68. Out of Stockton

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Fourteen months passed while they were away. Lauren went to visit Tig any chance she could get. They'd talk about missing each other and how things were on the other side. It kept him hopeful to know she'd be waiting for him when he got out. She was upset when he was picked up, sure, but she understood. That was Tigs way of protecting her and keeping her close while he could. They both knew how it could've blown back negatively but their love for each other was stronger. They knew each other on a deeper level. She understood what he did and knew she'd probably do the same.

Chibs and Fiona's divorce papers were over with, making room for his marriage to Brea if the time came. They found a house to settle down in, getting out of the clubhouse felt nice. Chibs let Brea decorate as she pleased, happy with whatever she chose. It made him happy to see her so happy, in her element and decorating. Her having the house felt like her getaway from the club, where they could just be themselves. Chibs would take off his kutte at home and the club business wasn't constantly around them there. He'd often spend nights with her on their sofa, he'd read beside her as he'd stroke her hair mindlessly. Two homeowners in love, it was the American dream.

Lauren had watched Abel grow alongside Tara and Gemma. He had grown close to her as they were around each other so much.

"Today's the day, my love. Boys are out of Stockton!" Chibs cheered as he jumped out of bed, shaking Brea awake.

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming" she mumbled, dragging her feet to get ready.

Chibs and Brea took his bike to meet the rest of the boys at TM. That was where the prospects had the truck, loading their bikes for the boys to ride them home on. Opie and Chibs collected the boys kuttes to return to them when they met them. Lauren drove her car to meet them at the shop, her probably the most excited. Itching to be with Tig again she rushed everyone to get going. Once again they hit the road to meet the boys.

Clapping and cheering as the boys exited the gates of the prison. Even the mechanics at TM were waiting to see them back. Lauren running into Tigs arm, wasting no time in being with him again.

"Oh, doll, I've missed you in more ways than one" he groaned, squeezing her tight.

"I'm here, baby, I'm here" she repeated into his chest as she cried tears of joy.

"Me too," he nodded "me too"

Tig then greeted Kozik, seeing he was patched in. Jax and Opie hugging, sharing some greetings. Jax walked to Brea somewhat sympathetically, hugging her softly.

"I'm sorry about how things went down that day, I heard you ask where Chibs was and I couldn't answer in time. I'm sorry, darlin" he apologized as he pulled away to look at her.

"It's alright, Jax. Filip, he explained it all to me, just glad you're out," she smiled as he pulled away "and with a new do!" She joked, ruffling his now short hair.

"Yes ma'am, gotta stay safe in prison, hair is a weak point" he spoke.

"I've had my fair share of prison experiences, I know the tricks of the trade" she answered with a smirk.

"Hey, let's get he hell outta here!" Clay shouted to the boys.

Brea gave an awkward handshake to Happy as they passed each other. The girls would be sure to catch up with everyone back at the clubhouse. But now their main focus was getting back home, where they belonged. The boys flipping off the prison as they drove past it, Brea shaking her head in embarrassment and turning the other way.

They drove back into Charming but coming to a halt seeing the building of a housing development coming. Hale was moving forward in his projects taking the boys absence as his chance. Not wasting much time, Clay continued into town. But then they were stopped again by a police barricade in the middle of Main Street. Turning off their bikes and Clay removing his helmet.

"Well, now, if you're the welcoming committee, I was hoping for flowers and maybe a bundt cake" Clay said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, no cake" the cop said.

"What the hell is this, man?" Jax asked, impatient to get home to his wife and sons.

"Just a friendly heads up. Charming is now under the jurisdiction of the San Joaquin Sheriff Department"

"I'm guessing that's you" Clay commented.

"Lieutenant Roosevelt. Charming-Morada substation is my command" he introduced himself.

"Well, you got to show everyone how big your stick it, Teddy. Can we go now?" Jax asked.

"The conditions of your release state that no gang colors of identifying clothing may be worn in public"

"We're not a gang, were a motorcycle club" Clay clarified.

"The federal government disagrees. So the next time I see any one of you who got out today wearing kuttes, they'll belong to me. Welcome home, gentleman"

Boys rolling their eyes and scoffing at the new cop was an overall reaction. Even from Lauren's car she could sense the tension. It didn't feel or look good. The cop wore a smug grin, as if he beat the sons with a speech. She scoffed in her car and followed as the boys started driving again to go home. That's where Gemma, Tara, the boys and Lyla were waiting alongside the rest of the SAMCRO family and associates. Jax immediately went to Tara, Clay to Gemma and Opie to Lyla. Recreating went the two girls who went did at the prison.

"Chapel, ten minutes" Clay spoke to let the boys know it still give them time to be with their families.

"Back to the routine" Brea sighed realizing Chibs wouldn't be all hers again.

"You know it," he smirked "you still got me, love. You're my number one priority, above everythin' else" he reassured her.

While Brea had had Chibs for those fourteen months, Lauren was just getting back to Tig. She didn't let him go, him dragging her to the chapel doors even.

"Won't be long, doll. Don't worry," he said as he wrapped his arms around her "then we'll have to catch up" he winked.

"Mmm, sure" she laughed and kissed his nose.

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