69. Like old times

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"Weddings tonight, right?" Lauren asked Lyla.

Outside all the girls sat at the picnic table with Abel and Thomas included. Abel colored quietly, Tara rocked Thomas in his stroller. Brea had a cigarette in her mouth, ready to smoke. Lauren was sitting next to her, hitting her arm to stop her from lighting the cigarette in front of the baby.

"Yeah," Lyla smiled "six o'clock tonight, Opie is gonna tell the boys"

"Are you excited?" Lauren asked.

"Nervous and excited" she nodded and pushed her hair out her face.

The door opened and they all turned to see what was happening. Lauren could see the regret on Tigs face and she knew that they were going to be leaving again already. She nodded, letting him know she understood what was needed of him. She signed up for it when she agreed to be his old lady.
The boys were back within hours of them leaving. Tig rushing home knowing that he was gonna be going back to Lauren. He ran inside and grabbed her from her spot in the lounge. He carried her back to their room and laid her on the bed.

She stripped off her clothes, he did the same. The two of them were needy and desperate for each other. Nothing sweet and teasing, it was about getting off as soon as they could. When he leaned down to kiss her, their teeth clashed against hers. There was no time to stop and laugh and they continued on. Hastily he thrusted into her and she cried out in shock. He didn't slow, his hand was nothing compared to the real deal, especially when it was the woman he loved. She clawed at his back, tying to find something to hold onto. One last thrust and she came undone, triggering his own release.

"Oh, god" she panted, running a hand through his hair.

"Glad to be back home" he mumbled before rolling to the side of her.

"I'm glad you're back, too. Maybe we should get a house too, like Chibs and Brea. Start talking about future or something"

"Future?" He asked "this is it, doll. Me you and SAMCRO"

"Oh" she whispered, barely audible.

"That's the dream, baby, that's the dream" he mumbled, holding her hand and kissing her forehead.
Brea grabbed a dress from her dresser, pulling on a floral long sleeved one. She finished it with sandals and put her hair in a low messy bun. Chibs watched her do the finishing touches as he tied his shoes. Just imagining what it'd be like to make her his one day. He smiled as he pulled on his kutte before standing up.

"Ready?" She asked him.

"Been ready, love" he nodded and kissed her head.

They walked out to the driveway together, Chibs revving up his engine as Brea stepped into her car. She let him go first to lead them to the wedding site.

At the clubhouse, Tig and Lauren proceeded the same thing. Lauren pulling on a lilac, chiffon dress and sandals. Tig wearing his usual attire, just opting for a long sleeve button up instead. He wrapped his arms around Lauren's waist and kissed her neck softly.

"Next wedding is ours" he whispered and pulled a ring in front of Lauren's face.

She raised her brows in disbelief at the stunning ring that was in front of her face. She turned in his arms, his face trying to read hers for something.

"Are you proposing to me, Tig Trager?" She asked.

"What would you say if I was?" He asked, getting down on one knee.

"I'd say yes, no doubt in my mind about it" she nodded repeatedly as Tig slipped the ring on her finger.

He kissed her as he stood up.

"Now lets go see Ope get married first" he said as he dragged her by her hand to the driveway.

At the wedding, Opie and Piney greeted guests. Lauren and Brea had seats next to each other, Chibs and Tig on either side of them. It felt good to see everyone so normal and together again. Once again, like club business wasn't a part of any of their lives. This was just a wedding and they were just wedding guests. Talking to the people who surrounded them, Clay and Gemma were in the row in front of them. The boys talking to other brothers, Lauren and Brea keeping each other occupied. Excited to see Lyla walk down the aisle in her dress. Everyone was all together, Mayans, Russians and the Grim Bastards included.

Piney walked Lyla down the aisle lined by the bikes. Clapping and cheering as she walked. Her smile was wide. Tara stood behind her, Jax behind Opie. Seeing these two get married made everyone else appreciate their loved ones. Clay kissing Gemma's cheek, Tig keeping a grip on Lauren's thigh and Brea resting a head on Chibs shoulder. It all felt right, for the first time in a long time.

"Brothers and sisters, we come together today under the all-seeing she of nature to witness the blessed joining of Opie and Lyla. I'd like to share with you a blessing of the Apache" Charlie horse spoke.

He continued to give the blessing, speaking words of love. Opie and Lyla looking each other in the eyes with their hands held. Lyla sliding on Opies ring with her vows.

"With this ring, I vow my love and I promise to cherish and protect you" Opie spoke, putting the ring on Lylas hand.

"What else?" Charlie Horse promoted him.

"and treat you as good as my leather and," Opie paused "ride you as much as my Harley" everyone joined in to finish the biker vows, clapping, laughing and cheering once again.

"By the power invested in me, by the Wahewa and the state of California, I pronounce you man and wife" Charlie Horse wrapped up the ceremony "have at it"

They kissed and another round of applaud was included.
The reception was held nearby, a live band was playing, people on the dance floor. Tig, Lauren, Chibs and Brea sat together at a table. Beers were at every place setting in the area. Chibs pulled Brea to the dance floor for a dance before he had to leave for the club.

"I love you, I don't say it enough" Brea told him, her forehead pressed to his.

"You can't say it too much, mo ghra. Listen, I've to go now. I'll see you at home though, aye?"

Brea closed her eyes, gripping his kutte.

"Just when it all felt right," she whispered "go, I'll see you tonight"

"I'm sorry. I love you, baby girl" he said landing a kiss on her lips.

Jax whistling, signaling it was his time to go. Tig had to dismiss Lauren from the table he was at to deal with the Russians and guns. Lauren joined Brea on the dance floor while he handled his business. Brea caught a glimpse of her ring and grabbed her hand.

"You're next?" Brea asked her with a smile.

"Guess so," she nodded with an even bigger smile "proposed just before the wedding"

"Oh my god, that's great, I'm so happy" she said, hugging Lauren tight.

"Me too, I love him, Brea" she nodded into the hug.

"I know you do," she nodded "taking all the steps in the right direction, a crow and now a ring"

"Chibs'll come around if that's what you're saying"

"I worry sometimes, that he won't," she shrugged "I'm in no rush though, don't worry about me. We got to get you set up for your shit"

"Yeah we do. Just you and me, I don't need Tara and Lyla. Let's make it like old times" she nodded eagerly.

"Sounds nice, like old times"

lauren // tig tragerWhere stories live. Discover now