20. Chuck Norris

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At the clubhouse, Lauren woke up by Tigs side. His arm around her, face in the back of her neck. His breathing was calm, steady, he was asleep. She took a deep breath before getting up out of his grasp. She went to the bathroom and rinsed off her face. Looking at herself, a hickey placed behind her ear where Tig was kissing her last night. She smiled at the memory.

Stepping back into the room, Tig was facing her now. He was waiting for her to come back to see him.

"Didn't think I skipped out on you, huh?" She asked, standing in the doorway.

"Of course not, doll" he smiled, propping his head up on his hand.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee. Want any?" She asked him.

"Nah, that's all you hun. Be back soon and put on a shirt or something!" He said with a laugh.

"Of course, Tig" she rolled her eyes.

She opened a drawer of his dresser and threw on a SAMCRO shirt and a pair of his boxers before walking out into the hall. Out to the main room where bikers and crows were sprawled out all over. Then into he kitchen to retrieve her coffee.
Brea on the other hand woke up with a throbbing headache. The threats from Samcro didn't stop Kasper from hitting her. In the car she yelled at him for almost hitting another car and he smashed her head into the dashboard. Lost his temper and blamed it on the stress and her startling him. She was instructed to not do so.

It was as if they never broke up and jumped right back to the abuse. No hesitation or gradual build up. At home, she rushed inside, taking her shoes off at the door and crawling into bed. Under the covers she felt safe, but they still weren't her covers in her house. She was at his house, under his covers in Charming.

She cried herself to sleep, hoping to forget about it in the morning. Waking up beside him, she had work but didn't want to wake him up. He breathed with his mouth open, his breath smelled like alcohol. She didn't know what to do. Wether she should walk or wake him up. Either way, he'd be mad. Maybe the sleep helped shake off whatever it was.

"I'm sorry" she whispered in his ear before standing up and getting dressed.

Pulling on a white shirt and blue jeans. She pulled on her white nikes at the door, grabbing a leather jacket from the coat rack. Totally forgetting about her face she started her walk to TM. Sure there'd be work to do even if Gemma didn't tell her there was. The party must've left the place a mess of bodies and trash.

Once in the lot she walked up to the clubhouse. The whole place wasn't open for business in general. She texted Kasper as she arrived that she was safe and at TM for the day, explaining she didn't want to wake him. Jax and Opie were standing in the garage with hats and hoodies on, their kuttes not visible. On her way there, she stopped at the garage only to talk to Jax and Opie.

"Mornin', Brea" Jax smiled, nodding at her presence.

"Good morning, Jax, Opie. Where is everyone?" She replied with a smile.

"Clubhouse" Opie answered.

Neither of the guys saw her face, sending her on her way. Stepping into the clubhouse was a mess. Most of the people were still passed out. Walking around looking for people, in the kitchen was here Gemma, Lauren and Tara all stood.

"Morning" Brea smiled.

"What'd he do?" Gemma asked, walking to see Breas face closer.

"Nothing, on the way here I opened the door into my face. I was, in a rush" she lied "just a little bruise, don't worry about it" Swatting Gemma away from her face.

"Hm" Gemma sighed "I'm gonna stick around, clean up a little while they're all still passed out. You can help, then I'm gonna see Abel at the hospital. Not too much to do today"

"Thanks. I'll help around" Brea smiled.

"I've got to get to work, so I best head out. See you guys later" Tara says as she leaves the kitchen.

Gemma left to start but Brea stayed with Lauren.

"It was my fault. I yelled at him in the car" she admitted.

"There's no excuse for a man to hit his girlfriend" Lauren snarled, wasting no time before making her exit.

Brea sat at the table for a second, to try and get a grip on it all. The second ended quick, knowing she had work to do helping Gemma clean. That's what she did.

Lauren crawled into bed next to Tig. He sensed her mood, different from this morning.

"Breas here?" He asked.

She only nodded.

"What'd he do to her?"

"He hit her or something last night. Can't we just kill that shit head?" Lauren suggested.

"Jax doesn't want to scare her off. She'd know it was us"

"He's gonna kill her first. This is only the second night" she sighed "I try not to stress because it makes me annoying but I can't not care"

"No, don't feel bad for caring. If you didn't care, then I'd worry. We all feel bad and worry about her. You guys, you're family now. But Brea has to choose to leave him for herself. Give it some time, if it gets too bad. We'll take care of him. Trust me" he kissed her forehead.

"I'm just scared, for her and for myself"

"Maybe I can teach you how to shoot a gun, Brea too, Chibs can come along" he offered.

"I'd love to learn!" She jumped up at the offer "Brea knows how, rough upbringing for her, but I'm all for it. Self defense and shit" she mimicked a karate chop with her hands "I'll be like Chuck Norris" she laughed.

"You'll be my badass with a hot ass" he said, pulling her into him, kissing her neck.

She laughed with it, but in the back of her mind lingered the possibility that with a gun, she could take down Kasper herself.

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