106. Scared

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY taurusvibes !!!! 💓🎂 the woman I dedicate this book to 🍰

"Chibs!" Gemma shouted to him, the boys all gathered together.

"Shit, what'd you do man?" Jax asked him.

"It's Brea, ain't it? It's Brea?" Chibs asked turning to Gemma.

"Yeah, the hell did you do? What was going through your dumb Irish brain!? You love that woman, she loves you! You've a child and you walk away?" She shouted.

"I can't watch her get hurt, or see her stand helpless ever again"

"She's standing helpless now because her old man left her because he is scared. He feels incompetent. Jesus, what am I gonna do with you?" Gemma scoffed and left to her car.

"You left her, man?" Jax asked.

"You're my best man, she's the maid of honor and you leave her today? Today of all days?" Tig shouted.

"It's my relationship and I'm here to be with you guys. I'm here to be the Sargent at Arms, do my job. Then, I'm going to walk down the aisle as the best man with Brea by my side despite what we're going through. Then I'll come here and sleep"

"No, that's wrong. You'll go home and you'll change what you fucked up" Jax corrected him.

"The hell do ya care so much for?"

"She's my friend, I care about her, I love her. Don't hurt her again or I'll have to hurt you with more than a lecture" he squinted his eyes at Chibs, turning away.

"Why not now? Ya scared to hit me? Punch me if that's what you feel the need to do" Chibs tested him as he took off his jacket.

Jax turned around and swiftly punched him in the face. Chibs swung back and hit Jax in the cheek. The boys backed up, letting the fight go until they decided it went too far. Jax threw Chibs onto the picnic table and punched him repeatedly. Chibs kicked him off at his chance and backed him against the wall. They were both heaving, noses and eyebrows bleeding.

"Why don't ya let me worry about my old lady, aye?" Chibs sneered.

"Because you aren't worrying about her, you're backing away. You back away when things get too good. You can do that here but you can't do that to her. Don't hurt her, man. She doesn't deserve it" Jax shook his head.


After a while there was nothing Gemma could do to help Brea. What happened, happened. Brea got Juniper in the car, and Gemma in hers. Lauren had left herself to go to the venue.

She met Gemma and Brea in the trailer that was there for their use. Inside the venue was set up for them. With string lights hanging from the barn ceiling, the white runner and chairs set up for everyone. As well as the reception area, all compacted into the large barn together.

Gemma worked on Lauren's makeup, fixing her up. Brea placed Lauren's hair into curls and pinned them into her hair so they'd hold for the updo. Juniper was occupying herself on the floor. Lauren still had the headband set on the counter, the rings as well.

"I'm nervous" Lauren whispered.

"That's normal, baby. I can't tell you not to be" Gemma said.

"I know I can't fix it, just, what if he leaves or something? Or I say the wrong thing? Trip?"

"A million things can go wrong, but at the end of the day, it's your day"

"Brea, you alright?" Lauren looked up at Brea in the mirror.

"Fine," she nodded, biting back tears "just wanna make this look perfect for you because I love you"

Lauren reached up and grabbed Breas hand to comfort her. She smiled at her and Brea felt much better just from that. She smiled back.

Hearing motorcycles roar was a sign it was about to happen. Lauren had her dress on, lipstick bright red and Brea was placing the delicate headpiece on her head. Gemma and Brea had been in their dresses, Lyla would arrive in hers.

"I'll go check on the boys" Brea said and dashed out the trailer in her dress.

Her dress was a long red halter top. She had to hold it when she walked out. She saw Chibs and her heart ached, but she held back her tears.

"You got your boys in control? Wedding starts in twenty" Brea asked Jax.

"Can we talk?" Chibs asked Brea, motioning the others to leave.

"We aren't doing this, not today. I won't ruin this day for her. For this wedding, we are together. Then we go from there" Brea made it final and went back to Gemma and Lauren.


As the reception began, the few people who were invited took their seats. It was bikers from other charters, their old ladies, crow eaters and that was it. Then the first to walk down the aisle were Chibs and Brea. They nodded to each other before locking arms. He held Lauren's ring in a pouch, Brea held Tigs alongside her bouquet. In the crowd she waved to Juniper who was sitting with Juice, he offered to watch everyone's children out the kindness of his heart. Then Gemma walked down the aisle with Jax by her side. Lyla walked by herself, but she walked alone with pride.

Lauren watched everyone go and just hoped that her dad would come last minute. She hesitated all she could before it was her turn. She took a deep breath and rearranged herself. Sliding her hands down her dress. She turned behind her one last time to see just what she wanted. Her father in a tux, walking to her side. She smiled and her heart filled with happiness.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"I wouldn't miss it" he winked to her.

As they entered the room, the SAMCRO boys went silent. It was a good thing Clay wasn't here yet. Tig knew she was planning on having him come but thought Charles was smarter. Chibs looked to Jax who just shook his head. This was her day and nothing would ruin it.

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