23. Shattering Stahl

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Chibs dropped Brea off at home, fear coursing through her as she got off his bike. Working slowly down the driveway where his car was parked. She stepped into the house, hoping Chibs would leave before the shit show that was coming. Waving at him once more before closing the door.

Stepping lightly and taking her shoes off at the front door she tried to be quiet. Sam barked at her presence and her cover was blown.

Chibs left hesitantly, feeling like something was going to go wrong. Pulling over on the side of the road to ask Jax for advice.

"Hey" Jax said.

"Hey, brother. I jus' dropped off Brea, it doesn't feel right. Should I go back?" He asked.

"If it doesn't feel right, get her out of there, man. Bring her to the clubhouse, we can get her clothes and a safe place to stay for the night"

"We gotta deal with Kasper, Jax"

"We won't, not yet"

"Then when? When is enough enough? When Breas in a coma?!" Chibs shouted "I'm goin' to get her"

Ending the phone call, he drove and made a u-turn back to get her. When he arrived, there was a mans yelling and then a girls shout. Running down the driveway with his hand over his gun in case he'd have to use it.

Kicking down the door he burst in, Kasper had Brea pinned against the wall, his buckle undone and her shirt ripped. Tears were evident on her face, as well as fear.

"Is this him? The guy you've been fucking while you're at work?" Kasper shouted at Brea, still ignoring Chibs.

Chibs walked and pressed the gun to his temple. Breas eyes went wide, Kasper relinquishing his grasp on her and backing away.

"She's gonna come with me, where she's safe until you can learn to keep your dick away from a woman who doesn't want it. If it were up to me, this bullet would've been if your skull long ago. She'll be back tomorrow, or whenever she wants for that matter. I've the gun and won't hesitate next time" Chibs spit threats left and right.

Lowering the gun and putting it away, he grabbed Brea by her elbow and taking her to his bike. She didn't know how to react. Happy was her first reaction, saving her from what was going to happen but her second was angry for him coming in. She wrapped her shirt around her for more coverage as they walked to his bike. Sniffling away her tears.

"I don' like him, lass" Chibs confessed.

"Me either" she whispered, putting on the helmet.

"Why don't ya leave then?"

"I love him a whole lot, you know that already"

"I just wish you'd come back, be that strong girl I know you are and leave his punk ass. He's no good" Chibs snarled, hopping on the bike and revving up the engine.

"I'm sorry" Brea said and got on behind him, wrapping her arms around him firmly.
Coming back from a night in a holding cell was underwhelming. Many of the guys have been locked for real, for long periods of time so this was nothing. It was as if they didn't skip a beat and continued on as usual.

At night, Chibs set Brea up in his room giving her a spare change of clothes.

"Where are you gonna sleep?" Brea asked before he could leave.

"Sofa, I've slept in worse" he shrugged.

"I've slept in the same bed with you before. This is your turf, your room and your bed" she tried to reason with him but the real reason was that she was scared to sleep alone.

"You've a boyfriend, it ain't right to do that to him" Chibs came back with his own bullshit excuse.

"I don't want to sleep alone, Filip. Please" she choked out and he couldn't say no.

"Alright, love" he sighed.

He changed into a tank and pajama pants. Brea was dressed in one of his tees and a pair of his pants. He laid in bed, getting the covers ready for her. He opened his arms for her and she fell into them easily. She kissed his cheek, feeling safe in his arms.

"Thank you, Filip" she whispered.

"Anything for you" he mumbled with a small smile.

Tig and Lauren were cuddled up in the same position in their room.

"Why is she here tonight?" Lauren asked.

"Maybe a change of heart finally" Tig shrugged.

"I doubt it. She looks the same though, he didn't get to her, it's like someone stopped it. Chibs did!" She exclaimed, fitting the last piece into the puzzle.

"Nothing wrong with a little help, doll" Tig shrugged "I bet you pushing her away doesn't help"

"But it cuts my tie from her, which cuts me off from Kasper. He could use me as leverage, you know? If she ever left him, he could take me to get to her. I don't want that"

"Me either, but, you've us. Nothing will happen to you, you're safe here" Tig kissed her nose.

"Kasper is a scary guy, I just don't want him to ever get a hold of me and wish he'd let go of Brea"

"Let's not worry about that now, baby. Let's sleep now"

"Goodnight, Tig" she whispered.

"Goodnight, love"
In the morning, everyone was scattered around the clubhouse. Doing their own things, drinking coffee and not working basically. Chibs and Tig played pool, Jax in his room and Gemma worked in the clubhouse on papers, calculator by her side and glasses on.

Clay walked out the church and into the main room on the phone, ending his conversation with a thank you. Tig and Chibs easily found themselves resting on the pool table to hear what Clay had to say. Bobby bringing him a beer, Piney sat on the sofa quietly but he was listening.

"Rosen?" Gemma asked, referring to their lawyer

"Yeah. Luann is in the clear, Otto not so much" he announced.

"Why? What happened?" Bobby asked.

"Finishing what Brea started, shattered Stahls face" Clay replied with a big grin.

"Oh! I love that man" Tig exclaimed.

Chibs shouted in shock, it turning into a laugh. Leaning over the pool table to keep himself up.

"He was trying to prove to the club that he's not gonna give anything up. We are clear of the A.T.F ladies and germs!" He shouted.

The few boys cheering with excitement. Gemma stood up from her table to talk to Clay privately about whatever she had been doing. Lauren sat in a chair in the corner of the clubhouse, a seat she got comfortable in since she moved in the clubhouse with Tig. She'd watch him play pool silently, but that's what she was content doing. Tig would check up on her after every shot, half paying attention to the game. Brea was sitting at one of the tables, lighting a cigarette to try and calm down. Still some nerves being around Lauren, she feared that she hated her. But that wasn't the case at all.

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