24. Time

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"Clay, cops" Juice shouted alarmed.

The door was kicked down, glass shattering as the cops rushed in. SWAT team with guns shouted incoherently, the boys hands were up so Brea followed suit. Lauren rushed to Tig and dropped to her knees as he did so. She wanted to be near him if anything were to go down. When the one man pushed Chibs down, Brea felt herself her angry.

"He wasn't resisting!" she shouted as she was taken to her knees.

Her face was slammed to the ground, facing opposite of where Chibs was to piss her off further. She was held down until she calmed down. There was another dispute with Clay when they took Gemma down but it ended quick.

"Robert Munson you are under arrest for the murder of Brenan Hefner" a man spoke as they handcuffed Bobby, Stahl walking in with a smirk on her face.

"Who?" He asked.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" the man finished his spiel.

"I'll call Rosen, just sit tight Bobby" Clay said.

As they left with Bobby, everyone stood back up. Tig grabbed Lauren, holding her. Her heart was racing as the messy side of club life settled in for real. Everything her best friend was fearing happened and that wasn't even the beginning. That was just an arrest, no guns were fired nor was her boyfriend taken. Tig held her, soothing her and her racing heart and mind.

Clay and Gemma were used to it, he just hugged her and kissed her briefly. Chibs got up and dusted himself off, finding his way to Brea.

"Alrigh' lass?" He asked her.

"I don't know" she spoke slowly, unsure of her words.

"You didn't have to say anythin' about me. I can handle myself, I should be shouting at them for taking you down" he said.

"It felt right to say something. It's okay, I'm fine"

"If you need anythin, you know we're all here"

She nodded. Clay called the boys to church, Tig kissing Lauren and Jax kissing Gemma's forehead before going into church. Brea exited the clubhouse as the church doors closed. Her heart racing, and she couldn't breathe. She didn't know where to go with no money, car, or shelter. She lit a cigarette in attempts to clear her mind once again, sitting on the picnic bench.

"Hey" she heard a voice and looked to see Lauren "Are you okay?"

"Fine, I'll be fine" she sighed "How was shake down part two for you?"

"It's setting in but I've Tig and the club. We both do. Even if Chibs and you aren't together, he cares for you like Tig cares for me"

"How are you and Tig?" Brea changed the subject.

"Good, really good. Getting to know each other more, going steady, you know?" she spoke with a grin.

"That's good, Lauren. Just, I don't want him to hurt you"

"Me either" she sighed "I know his reputation, he's told me and so have the boys. I worry"

"That he gets around? All the boys do"

"But he's like, sex crazed !"

"Oh, well, then you should worry. A healthy worry, don't let it affect your relationship but when there are girls around, let them know he's yours" Brea shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll make sure"
A usual end of the week at SAMCRO consisted of a party with lots of booze and crow eaters. That meant this was Lauren's night to protect what was hers. She made sure to stay by his side, not leaving him for anything. Gemma smiled and remembered when she was in that position, protecting John for dear life. It's scary having your old man surrounded by crow eaters, ready to hop on any biker dick they see.

"I'm not gonna like what I'm gonna see tonight, will I?" Brea asked Gemma with a sigh.

"If what you don't want to see is Chibs with a crow, you will see it. He has the right to, they all do except for Clay and Tig and even that isn't guaranteed" Gemma shrugged.

"This isn't living. You live to serve them, they sleep with who they want, in constant danger"

"You learn to live with it for him. Some transitions are harder than others" she pursed her lips.

Clay hit the bar, grabbing Gemma's attention.

"Ready to go, baby?" He asked her.

"Yeah" she nodded "see you tomorrow, Brea. Don't take anything too personal, they're all drunk and want their dick sucked" she kissed her on the cheek and then left.

Brea threw back a shot to try and make herself forget this night. Sitting at the bar was lonely but there was no way she'd sleep with any of the guys here. She wouldn't want to ruin any relationships she had with them or be labeled as a crow eater. Kasper didn't even cross her mind, he was a poor excuse of a man.

As the party progressed, people started to disappear into their dorms. Tig and Lauren were gone, Piney left with a girl. Some of them were flat out fucking in the main room, so drunk and horny that it didn't matter. It didn't matter to Brea either, as long as she was drunk enough to keep her mind from thinking straight for a few seconds. No one was around to talk so she made do with a drink in her hand.

In Tigs room, Tig and Lauren laid awake in each other's arms.

"Thank you" Lauren mumbled into Tigs chest.

"For what?" He asked.

"Coming back to me tonight, even though I made it impossible to not" she laughed.

"That is very true" he spoke.

"We'll be okay, right?"

"Yeah, of course we will. Why do you ask, doll?"

"Just for reassurance. Wanted to hear someone else say what I'm thinking. I trust the club, Brea doesn't but I want her to"

"It takes time, don't rush her. She'll come when she's ready" he kissed her head "I'm glad you came around soon because I don't know how long I could've waited to have you"

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