50. Mo ghra

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Days had passed since the incident. Chibs had kept a close eye on Brea, taking advantage of the amount of time they had spent at the clubhouse. Tig called Lauren daily, checking in on her to make sure she was alright as he couldn't be with her right now. Jax was M.I.A since Abel went missing, him and Tara weren't even talking he was so out of it.

"Another day begins," Chibs spoke as he kissed Brea, signaling he was leaving "want anythin before I go? Coffee? Food?"

"No, it's alright" she mumbled.

"Alright my love, you take care of yourself" he left the room and went out to meet the boys. He stopped to talk to Lauren.

"You alright, lass?" He asked her.

"Better than Brea," she tried to lighten the mood but Chibs wanted a real answer "I'm alright. You stay safe, she needs you"

"She needs you too, don't forget that," he nodded to her and kissed her forehead "goodbye"

"Bye" she smiled as he jogged to catch up with the boys.
"Brea, I've to to the police station. Are you up for a drive?" Lauren asked as she walked into Brea's room.

"I'll be fine"

"I change my mind, you're coming, you need it. We don't have to talk and Tara and I won't say you were there. Just come for company" Lauren said and pulled Brea out bed.

She dragged her feet to the car and got inside. Lauren drove them to the station, she passed Tara on her way in.

"I didn't mention Brea, Cameron said nothing, he just tied us up after killing Kip and took Abel" Tara whispered as she hugged her to avoid suspicion of conspiracy.

"Yeah," Lauren nodded as she pulled away "Thank you"

Lauren walked through the station and to the room she was led to. They had a video camera on the table and started their questioning.

"Where were you when Cameron took the baby?" He asked.

"I was sitting at the table where he put me" she relied.

"He didn't say anything? Why he was taking him? About his son being killed? Ransom?"

"No, nothing. He tied Tara and I up in different rooms and took Abel"

"Any detail can help us"

"I don't know anything else" she shook her head.
The wake was held that night, Lauren drove her own car as Tig wasn't around for her ride. Brea rode with Chibs. They arrived at the funeral home where tons of other Sons members and military men and women stood. The amount of people had flowed out the building and onto the lawn.

Lauren had a hard time holding herself together. She hadn't let herself mourn his death yet. Tonight, she kneeled at his casket, still holding back tears. Brea didn't step foot close to his casket for her own sake. Tara had taken it as hard as Lauren had, all three of the girls had reason to cry. They all had witnessed his death first hand and it was everyone's first time seeing a person killed in front of their own eyes. Lauren hadn't blamed herself but she still couldn't help but feel bad she couldn't do more. Brea and Lauren had both blamed themselves and hadn't moved on from it yet. Tara thinking it was her fault that Abel was taken. Brea and Tara had gotten somewhat close over the year and considering Brea had been playing with Abel minutes before he was taken, doesn't help her grieving.

Lauren said a silent prayer for him, just insuring he rests easy. Standing up and facing Tara, Jax and Clay standing outside the door. She nodded to them all, Tara pulling her in for a hug. Understanding each other and their struggles the hug was needed.

As the sons had decided to move outside to see the others, they walked together. Walking out into the night, in a big group as people stared. Cops were on the scene, to be 'prepared'. Jax and Tara walked behind Chibs and Brea while they followed the rest of the group.

Suddenly gunfire erupted through the air and time felt to slow. Chibs threw Brea to the ground, putting himself on top of her to shield her. Jax had done the same to Tara, Opie to Lyla. Lauren took the queue and dropped to the ground as well. She shut her eyes as gunfire and screams rang through her ears. Brea held back tears hearing screams of injured and scared people. When the gunfire was down, Chibs helped Brea up and held her.

"I'm sorry, lass" he whispered into her hair and she clutched onto his kutte for dear life.

Lauren stood after everyone else had. Watching as Jax walked past her and to a man cops surrounded. She saw a woman clutch her dying son and bit her cheek. Jax had the cops back off the man as he took a hold of the mans face, smashing his face into the ground below him repeatedly. She saw Hales dead body on the ground as she walked off the lot, everyone still too focused and in shock to notice her leave. She got in her car and drove away from it all.

Brea had seen the boys pull Jax off the man on the street. The cops pointed guns to Jax for something he had done. Chibs stayed by her side knowing she needed him.

"Filip, I can't do this" she cried.

"Yes you can, baby. You're so strong but right now the world won't give ya a break. We'll figure this all out and you'll be alright in the end" he told her, giving her all his attention.

"Will you be there?" She asked.

"Every step of the way"


"Promise, mo ghra"

Meanwhile Lauren drove around Charming with no location in mind yet. She picked up her phone and dialed Tigs number out of habit. She had let it ring, just to see what would happen.

"Hey, doll," Tig said into the phone "you alright?"

"I need you, Tig" she cried into the line.

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