115. Titim na papa

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Once the lockdown was called off, Tig was sent to drive Wendy home. Most of the croweaters had left and it was just a small group left. Brea drove her and Juniper home, Chibs riding behind them. Lauren had a night ride home alone. Everyone back home where they belonged.


The next day, Brea and Lauren both got a call. Brea answered, it was Chibs.

"Aye, Love. It's slow at the clubhouse, keep me company?"

Then Lauren's call was Tig.

"I'm about to leave but we've a new addition at the clubhouse"

This left Lauren to wonder and Brea to pack up and go. Lauren had made a swift exit, wanting to see what Tig had been talking about. Her stomach in knots as she sped her way to the clubhouse. Pulling in the same time Brea did.

"Hey" Lauren smiled but kept her pace.

Brea pulled down her sunglasses while opening the door to get Juniper. She watched Lauren do this weird run walk, the one you do to cross the street, or get the door when someone's been holding it too long for you.

Lauren walked in to see Chibs fixing up a dog, Bobby lingering at the bar. She was missing something and she knew it.

"The dog? Tig brought her?" She asked them.

"Aye, he told ya?" Chibs looked up with his glasses low, stopping his work.

"Said we had a new addition" she sighed.

"You've a baby and a dog coming, good luck" he chuckled.

Brea walked in soon after, Juniper dragging in her heavy car seat. She hobbled over and kissed Chibs on the cheek and kept up to put Juniper down. She went to put her on the table but then hesitated, she then switched and put her on the ground. Everyone had seen her do that.

"You alrigh' mo ghra?" Chibs asked as he worked on the dog.

"Yeah" she replied, lifting Juniper out the car seat.

"I love ya" he said quietly, unnecessary to say loud but he just wanted to know it was out there for her to hear.


Tig and Jax pulled onto a vacant lot, dirt driveway and all. Tig looked around, taking off his helmet. His eyes searched the lot, he was listening for dogs barking or kennels. Pulling his gun from his waistband, he came to kill the sick fucks that bred dogs for fighting. He wanted to save them all.

"It's quiet man, sure this is the place? No kennels or pens" he asked, squinting in the sun.

"Yeah. This is the place," Jax replies from behind him, loading a bullet into the barrel "give me your piece"

"What?" Tig asked confused, his brother pointing a gun straight at him "what do you mean?"

"The gun, Tig, and the knife"


"Do it!" Jax cut him off, gripping the gun.

"Alright," Tig set down the gun and knife "what the hell is going on man?"

A black towncar pulled into the lot and Tig knew. Pope drove that car, he was coming for revenge for his daughter. Something Tig did on an impulse is tearing apart his life.

"Oh, no no no," Tig mumbled "Jax, come on"

"Sorry man" Jax shrugged as the guys got out the car.

"You rat bastard," Tig snarled "goddamn it!"

"You made it on time" Pope said, adjusting his suit jacket.


"No, Jax brother, think about this," Tig pleads as Popes men pat him down "who this scumbag is. My wife, Jax, my child!" Tig started to stress.

"Him too," Pope wanted his men to check Jax too "just a precaution"

"Yeah" Jax agreed reluctantly, handing over his gun. In his mind; his whole plan was unraveling.

"You're handing me over, to this asshole? After what he did to Opie? Dawn? What he can do to my wife?"

"She'll be safe with the club once your debt is paid"

"Dawn screamed my name as he burned her. Calling for me, 'daddy'" Tigs voice wavered.

"Shut him up" Jax mumbled.

"Daddy" Tig continued.

"Shut him up!" He shouted and they punched him in the stomach.

Tig dropped to the ground with a grunt. He watched as Jax talked to Pope and he handed him something. Tig was turned over for a piece of paper. He sat back onto his knees, he couldn't believe it.

"Tie him up" Pope told his men.

They lifted Tigs limp body from the ground. Tig was almost numb, staring his traitor in the eyes.

"I'm gonna need the kutte" Jax said.

Tig now knew it this was real, this was it. They tugged the kutte off his back and gave it to Jax before tying him up for real.

"It all comes around, Tiggy" Jax told him as he folded up his kutte.

Tig was dragged to the garage, keeping eye contact with Jax as long as he could. He hoped he'd change his mind, save him or something. He couldn't leave Lauren like this; but he didn't have a choice, did he?

They put him on his knees, Pope taking off his jacket. Tig watched as it happened, his knees digging into the metal grate he was placed on.

"Veronica, that was her name" Pope started a spiel but it was cut short by silenced gunshots.

Jax had taken out three of Popes men. Tig shoving Pope to the ground to help save his ass. If Jax failed; he died. Jax took Popes gun from the ground, helping untie Tig.

"This wasn't our agreement, son" Pope chuckled due to stress.

"No, it wasn't"

Jax handed the gun to Tig, looking him in the eye "you kill the man that burned your kid alive"

"You stupid cracker bitch. You know what happens to whoever kills me, right?" Pope said from the ground.

"I'm counting on it" Jax snarled as Tig pulled the trigger twice; killing Pope.

Tig stood over Pope, not believing it was over. Jax touching his shoulder and making him jump. He shoved Jax off of him, not dismissing his betrayal.

"I'm sorry," Jax held Tigs face "I couldn't tell you, he'd pick up on it"

"He could've killed me right away bro"

"But he didn't" Jax reasoned.

"Yeah, he didn't"

"And now you get to go home, to your pregnant wife and new dog"

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