64. Don't forget

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As Lauren pulled into the TM parking lot, Tig approached her from the garage immediately. She met him halfway when she was out the car.

"Last time I checked, aunts were female" Tig said, the prospect must've keep him in the know.

"I was seeing my dad, the one you never told me about. I told you about how he disappeared after I went to college. He mentioned your name, Chibs and Clay as well" she fumed.

"Because I didn't know where he was either, doll. I thought it'd be better if you didn't know"

"Well you thought wrong, Tig. I just wish you told me sooner, baby" she sighed, running her hand through her hair.

"Chibs called by the way, Brea left Belfast and they found Abel. Coming home tomorrow"

"Is he sure? Because she isn't here, hasn't called any of us either" she asked, brows furrowed.

"She didn't come back last night, in Belfast. They had an argument, pretty heated too"

"Shit," she huffed "she's in Vegas. I've to get her"

"Like hell you do, she'll come back on her own time. I don't want you out there just wandering like a lost duck. You have no clue if she's even really there and even if she is, Vegas is huge"

"What's this really about?"

"I want you here, Tara was taken. I can't have you gone either, doll. Call Brea, talk to her first, don't go rogue please. I recall your kidnapping wasn't a fun time" he spoke while he held her shoulders.

"Yeah, alright" she rolled her eyes and pouted as she walked away.

"Hey!" He shouted, stopping her "its all because I love you, baby"

She didn't answer as she pulled her phone from her bag and called Brea. It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Hey" Brea said.

"Where are you, hun?" Lauren asked, holding herself.

"I'm home, Lauren. It felt like the right place to be, this place never did me wrong"

"Except for meeting Kasper, being robbed, sleazy men becoming violent and alcohol, it's never did you wrong"

"What's in Charming for me, huh?" She asked, playing with her pack of cigarettes.

"The boys are coming back today, so they'll all be here, wanting to see you. Abel would like to see you again too, I'm sure"

Brea bit her lip, holding tears back.

"They found him?" She asked barely above a whisper, looking at the lights around her.

"Yeah," Lauren nodded on the other end "you can't hide from Chibs forever"

"Yes, I can, here" she felt tears stung her eyes again.

"Not long, Brea. Just, think about it, alright?"

"Yeah, I'll do that" she nodded to herself, wiping the tears from her eyes with her sleeve.

As night fell, they closed the garage, Tig and Lauren laid in bed together. He traced patterns on her back lightly.

"Get my crow" Tig whispered.

"When?" Lauren asked, looking up to him.


"Why so soon?" She asked worriedly.

"It feels right, that's all. I love you and I think it's time, doll" he kissed her head "I'll have Happy get you set up"

"Where am I gonna get it?"

"Wherever you want"

"Okay," she nodded "maybe on my hip, somewhere only you'd really see it" she winked to him.

"As long as it's on your body, I don't give a shit where it is" he laughed and kissed her forehead softly.
In the morning, the boys and Gemma arrived back home. Tig ran to them, opening the back of the truck.

"Hey boys, welcome back," Tig said, hugging Clay "Chibs, brother, I heard what happened. I'm sorry"

"Heard anythin?" Chibs asked, pushing his hair from his face.

"Lauren called her last night, she's in Vegas"

"Then why're we all here?" He asked frustrated.

"Vegas is a big town, Lauren said she's coming home soon"

"Soon ain't soon enough, she's all alone out there" he mumbled, tears coming to his eyes.

"She's upset, give her time and she'll come around"

"I don't know, Tiggy, I don't know" he shook his head as he walked inside with him.

The boys held church while Gemma, Lyla and Lauren were in the lounge. Gemma hadn't let go of Abel since they've been back.

"Gemma, can I talk to you?" Lauren asked her.

"Yeah, of course baby" she cooed.

"Why didn't you tell me? About my mom and dad? He was first nine, Fiona killing my mom"

"Lauren, I didn't want shit to stir in Belfast if you came and you act irrationally. With your father, he's dead to the club. He left them out of the blue, cut off all contact, including you. We buried that hatchet, I'm glad we did. He didn't cross my mind when I thought of you or your mother in all honesty" she admitted, telling her everything.

"And you didn't call me about Brea. What's with the secrets, Gem?"

"I've a lot of secrets, hun. It's nothin' personal, trust me"

"Yeah, nothing personal" Lauren nodded slowly as Gemma walked away again with Abel.

The day was young and the boys were back to business as usual. Hopping on their bikes and all leaving on their mission to find Tara. Lauren just wondered when Tig would talk to Happy about her tattoo. The girls spent the day at TM, only two missing were Tara and Brea. It was a different dynamic without them around. Made the place feel empty, lacking something. Maybe it was Brea's laughter and smart comments or Tara complaining about one thing or the other. They were all family, and when someones missing, you notice it. That's what this felt like, family missing.

Brea stopped at the bar she was at the day before. She walked to the counter and saw Julian, sending him a quick smile.

"Why're you still here, Brea?" He asked, making a drink for another customer.

"I'm going on a bus to Charming today, go see my man" she smiled thinking about being with him again.

"Forgive but don't forget, baby. Remember that, alright?"

"Yeah, I got it. Don't forget to have fun, life's too short to be a broke bartender forever. Maybe come to Charming, the name says it all"

"Maybe, maybe" he nodded to her as she left on her way to Charming.

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