58. Not a day

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Tig and Lauren sat in a cell together. Sitting side by side they waited in the holding room.

"You alright?" Tig asked, turning to her.

"Yeah," she nodded "feel great. A little sad I'm not in Belfast" she shrugged.

"Yeah, me too. They needed Gemma, I mean you know that"

"Yeah, I do" she nodded in agreement.

As Unser walked in the room, Tig stood at his presence.

"Where my lawyer?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe she's in Belfast" Unser joked.

"That's funny" Tig smiled.

"That is but what isn't would be reckless endangerment, speeding and obstruction of justice"

"Hey, hey, hey, speeding maybe but everything else is just hearsay" he said, leaning his face on the bars.

"Bails been posted" Unser said as he unlocked the door, Lauren looking for confirmation she was apart of that "You too"

"Who?" Tig asked while waiting for Lauren.

Walking out into the station, Tara stood in her scrubs.

"Ah, doc, thanks" Tig said.

"Thank you" Lauren said, muffled in her shoulder in a hug.

"Of course. Can we go?" She asked the officer.

"Get his stuff" Unser directed another cop.

As Tig was handed back his stuff, he thanked the woman. Unser stopping them one last time.

"Lauren, hope she can drive a tow truck" He said.

"Why?" Tig asked, utterly confused.

"Your license has been suspended" he shrugged.


"You took three arms of law enforcement on a hundred mile an hour goose chase. Two years before you're behind the wheel"

"Are you serious, man? How am I supposed to work? How am I supposed to ride? You'll be dead before I get that license back"

"We can call the garage and have someone meet you two at the impound" Tara said.
As the drive came to a halt, Gemma and Brea looked to see a road barricade. Two cars and officers in the street.

"What's this?" Gemma asked.

"Police services, Northern Ireland. As long as they have I.D. they should be okay. Out here they won't bother running it through Interpool"

Watching as they handed over ID's it was calm. But soon they were all being put onto their knees.

"Doesn't make sense. They wouldn't have been able to get he intel, not that quick at least" the man in the car said.

Brea watched at Chibs wouldn't get down. He faced a cop, gun pointed to him.

"Jesus Christ, Filip" she whispered to herself.

Then he was hit in the face with the gun. The boys didn't take nice to that, throwing themselves at the cops. It didn't help their situation. Once again just watching as they were piled into the van and started to drive.

"Step on the gas" Gemma spoke calm.

"What?" The driver asked.

"Ya heard the lady" one of the SAMBEL members spoke, sitting across from Brea.

"I ain't gonna broadside no police"

"Step on the gas!" Brea and Gemma shouted together.

Gemma taking the wheel and stepping on the gas she drove. The police van had to drive off-road to avoid a collision. Gemma hopped out with her gun out, as well as the other SAMBEL members. Brea fell in line, pulling her gun to help.

Helping the boys out the van and out of the cuffs. Reigning control of the cops and scaring off the others. Brea put her gun away and walked to Chibs.

"You alright, baby?" She asked as she looked at his face, turning it to inspect it.

"I'm fine, love. How about you?"

"Good," she smiled and gave him a kiss "Just worried about you is all"

The boys pulled one of the cops off the transportation bus. The way Chibs beat him gave away that it was the cop who hit him.

"Go back to the van with Gem, love. I'll see you when we get there" he spoke, kissing her forehead.

"Yeah" she mumbled, not wanting to leave.

"Aye, I love you, just want ya safe"

"I know, I know" she nodded her head, Gemma leading her back to the van they were in before.
Kozik met Tig and Lauren at the impound much to Tigs dislike. Lauren riding in between them, putting her in an uncomfortable place.

"Wasn't my idea to pick you up, talk to Piney" Kozik said as he drove.

Tig didn't answer, Lauren turning to him only to find him looking out the window.

"Shit, two years. No riding, no vote. Don't worry, I'll let you ride bitch with me"

"That's gonna be tough, you being up in Tacoma," Tig spoke, looking over Brea to Kozik "I ain't ever, ever letting you patch SAMCRO, man"

"It's been eight years, douchebag"

"Yeah, and not a day goes by I don't think about her. Not one" he pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

Lauren pursed her lips in silence. There was nothing for her to say to fix the tension. The rest of the car ride went silent, Lauren holding Tigs hand in attempts to comfort him. All that she wondered was who 'she' was. It made her wonder, but she doubted it was something he'd want to talk about now. She also doubted it was one of his past old ladies.
Riding into town, people's heads turning as they arrived. Rounding a corner of a market, they pulled into the side parking lot. There was a warm welcome for the SAMCRO boys. Everyone hugging and shaking hands, greeting them. Brea was going to stay close to Gemma, but she had other ideas. Her eyes focused on a blonde woman across the parking lot. Her, Jax and Clay met her and the girl walking with her.

Chibs hunted Brea down when the crowd became less rowdy. He wrapped his arm around her, kissing her forehead.

"Welcome to my home, darlin'" he smiled, filled with pride for his country.

"Really shown us quite the warm welcome" she scoffed.

"Just a little bump, it'll be fine, my love"

"You know I love you, Filip," Brea spoke, holding both his hands "like, with everything in me. It'd hurt if I knew you were hiding something from me"

"I know, you've nothin to worry about" he lied to her face.

He just hoped Fiona knew not to mess with her.

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