutte on.

"This is gross" Brea whined.

"Shut up, it's just like Vegas, just underground. The same shit went on up there that's happening here" Lauren told her, she was embracing this life.

They walked over to a boxing ring where two men stood fighting. The one had no shirt, was covered in tattoos and bald, very fit. The other had black curly hair and was dressed. He had taken about three punches from the other. From across the ring, Brea spotted Jax and some other sons. She had picked up on terminology as well as help from Lo. Brea has slid away from Lauren and snaked past the women and to the front with the guys.

"Brea, hello, glad you stuck around" Jax smiled.

"Hi, Brea. I'm Clay, president of the Sons of Anarchy. I see you've met Jax. This here is Bobby" a greying man told her, pointing to the chubby long haired man that was at the bar earlier with Jax and Chibs "this is Piney" then her attention was brought to a man with oxygen tubes in his nose.

"Who's in the ring? Any of your guys?" She asked as she saw Lo approaching around the corner.

"Speaking of the ring, break up that fight, Bobby" Clay spoke.

"Bald guy, hella tats, that's Happy. Other guy, Tig. Both Sons" Jax replied "See anybody you like?"

"Not here" Brea replied.

"What about your pretty friend, Lauren, right?" Jax asked, looking past Brea.

"Doesn't matter" she said watching the guys in the ring.

Lauren had her eyes trained on Tig since they first joined the audience around the ring. She hadn't even noticed Brea slip away, watching him jog around the ring. Taking hits and then firing them back. When she turned to comment about the hottie in black, she realized Brea's absence and saw she had left to talk to the boys. The fear of gangs was either long gone or was forgotten for the moment.

The two men in the ring then hugged with smiles on their faces. The fight was just for show, a man thing. Fighting and then making up. That was casual for them, for women it was a different story. Fights meant something, no hug fixed that shit right away.

"Stop by tomorrow, we'll get some estimates on that car in the shop for you. Maybe set up a brunch for the three of us, that'd be nice"

"Yeah, thanks again. For the party and the car, and the brunch offer" Lauren thanked Jax.

"Car is business, party was just being polite to newcomers"

"How do you know we're newcomers?" Brea asked skeptical, the gang shit didn't leave her for long.

"It's a small town, don't worry, the gang hasn't wired your cells or anything. We know who isn't from here, we know who is" He replied.

"Yeah" she nodded.

"Where you girls stayin? Need a ride?"

"No, we can walk" Brea spoke quickly.

"It ain't safe, especially since you've got ties with us now" Jax snickered "Let me and someone else take you guys to a hotel nearby, any preference, Lauren?"

"No, doesn't m-" she started to speak.

"Tig, get him on a bike and throw her on the back of it" Brea said what Lo was too scared to say.

"We can make that happen"

"What about Chibs, where is he?" Lauren asked, getting back at Brea.

"Old Scotsman is probably asleep already" he said with a laugh "Tig!"

"Yeah, brother!" Tig answered as he jogged over to him and the girls.

"Good enough to drive these girls to Route 99 Motel?" Jax asked him.

Lauren was tuned out of the conversation, watching Tigs face turn into a cringe.

"I got a room full of young, willing, pussy in there, and you want me to drive some chicks home? Without a little somethin?"

"Come on, you were requested, man. The motel is less than ten minutes away, I'm sure no one is going to bed anytime soon around here, especially these crow eaters" Jax tried to convince him.

"Chose the wrong one, Lo" Brea whispered to her companion.

"It doesn't mean anything, we need our car and we'll be away from all this" she answered.

"It's small town, we won't be separated from them that easily, Lo. Don't get caught up in feelings already, it's too early. Maybe you need to sleep around a little first, test drive Tig, give Jax a whirl-"

"Aren't you gonna be doing that?" Lauren asked with a raised brow, lips curved upwards in a smirk.

"Are you judging me?"

"Alright ladies, Tig is on board. Brea with me, Lo with Tig, I'm guessing that's how we're arranged" Jax called them before Lauren could reply.

"Yeah" Lauren sighed.

Brea was handed a helmet by Jax, Lauren expecting the same from Tig but didn't get it. Jax cleared his throat to remind him, only sending a huff from Tig. Brea got on the bike behind Jax, pouring towards Lauren, sorry that her school girl crush wasn't working out so well. The two wrapped their arms around the man in front of them as they started down the road.

Lauren closed her eyes and held on tight, she was a little disappointed about Tig. I mean, her expectations shouldn't have been high, she knew how the Sons rolled. They slept around with the crow eaters until one was good enough to consider keeping around to become an old lady. Brea held onto Jax tight, out of fear and out of desperation for him to notice her.

As the bikes came to a halt, they stopped in a motel parking lot. It was okay, tacky but it worked. Jax walked Brea and Lauren inside the lobby, Tig opting to stay outside. He was still upset about missing out on the pussy at the clubhouse, it gave off overall bad vibes that he usually didn't carry.

"Two rooms, please" Jax said to the man behind the counter.

"Two?" Brea asked and Jax's response was a wink.

"Are you okay with this?" Brea whispered to Lauren.

"Shit, our clothes are at the shop, in our car" Lauren said.

"Hey, have Tig drive you back to the clubhouse. He can get you into your car and drive you back here. I'll stay here with Brea, okay?"

"He's pissed" Lauren sighed, anxiety filling her stomach.

"He'll be fine, just have your hand slip over his dick once on the bike and he'll be instantly better. He's not always this bad"

"Yeah, okay. You keep her safe, Jax. I'll be back with clothes for tomorrow"

Lauren took a deep breath and walked into the parking lot, only hoping Jax's advice would work.

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