112. Safe from SAMCRO

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Tig and Chibs left, Brea trailing behind. As Tig and Brea turned to go to Lauren's, Chibs honked goodbye to them as he kept on his way home.

Tig and Brea walked up to the house. Each expected a mess, Lauren stressed and a crying baby but it was the opposite. She was feeding Juniper as she was half asleep in her arms. Lauren herself was fading in and out of her own sleep.

"Already has the motherly instinct" Brea nudged Tig.

"I had no doubt she'd be anything less than great at taking care of our baby. Just this did, under these circumstances" Tig replied with his hands on his hips.

"No, I know" Brea nodded.

"Let's get our babies, yeah? They both look a little sleepy"

Brea gave a small laugh as she scooped up Juniper. Lauren startled awake, scared but then relaxing when she saw Brea.

"Thank you" she smiled to her friend.

"Yeah, don't mention it" she shook her head as Tig took her hand.

Brea left to go pack her stuff up to go home. Tig pulled Lauren up off the sofa and into his arms. He put his hands on her waist and kissed her softly.

"Let's get you to bed, momma" he mumbled against her lips.

"Mm, sounds nice to me" she smiled.

"Goodnight, Brea. Just close the door behind you" Tig shouted as Lauren started upstairs.

"I got it. Goodnight you two"

Brea snuggled up Juniper in her car seat, still sound asleep. She finished packing up her bag and headed out herself. Driving to her house as safe but quick as possible as she was ready to be in bed.

Walking in the doors, Chibs was seemingly waiting for her. He had quickly gotten up off the couch as he heard the door knob turn.

"I got her" he says quietly.

"Filip, you've had a busy day, it's alright. She's alrea-"

"You go to bed, don't worry about me" he insisted and took the car seat from her hands.


"I'll see you in the bedroom" he urged her.

She did so and left to their room where she got ready for bed. Chibs had taken Juniper to the nursery and laid her in her crib.

"I'll make sure one day I can promise you this club won't hurt you," Chibs whispered to his daughter and kissed her forehead "for now I can just try my best"


The next day, Tig was called by Clay to visit him. Tig wasn't his right hand man anymore, Clay was basically dead to the club now, but he came anyways. He went because no matter the shit they've been through, Tig knew he couldn't erase history. He couldn't erase the fact that Clay was his 'father' in this club, helping him from the beginning.

Tig arrived and knocked on the door. He was going over what he planned would happen. He planned confrontation and hostility. Clay opened the door and Tig had almost completely forgotten his mission. Seeing Clay so weak and powerless made him want to be nice. Once again, that history runs deep.

"Hey man, thanks for comin by" Clay told him.

Tig didn't answer and walked past him and into the house. He looked around the dingy place.

"Everything okay?" Tig asked the bullshit small talk questions.

"You know, I wish I could say yes," Clay walked into the kitchen "want anythin? Coffee? Beer?"

"Nah, won't be here long," Tig walked into the kitchen now, Clay grabbing two beers out the fridge anyways "what's goin on, man?"

"Sit down," Clay prompts him as he takes his own seat, opening his beer "you happy?"

Tig glared at him, letting out a dry laugh.

"Really? Really? You kill my wife's father on her wedding night and you're asking me if I'm happy?"

"I didn't kill him, I didn't order anyone to do so either. That was Club shit, Jax's call, Chibs trigger finger" Clay defended himself.

"You started it. Called him out on some fuckin tattoo. It was her wedding ! Our wedding!" Tig slammed his hand on the table "you could've at least saved that shit for the next day, even after everyone left or somethin. Just not-not there, during the reception"

"I just miss you, Tiggy. When I lost the gavel, the shit I thought I'd be jonesing for is the money, the weight-"

"Don't tell me its the brotherhood and camaraderie or I'm gonna puke all over your goddamn table" Tig shook his head.

"I do miss having you on my right" Clay finished his spiel.

"You killed that, not me" Tig once again shook his head, not facing Clay.

"I know," he paused to drink "I just want you to know I appreciate all your loyalty, all the shit you did for me. I will never forget that"

"Yeah? I'm trying to forget that. We done?" Tig tried to wrap it up, looking at him again.

"I may be forced to create some new opportunities outside of SAMCRO. If you every find yourself at a crossroads with the club, maybe grow tired of watching your president sucking up to the man who burnt your daughter alive," Tig turned away from him again, bringing up such a sensitive topic "my door would be open"

Tig took a deep breath before standing up. He stood at the edge of the room and turned back to him.

"What are you workin, Clay?" He asked.

"Just trying to stay alive, brother. You know how that is," he drank again "I appreciate you listening, now I'll let you get off to whatever else you have to do"

Tig started to walk away but Clay stopped him. Tig turning back around at his beck and call.

"Tell Lauren, I'm sorry about her father"

Tig laughed again, louder than the first one. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Fuckin funny, hilarious man. She doesn't want to hear shit about you, she doesn't wanna see the clubhouse. She doesn't even wanna see the kutte on my back. She doesn't say it, but she hates SAMCRO. If I didn't have my whole life rooted here, owed to SAMCRO, I would pack up and leave with her and our baby"

"Can't leave SAMCRO unless you die or you're kicked out" Clay snickered.

"I'd die for her to get out and be safe from the brutality of the club" Tig spat venom with his words before he slammed the door on Clay.

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