48. Love never fails

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Gemma had gotten a call from Clay, telling her to bring the girls and meet them at the police station. Gemma didn't ask questions, rounding up the girls and driving them to the station. Lauren had seen Tig asleep on top of a platform and sat by his legs. She didn't bother waking him, he deserved the rest. She kept a hand on his abdomen for comfort on her end. Gemma sat with Clay under the awning, they talked together quietly. Lyla and Opie stood near Tara and Jax on the wheelchair ramp outside. Brea stood in between Chibs' legs as he sat on the hood of the police car. He had his arms rested around her neck, keeping her close.

A whistle came from the entrance of the station, Unser had news. Everyone had jumped up, including Tig. All gathering around Unser in hopes of good news.

"What?" Clay asked Unser.

"Stahl's been locked in a room with F.B.I for two hours right now, no idea what's going on" he said flailing his arms.

"What about Weston?" Jax asked.

"Still waiting to hear from the D.A, sorry" Unser spoke before turning to go inside.

Clay and Gemma stood, he told her to go back to the clubhouse. Jax caught wind of it and raised prospect to keep an eye on the girls.

"I love you, I'll be back tonight" Tig told Lauren, kissing her before she left with Gemma.

"Be safe, whatever you guys do today" Brea said to Chibs.

"Of course, lass. Don't worry, aye?" He told her.

She kissed him before she caught up with Gemma and they left.
Gemma had dropped off Lyla, taking Tara, Lauren and Brea shopping for supplies. Tara had driven her car with Gemma and Abel. Behind them, Brea and Lauren drove in the car that they had driven first driving into Charming. Ending the chain of cars was Half-Sack tailing them all.

"Lot has changed since the last time we drove this car" Lauren said, looking over to Brea.

"None of it good" Brea mumbled.

"Don't say that, that's a lie. A lot bad has happened but it's the good things that should stand out above them all. I found Tig and you found Chibs" Lauren smiled.

"I also found Kasper, got us into shit that would've never happened in Vegas"

"You can't say that, you have no clue what could've happened. Through it all, Brea, you're my best friend. No matter what has happened" Lauren told her.

"As much as I get mad at you, you're mine too. Love never fails, right?" Brea laughed.

"Yeah, I guess it does"
After they went shopping and packed the stuff in Tara's car, Gemma switched places with Tara and drove instead. Lauren and Brea were unaware of where they were going. Gemma was following Zobelle's daughter, Tara knew who she was and knew Gemma was up to no good.

As they arrived in a neighborhood, everyone parked. Gemma got out Tara's car and walked to Lauren and Brea. She kissed them each on the forehead.

"Gemma, what's happening?" Lauren asked.

"I've something I got to go," Gemma answered "I love you girls, reigning those boys in the way you did. Keep Tig honest and you keep Chibs grounded, don't let any woman steer him in the wrong direction" Gemma referred to Fiona.

Lauren understood it, Brea was clueless and Gemma had left before she could ask. She turned to Lauren for an explanation but she just shrugged. Tara got out the car, walking to Half-Sack, Lauren and Brea also got out.

"I'm gonna go see Abel, yeah?" Brea asked Tara.

"Of course" Tara nodded.

Lauren, Tara and Half-Sack stood in the street.

"What's she doing?" Half-Sack asked.

"Just, stay here. She may need to get out fast" Tara replied.

"Awh, shit" he cursed to himself.
Tara and Brea left earlier than Half-Sack and Lauren. Tara needed to feed Abel, and Brea went so she wasn't alone. Lauren stayed by choice, feeling the need to be there for Gemma. Gemma had known her since they were kids, close friends with her mother, this was the least she could do.

As cops flooded the street, Half-Sack signaled to Lauren they had to go. He waited for her to go first, so he could keep an eye on her. Lauren hit the steering wheel with anger at Gemma and what she had done but didn't stop driving. She couldn't have been there for her and she needed to tell herself that. This was Gemma's own doing.

Tara was getting stuff from the cabinets while Brea sat at the table. She had Abel in his car seat on the kitchen counter across from the table. When the door opened, Tara turned it hopes it was Jax but it was just the prospect.

"Where's Gemma?" Tara asked.

"I don't know. Feds raided the house, I had to leave," he said "you better call, Jax"

"Lauren?" Brea asked.

"In the car out front, she needed a minute alone"

Tara walked behind Brea to get the home phone and dialed Jax. Lauren sat in her car with her head on the steering wheel when there was a tap on her window. She looked up and saw Cameron with a gun pointed at her through the window. He motioned for her to get out and she didn't hesitate.

"Stay quiet or I shoot ya" he spoke as he walked with the gun pressed on her back.

Walking into the house, they saw Cameron with Lauren. He turned his gun towards Tara who was on the phone, she yelped in shock. He hung up the phone and had her sit next to Brea, also leading Lauren to sit at the head of the table.

"Weapon" Cameron spoke, gun to the prospect as he handed over his gun.

"What are you doing? What do you want?" Tara questioned, trying to keep her cool.

"Gemma killed my Eddie"

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