86. Engaged

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Tig didn't bother Lauren during her day, thinking it was best she doesn't worry herself with club stuff. She continued on her shopping for a mattress and some other things for their house. Even if it was just to sleep tonight, that was better than nothing.

She was in an aisle and bumped into someone, scaring herself. Looking up, she saw he wore a Sons kutte.

"You alright?" He asked her, turning to face her.

"Kozik?" She asked seeing him clearly.

"Hey, you're..." he trailed off showing he forgot her name.

"Lauren, I'm Lauren," she smiled "I haven't seen you in a while, what are you doing back?"

"SAMCRO called, they need me for a few days. I came up early. Do you need any help with your stuff?"

"I mean, I wouldn't mind," she shrugged "I don't wanna get in the way of your plans or anything though"

"Nah, don't even worry about it, sweetheart" he smiled.

Lauren had led him back to her and Tigs house. He was gonna help her bring the mattress and furniture inside.

"Wow, it's so empty in here" he commented as he walked in.

"Yeah, I'm trying to fill it up" she grunted, lifting the mattress up the first step.


"I mean, I would've figured it out. Hired movers or something. Or wait for Tig to come back" she explained.

"You and Tig still together?"

"Engaged" she raised her brows, clarifying herself.

"Wow, that's insane. I'm happy for you though, him too" he said even though a twinge of disappointment struck.

"What even happened between you two?"

"I mean, depending on who you ask, the story changes. It's best I don't touch it" he shrugged, placing the mattress on the floor.

After moving in the furniture, Lauren ordered food for her and Kozik. It was a thanks from her to him for today. Once it came, they settled in on the sofa they moved together and watched a show. Lauren purchased a TV in her collection of things she bought today.

The door opened and Tig walked in, seeing Kozik and Lauren made his blood boil. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Hey, saw Kozik at the store and he offered to help move stuff with me"

"You could've hired a mover" he snipped, taking off his shoes at the door.

"Well, sons are free" she shrugged right back at him.

"Okay, well I'm here now. My old lady is safe, you can leave" Tig spoke, standing in front of them.

"Tig" Lauren warned.

"Nah, it's alright, sweetheart. I'll go. Thanks for the food and your company" he smiled.

"Thanks for helping me, sorry my fiancée is a dick"

Tig didn't even care, he just wanted Kozik out. After he left, Lauren stood up to try and size Tig up and failed.

"He was nice, Tig!" She stomped.

"He was trying to get in your pants. Don't play these games, doll. Are you mad at me or something?"

"No" she furrowed her brows.

"Yes, you are. That's the only reason you'd bring him in this house. Wether you are actively mad at me or not, there's something and I wanna know it"


"Just say it" he sighed, placing his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

"I want kids. I know you've shit with Dawn and Fawn and their mom but I'm here Tig, I'm for real. I just- I don't wanna miss my window"

"Alright" he nodded with a sigh.

"Really?!" She asked filling with excitement.

"Yeah. Hope the bed has sheets, baby" he growled, lifting her into his arms.
The next morning, Tig and Lauren woke up together. Getting ready for the day in a comfortable silence. Driving to TM in their vehicles. Lauren and Brea weren't much of a need anymore with Chucky, but they liked being around anyways. Gemma went to the hospital to see Tara. Everyone in their own places before the boys set out for the day.

Brea sat at the bar, getting a beer ready and lighting a cigarette to go with it. Lauren knew she never really drank in the morning unless it was bad.

"What is it?" She asked her.

"How do you do this? Stay with him and not worry all the damn time. Worry it'll blow back or just, something" Brea replied.

"I just do, I've always been more laid back on the idea of the Sons" she shrugged.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Lauren. I-I shouldn't be drinking or smoking, but I can't not. I can't stay here, but I love him and I know he isn't leaving anytime" she shook her head.

"You're pregnant?"

"I don't know but I'm scared I am. Missing a period, we didn't use a condom a while back. A kid is true commitment, makes leaving harder"

"Then put this down!" Lauren shouted and hit the beer out of her hand and taking her cigarette.

"I can't do this, Lauren. I give you credit for it" Brea shook her head and walked outside to clear her mind.

Lauren was in the clubhouse alone. She knew if she found out she was pregnant, the reaction would be totally different. Brea was stressing, almost upset but Lauren would be ecstatic. She planned it out and waited until the time was right, it was what she wanted from her childhood. She wanted to plan it all out. Her and Tig taking the steps they needed, unlike Brea and Chibs.

She walked outside to see Brea sitting at the picnic tables, staring down a pack of cigs.

"I stay, and I deal with it because I love him. At the end of the day, when he's laying in my arms, nothing else matters. None of the fights or disagreements or our past, in that moment it's all alright. And if I die or he dies, at least I know I spent my last days with the man I love with all my heart. No matter what SAMCRO does or how they live, I'll deal with it for him," Lauren poured her heart out "that's how I get by day to day"

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