83. Long time

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Early in the morning, Chibs went to TM. Brea came along for the ride, though she drove her own car. Chibs wanted to meet up with Jax to discuss Juices situation. 

Chibs stood in the garage with Juice, Brea leaned against her car, facing them with a cigarette in hand. She didn't know what had happened but knew something did and it wasn't good.

Jax passed Brea with a cigarette of his own. He stopped to talk to her for a second.

"Know what happened?" Jax asked.

"No" she shook her head.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm still on suicide watch if you're wondering why I'm here" she snickered, making light out of such a dark situation.

"You're funny" he joked back as he approached Chibs and Juice in the garage.

"What's up?" Jax asked Chibs.

Chibs removed his sunglasses to look at Jax.

"I need your advice, brother"

Jax nodded, prompting Chibs to elaborate. Chibs pulled down the collar of Juices kutte to reveal a large bruise around his neck.

"What about it? He said he caught it on a security chain at Oswald's" Jax asked confused.

He looked between the two, no one making eye contact or speaking. He then put some shit together in his head and it clicked.

"Oh, shit, Juice" he sighed.

"I don't know what happened, man. Maybe, doing the time, the Russians and then Miles" Juice tried to explain himself.

"I don't know how we handle this" Chibs murmured to Jax.

"It was a mistake, I know that" Juice pleaded, a tear falling.

"Alright, give us a minute," Jax nodded his head away from the garage and Juice left "Jesus Christ" Jax said, turning to see Juice waking away.

"Found him at Oswalds tryin' to hide the evidence"

"Sons don't kill themselves, clubs gonna vote him out, no ones gonna trust him" Jax shook his head.

"I know" Chibs sighed in discontent.

"But you do" Jax spoke turning to Chibs.

"My first kill for the Irish—young constable in Omagh. My age, could've been classmates. I put two bullets in the back of that boys head, never seen it comin'. That shit broke me, Jackie. Came close to swingin' from that tree myself" Chibs confessed

"Big difference between thinking about it and doing it though"

"Aye," he let out a deep sigh "suicide hits home in more than one way, Jackie, I need this. Let me watch him for a while, figure out where he's really at"

"You sure? That puts you on double suicide watch"

"I've got it, Jackie boy. About Juice, Clay needs to pull him off this cartel shit, asap"

They looked over to Brea and Juice who were talking and laughing. He was upset when he left the garage but Brea was quick to cheer him up. She then bumped his collar and the bruise on his neck was visible. Her face dropped and eye brows scrunched up in concern.

"Juice," she said, tears filling her eyes and his lips pursed in a frown "That's-that's why Chibs was so upset last night" she whispered to herself.

"Brea, it's nothing you need to worry about. I'm alright," Juice shrugged it off, wanting to change the topic "I'm not hurting any family if it worked because I don't have any"

"Don't tell me I don't need to worry, goddamn it! You're my family, Juice. Wether I like it or not, I love you all here" she sighed.

"I'm sorry, Brea" he gave a lop sided smile to her.

Chibs and Jax made their way towards Juice and Brea. Chibs wrapping an arm around Brea and kissing her head.

"We're meetin at Gemma's later, aye?" Chibs asked Jax for confirmation.

"Yeah, Clay and I are just going to meet with Romeo first but we shouldn't be long" Jax nodded.

Chibs got on his bike and Brea in her car, leaving TM and to Gemma's.

At Gemma's, Lauren was awake and helping Gemma cook. Since the clubhouse was a crime scene, they were holding church there. Gemma and Lauren worked side by side at the stove. Lauren making French toast and Gemma made pancakes. Tig sat in the dining room with a mug of coffee. There was a song playing from the stereo but no one knew what it was. Humming nonsense, Lauren grooved around the kitchen. Old dance moves she learned from drill team in high school took her over. It was quiet and dancing was what felt right in the moment.

"Oh, you dance?" Gemma asked, raising a brow as she started plating the pancakes.

"Long time ago" Lauren answered with a small smile.

"If a long time ago counts as last week in my bedroom" Tig snickered from the dining room.

"You've a lot to say for not doing a whole lot" Gemma commented.

"Yeah, I always do"

The door opened, Chibs peeking a head inside. He took off his sunglasses and placed them in his jacket pocket.

"Mornin mama Gem, mornin Lauren" He smiled and gave Gemma a hug.

"Don't forget poor, Tiggy" Lauren teased with a pout.

"Good mornin', Alexander, how'd ya sleep last night?" Chibs gushed with sarcasm as he faced Tig.

"Coffee?" Gemma offered him.

"Would be lovely" Chibs raised his brows to her.

"Morning everyone" Brea smiled with a wave as she walked in.

"Coffee for you?" Gemma extended the offer.

"Sure" Brea shrugged.

"What's up with him?" Gemma asked as she poured Breas cup.

"Like I fuckin know. How's she doin?" Brea nodded towards Lauren.

"Her and Tig got the house, it was what she needed after this shit storm now she just needs you on board, all the way" Gemma explained.

"I get it, I get it" Brea mumbled as she sipped her coffee.

Gemma turned to get Chibs his coffee and Lauren stopped her. She heard the whole conversation with her and Brea.

"You didn't have to do that" Lauren whispered.

"It's my job to keep everyone happy as biker queen," she laughed at her title "I try my best"

"It must be working, thank you Gem"

"Of course, baby" Gemma smiled, giving her a side hug and kissing her forehead.

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