34. Aren't you married?

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The boys got back today, Lauren, Brea, Gemma and Tara all waited together at TM. The crows weren't here for this part, guess it wasn't as good as when they left. For the girls who waited at TM, it was even better.

As the bikes engines sounded through their ears, they knew they were near. Gemma pulled Lauren and Tara into her side, Lauren dragging Brea into the hold as well.

Tig was off his bike as soon as he parked it. Lauren ran into his arms, meeting him halfway. She jumped up into his grasp and he held onto her for dear life. He groaned in pain but kept it quiet, he didn't want to ruin this homecoming by bitching about his leg. Her hands were in his hair as she tried to hold him as close as she could and didn't plan on letting go.

"God, I missed you so much" Lauren mumbled into his neck and she hugged him.

"Me too, doll, me too" he replied.

"What happened to your face?" She asked as he set her down.

"Bobbys bike fucked up and I was thrown off the road. I'll be fine" he told her "don't worry about me at all"

Gemma let Clay meet her, it was the restrained love they had after years. There was no need for her to be overexcited, she'd been doing this for a while. Tara made sure to get comfortable with Jax though.

Chibs ran up to Brea, filled with joy for the news he had for her. She looked at him confused as he hugged her tight.

"I've made up my mind, lass" he said as he held her face to look at her.


He cut her off by kissing her for the second time. This was better than the first one, he had no regrets over this. This wasn't a kiss to just shut her up but let her know how much he really does like her!

"Filip, this better not be like the first time" she spoke after the kiss.

"It isn't, I can promise ya that, love" he smiled with pure happiness looking at her "you're mine now, to protect and take care of"

She smiled up at him, she still couldn't believe what was happening. This whole time she wanted him and now that she had him, she felt so overwhelmed that she didn't know how to react. The others had seen the kiss and stood around to see if her reaction would change drastically. So far it was a kiss and then a conversation. When she pulled him in for a kiss by his kutte, that was applause worthy.

"Get it, Chibby!" Tig shouted.

"It's about damn time!" Jax added.

While the others were happy, Lauren couldn't even fake it. She knew his secret, as did everyone else, but they obviously knew more than she did. She huffed silently, brewing with speculation of her own.
It was another few days that passed since they arrived home. Brea and Chibs were sailing as smoothly as Tig and Lauren. The balance was restored in SAMCRO. Everyone was happy, content.

Chibs entered Jax's house filled with a new feeling he hadn't felt in a while.

"Good morning children" he smiled, closing the door behind him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hello" Tara waved with a cup of coffee in her other hand.

"Thought the prospect was with you" Jax commented.

"Oh, no, no. Wee man goes under tha' knife today. He's gettin' his sack filled" Chibs replied, pushing his sunglasses onto his forehead.

"Excuse me?" Gemma asked with confusion.

"He's completin' himself" he raised his brows "Weren't answering your phone, Clay wants us all at the shop"

"Well I'm ready, just gotta take this box to my truck"

Jax bent over to pick up his box, Chibs found this as an excellent opportunity to fuck with him. Picking up a donut on his way, he grabbed Jax by the hips and pretended to hump him.

"Oh, sweetheart" he mocked.

"What're y-" Jax jumped up as Chibs took the box from him.

"A pleasure" he winked to Jax as his sunglasses fell over his eyes.

"Practicing for when you get it on with Brea, huh?" Jax teased.

"I don't need any practice, I know all I need to know" Chibs replied with confidence.

"I can tell you that she likes it rough" Jax laughed at a past experience with Brea, not realizing who he was talking and who he was around.

"Crossin' the line there, Jackie boy" Chibs warned seeing as Brea was now his 'old lady'.

He looked to see a death glare from Gemma and Tara. Both were looks filled with warning and suspicion.

"It's a joke, calm down everyone" he shook his head and opened the door for Chibs, closing it behind him.

"You almost got yourself killed in there" Chibs said to Jax.

"Shit man, I know, by all three of you too" he shook his head "Listen man, what about Fiona?"

"What about her?" Chibs asked.

"What if you ever wanna get married to Brea, ain't you still married to someone else? It can get messy if you don't come clean, brother"

"I'll cross tha' bridge when I get there"

"Don't fuck up what you have with Brea, I swear to god Filip" Jax threatened, feeling protective over her.

He kept her close to TM the first few days she came, they bonded immediately.

"Swear to god what? I know wha' I got and I won't ever try to purposely sabotage it. I also know what I'm risking. Why don' you just worry about wha' you got inside that house there?"

Chibs fumed off and walked to his bike to get away from Jax before he really lost his cool. Driving off the lot to get some time away from Jax and for himself. That was what he needed, some therapy that you could only get on the open road.

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