117. Long day back

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It was another few months down the drain, in a flash. Bobby had gone off with Jury's group and Tara was locked up. But they had to move on, had to keep going. Jax moved Chibs to VP, Happy to SA. But it all worked out, it always did. Lauren gave birth to twin sons, not upset that Tara had missed it either, and one was named as Tig wanted; Jameson but the other was a group decision and the name was Leland. Teddy, Jameson and Leland were buddies, always together. Teddy often got rides to TM because the three always wanted to be together.

Gemma drove Abel and Thomas to TM so she could work and get some help with the boys from crows. Brea was already at TM with Chibs and Juniper earlier that day, as well as Lauren with Jameson, Leland and Teddy. Chibs helped get Thomas out the car while Tig helped Abel. Chucky brought Gemma a nerf gun for her to gift to Nero's kid. Chibs handed off Thomas to a crow who took him happily in her arms.

Gemma had a grin on her face as she wrapped her arm around Chibs. She pat his shoulder firmly. They overlooked the clubhouse and TM. Lauren with Teddy, Leland and Jameson by the picnic tables.

"How's Tig feelin about getting passed over for SA?" Gemma asked him.

"He's got other things on his mind. He's still not right yet, ya know?" Chibs replied.

"Losing a kid will do that. Just glad he's got Teddy, Leland and Jameson to help mend that wound. What about you and the fiancée?"

"Great, we've fixed our shite finally. Juniper growin, almost two now! I love them, Gem" he smiled looking at Brea playing with Juniper on the playground.

"I know you do, baby" she pulled her arm around his neck tighter to bring him in.

"Listen, you need anythin, just let us know. Okay, mom?" Chibs changed his light hearted tone to a serious one.

"Thank you" Gemma nodded and kissed him on each cheek.


Later in the day, Tig started up a game with Abel. Unser was occupying Thomas while Lauren hung out with Leland , Jameson and Teddy on the floor near some sofas. Chibs sat at the bar with Happy, trying to relax. Brea was babbling and talking with Juniper in her lap at a table behind Chibs barstool.

Ima had run in the doors, her heels clunking around sloppily on the ground.

"Where's Jax?" She panted.

"What's this gash doin here?" Chibs pointed to Ima without even looking at her.

"Gash" Juniper repeated her father.

"Jesus, Filip" Brea punched him in the shoulder.

"Is she not?" He turned around to defend himself to Brea.

"I need your help please. Lylas hurt really bad. Please?" She was desperate.

"Unser, Chucky, you got Lauren, Brea, four kids and a dog for a while" Tig stood up.

"Alright" They nodded as if they had another answer to give, Chucky more excited than Unser.

Chibs, Happy and Tig all left following Ima after saying short goodbyes and love yous to family. Lauren rolling her eyes. Brea left Juniper with Lauren while she took Tigs place in the game he was playing with Abel.


Gemma had come with Chibs and a beat up Lyla. Brea bit her lip seeing her cut up, burned and bruised. She looked worn out. Brea got up, Lyla was heading to the chapel with Gemma and Chibs. She stopped Chibs.

"What happened?" She whispered to him.

"Scumbags lured her into torture porn, against her will clearly. I'm gonna fix her up and then we gotta head out to take out the fuckers who hurt her" he explained with disgust in his voice.

"Are we safe?" She asked, brows raised and her hand on his chest.

"Yes" he nodded and she let him go.


Brea went to the office while Unser, Lauren and all the others played with the kids outside. Maybe it was to get some quiet or something but she needed to. When she walked in she saw Chibs walk in the garage, all the mechanics clearing out except for Juice. She walked to the window wearily as Gemma opened the blinds up. She peaked from below, wanting to know what was going to happen but didn't want her appearance to change Chibs decision. She felt something bad going to happen, either way he'd do what he had to and she'd find out.

She watched cowardly as Chibs removed his rings slowly. Then he took a swing at Juice, this one was strong and powerful. The second took some winding up from Chibs, even lost his balance as he came through with the punch with a spin. He was too old to be fighting like this. Brea fell to the ground completely, a bowl of sugar packets falling on her head from the coffee stand she was perched upon. She heard the commotion from the garage, the grunts and the stuff being moved around from Juice falling due to the beating he was taking. She just held her hands to her face while Gemma helped clean up what she had knocked over.

As the night came to a close, Jax hadn't returned. Tig decided he would watch his boys at Jax's place, put them to bed. Lauren said she'd join as well, bringing Jameson, Leland and Teddy with her. Gemma left to her house. Brea walked slowly to the clubhouse, walking in to see Happy and Lyla taking shots. Chucky was watching Juniper, Chibs had just finished patching up Juices face. Seeing that, Brea had an energy that surged her with anger. Chibs saw that and he stood up, still unaware Brea saw what he had done. He was going to console her, talk to her.

"What the fuck have you done, Chibs!" She yelled so loud her throat burned. She swung her fist at his face how he'd done to Juice.

Chibs grabbed her wrists when he came back from the hit. He stopped her from any further attacks she'd want to lash out onto.

"We're his only family, Chibs. Watches Juniper when you're away since I can't do this shit on my own. I asked him to be Junipers godfather and you beat him senseless. I don't understand this, Chibs, I really don't anymore" she sighed defeatedly.

Walking around to the bar she pours herself a shot to quickly down before getting Juniper and leaving the clubhouse. Everyone left speechless.

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