66. Mother killing

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Tig traced a finger lightly over the lines in the crow tattoo on Lauren's skin. It was still fairly new and sore to the touch, so he was gentle. He was just so glad to finally see her with his crow, making them more official than before. The next step was proposing, but he couldn't yet, not before what would go down later this evening. He bit his lip to try and bite back tears thinking of being away from her for a minimum of fourteen months. Running his hand through his hair and slowly waking her up for the breakfast prep she had to do.

Chibs woke up in an empty bed, Brea left early to get her day started at Gemma's. She made sure to be up earlier than needed to spend time with Chibs. Lighting a cigarette as she rolled over in bed and just watched him sleep. Chest rising and falling, deeply engraved scars of his face that were so beautiful to her. She almost felt honored to have one herself, a piece of him was with her always. Once her cigarette was done burning up, she dressed and left.

Gemma and the girls set up a little breakfast buffet for everyone before they were up and around. It was a celebration to all be back together and home. Everyone was invited from Unser to the crows and Chucky. There were no bad vibes around the clubhouse today, not yet at least. They were off to a good start and that was all they needed.

Brea sat with Jax, Tara and Abel at one table. She held Abel in her lap, letting Jax and Tara eat. Chibs came from behind her, making his presence known with a hand on her back. He kissed her forehead and once she turned around, kissed her lips.

"You were up early, aye?" He asked.

"Yeah, trying to get back into the swing of things" she smiled with a nod.

"Wonderful, love" he smiled and then proceeded to kiss Abel and Jax on the forehead before setting himself up with a plate.

Tig and Lauren sat at the bar together, eating side by side. Always a happy couple.

"Foods great, doll" he told her.

"I can't take all the credit, of course" she shook her head humbly.

"Yeah, my ol' lady helped too" Chibs interjected as he rounded the bar to get some beers.

"No disrespect, brother" Tig put his hands up in defense.

"Want one?" Chibs asked the two.

"Yeah, why not, I'm gonna need it" he grumbled the last part to himself as Chibs handed him a beer.

Lauren declined the offer. Chibs waved a bottle in the air towards Brea and she shook her head as well. He shrugged and opened his up before going to greet the other boys.

"This is nice, Tig. Why can't it be like this more often?" Lauren said, sipping her orange juice.

"That's not the SAMCRO way" he laughed.

"Yeah, I guess not"

"Hey, we don't try to create drama. It just happens to find us, time and time again"

"That's what I said in college and then I was kicked out" she reminisced.

"Well now we're here, together, all of us in Charming" he kissed her cheek.

Everyone cheered and applauded as Clay placed Abels hat on his head. The one he wore before he was taken, the one he wore from the minute he was out the hospital. Seeing it back on his head meant he was home and safe with everyone.

"Hey, Lylas got something she wants to say!" Opie called everyone's attention before looking down at her to proceed.

"We're getting married!" She squealed, flaunting her ring to the room.

As stereotypical as it was, the women gathered around Lyla to see the ring and congratulate her. The boys shouting as they slapped Opie on the back, already looking forward to the bachelor party. Having a group toast for the soon to be married couple.
The boys kept quiet for most of the day, taking care of club business. Before their big mission of the day; they took over the clubhouse lounge, spreading out into the bar. Loading guns in bags and collecting bullet proof vests. Brea watched anxiously, scared for what they were preparing for. Gemma was in a holding cell, not many details were given to the girls. Lauren still had confidence in the boys and what they were setting out to do today. Chibs made sure to stay close to Brea as long as he could before they left.

"Be careful, all of you" Brea told Chibs before he went to leave.

"Always gives me hope to know I'm coming home to you, my love" he said with a cheeky smile.

Tig met Lauren outside, she was out there with Tara. He kissed her passionately, knowing this may be their last kiss for a while now. He took what he could get before they would be separated. He knew not telling her could put a strain on their relationship but that's why he got her the crow. He wanted her to know he was always with her and how much she meant to him. It all made sense, even if it didn't seem to, it made sense in his mind.

"I love you, doll. I'll be back" he mumbled into her head.

"I'll be waiting" she smiled and hugged him once again.

The boys all drove off, Tara even to go take care of whatever was going down. It's been so hectic, there wasn't time to explain all the details and worry Brea or Lauren. Lauren, Brea and Chucky stayed behind at the garage and clubhouse for the day. All that was left was to wait, once again.

"Remember how I told you my dad kinda disappeared after a while?" Lauren said to Brea.

"Yeah" she nodded back, shading herself from the sun.

"He was SAMCRO, first nine. Fiona, she killed my mom. He left afterward, blaming the club for it"

"Well I guess we both hate Fiona. Mother killing, old man stealing Irish IRA bitch" she gave a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess we do" she nodded in agreement.

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