44. Personal stock

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Tig and Half-Sack returned early in the morning, before church. Tig made sure to stay in the lounge, knowing their day would start sooner than expected.

Chibs heard a knock at the door, he was watching Brea. He felt guilty for not killing Kasper earlier, hurting her feelings then would've saved her the physical and emotional pain she's suffering in now. With her face forever scarred, like his, he knew how tough it was to deal with.

"Aye" he called out softly.

"Church, five minutes" Juice told him through the door.

"I'll be there"

Chibs sighed and kissed Brea lightly before he got dressed. Walking out his room and to church just on time. Everyone filled in their seats, lit their cigarettes and got comfortable.

"Guessing this has to do with those patches being back in your kutte?" Bobby propositioned.

"Yeah," Jax sighed "I'm not goin' nomad"

"That's good news, Jackie boy" Chibs nodded.

"Just, listen up" Jax said and turned to Clay.

Then everyone's eyes followed his to Clay. He hadn't said much like he usually did.

"The night of Bobby's party," he started to speak "Gemma never ran into no barricade, she was jumped on route 18. Took her to the utility house, three of Zobelles crew, had a message for her to deliver. Stop selling guns"

Clay took a deep breath and a long pause. Collecting his thoughts, trying to stay strong for his next statement.

"They raped her" he finished.

"Oh god" Chibs whispered.

"What?" Tig asked in disbelief "I'm so sorry, Clay"

The whole table shared their sighs and looks of shock. Chibs and Tig, hearing this for the first time, only felt sick knowing that it could happen to their old ladies. Them being taken by Kasper was rough, but he didn't rape them. But Zobelle was still out there, looking to attack this club in any way.

"One of them was Weston" Clay told them.

"What do we do?" Opie asked.

"We her bloody, chop their goddamn heads off!" Chibs yelled.

The whole table rejoiced the plan, agreeing unanimously except Jax and Clay.

"We ain't ever seen an assault like this, as much as I'd like to cut their hearts out, a show of force just puts just back in jail. We ain't any good in jail, leaving our women unprotected. So we've gotta play their own game, find their weakness and unravel them" Jax announced.

"And until then, nobody reacts. You see Zobelle, Weston, any of his crew. You swallow the urge to kill them and walk right on. Understood?" Clay tells them all.

"What about Kasper?" Tig asks "took Lauren, Brea. Different threat but it's still a threat we've to handle"

"He's easy, one man, he's weak beatin' on women the way he was. That gash on Brea-"

"Don't talk about it" Chibs spoke through clenched teeth.

"We'll have Juice find him and wrap this shit up today, make it quick. Tig will do his job, take care of Kasper"

"Tig? You seen my ol' lady? I don't get to get him for what he did?" Chibs argued.

"You seen my old lady, brother?" Tig turned to Chibs.

"Aye, I do but I look at my ol' lady every day. I see that embarrassment in her eyes, she's ashamed of it, won't even let me see her" Chibs' voice cracked "I kill Kasper for what he did, and has done to the woman I love"

Hearing Chibs confess his love for Brea to the table made his point across. Brea had been beaten by Kasper way before she even got here.

"Chibs handles Kasper, got it, Tig?" Clay settles it.

"Yeah," Tig nodded with his tongue in his cheek before turning back to the table "he can do my job"

Chibs pushed Tig by his collar, slamming him and his chair against the wall. He was furious Tig would act so childish about this.

"Chibs! Let him go!" Clay shouted.

Chibs looked at him, his chest was heaving as he stood above Tig. He let go of him and returned to his seat once again.

"Listen, we need guns to prepare for Zobelle, cupboards empty" Bobby speaks.

"Chinese layin' low after their run in with I.N.S, gonna be weeks before we see any of that shit" Clay said.

"We gotta tap from our personal stock," Jax said "bring anything you got here"

Clay slammed his hand on the table, bringing the meeting to an end. Most of the boys had kept their stock at the clubhouse, it was where they stayed. Jax had to leave to get his, Clay sent Tig to his house to collect his stock for him. He didn't have time to see Lauren who was up and waiting for him, to come clean about their distance. Chibs got to see Brea, tell her the news.

"I got good news, love" he said as he walked in.

"What is it?" Brea asked, still half asleep.

"I get to get rid of that bastard who hurt you" he said.

"Isn't Tig's job to kill for the club?" She questioned.

"I fought for the right to kill him, don't worry about it" he said as he pulled out his stash of guns to collect for the club.

"Thank you" Brea whispered and she hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.
At Clays house, Tig let himself in, grabbing a bottle of vodka and Clays stash. He set up at the dinner table with the guns.

"Want some orange juice with that?" Gemma asked as she walked into the kitchen seeing him throwing back alcohol.

"Sorry," Tig said as he turned to her, seeing her in a robe he looked away "I helped myself. Been a rough morning" he looked back to her.

"Yeah" she agreed and pulled him in for a hug and then kissed his cheek.

"You need anything, let us know" he said, their eyes lingered on one another.

"What's all this?" She changed the subject to the guns on the table.

"Chinese contact didn't pan out, we're collecting personal stock now"

"I'll grab mine" she said as she walked away.

"Alright" Tig nodded as his eyes followed her body as she walked away.

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