97. Trust your old man

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During the wake, each son went to the casket and placed an item in for Opie. Chibs pausing and saying a quick prayer. Tig placed a bottle of Patron in. Lauren and Brea stood, waiting for their old men to come back to their sides.

Brea placed a comforting hand on Chibs chest, Juniper wiped away his tears as he sniffles softly, she didn't know what she was doing but that's what it looked like. Lauren held Tig as well. Just too much shit was hitting with him and he was fragile. But Lauren was there and she always would.

Jax came last to say his part, it was intimate. A one on one parting, mostly silent as well. Tig kissed Lauren's head before he left to take Opies casket away. He held the one corner, across from Chibs. As they raised up his casket, the guests raised their drinks to Opie.

Jax led the casket, every patched in son helping carry it. Behind trailed Gemma and Lyla, then behind them was Brea, Juniper and Lauren. Following them were the SAMCRO prospects. The others stayed inside, letting his close family say goodbye.

They slid the casket back into the hearse. Leaving the door open, they stood back and looked at it. When they closed the door, that was it, Ope would really be gone.

Jax, Tig and Chibs took it worse than anyone else. They were there to see it happen, Jax watched his best friend slaughtered in front of him.

Lauren stood by Tig, she stood tall and strong. She couldn't be weak while her old man was. He needed her, whether he wanted to believe it or not. Lauren was his girl and he needed her. She gave support without speaking, just by holding her head high she showed strength, she had Gemma to thank for that. She knew they had fought earlier, whether it came up later or not didn't matter right now.

Jax walked to the hearse after his own coming to terms. Realizing this was real and Opie was gone. He closed the door and stepped back. He closed his eyes to focus himself and stay strong.

Brea handed Juniper to Chibs as she left to see Jax. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He opened his eyes to see who it was and quickly realized it was Brea.

"We love you, Jax" she mumbled into the hug, opening her eyes and seeing Tara glare at her from a distance.

"I love you, too, Brea. You and your family, Chibs means a lot to me, so do you. He deserves you, a woman good like you. Keep him close, I'm gonna need him"

"I will, I promise" she smiled softly and kissed his cheek, and leaving to go back to her family.

After the hearse left, Brea and Chibs had to leave because Juniper. Lauren hugged Brea goodbye, Tig to Chibs. Everyone else has gone inside to drink away their sadness.

"Love you, brother" Tig said to him.

"Aye, you stay strong" Chibs replied.

Brea buckled Juniper in while Chibs started the car for her. Brea came around and kissed Chibs even though they'd see each other soon at home. As Brea drove off, Lauren waved to her.

"I'm sorry, doll. About earlier, I-I didn't mean it" Tig whispered to Lauren.

"I know" she nodded with a humble smile, her arms crossed.

"You're too good to me" he shook his head and leaning down to kiss her.

"I try" she sighed.

Tig left her and went in the clubhouse to get a drink. Tara approached her slowly, jacket zipped up. Gemma was helping Lyla to her car but saw Tara and Lauren. Gemma knew Tara was riled up from the fight earlier and didn't want anything to happen here for any reason.

"Hey" Tara spoke, Lauren turning to face her.

"Whats up?" Lauren replied.

"I just need you to tell Brea to back off of Jax. They seem a little too close" Tara threatened.

"Woah, Tara. What's wrong? Jax and Brea were friends immediately after we arrived"

"She's too close, she has a husband and a child she needs to worry about, not my husband. I got him"

"Tara, calm the fuck down honestly. That's so pathetic that you don't trust your old man to be friends with another woman" Lauren defended her friend.

"That woman fucked Jax days after they met!" Tara shouted, clenching her fist.

"If you really have a problem, start trusting the father of your children" Lauren turned her back to her.

Tara was furious, overcome with adrenaline she yanked Lauren by her hair. Lauren screamed as Tara had basically dragged her to the ground. Gemma heard that and looked to see Tara standing over Lauren.

Tara held down Lauren and hit her in the face with her already bloody cast. Lauren screamed as she couldn't fight, she was in the submissive position. Tig heard screaming from inside, and he could tell it was Lauren. He knew his fiancées cries. He dropped his drink and ran outside.

"Tara! Stop!" Lauren tried to block her but Tara had kept going at it.

Gemma tried to pull her off of Lauren but Tara swung back and hit Gemma even. She wasn't stopping as she straddled Lauren, sitting on her stomach. She sat with some force, knocking the wind out of Lauren as she gasped for air, tears filling her eyes.

Just in time, Tig ripped Tara off of her. Jax had seen the panic in Tig and followed after, seeing the scene Jax took it in. Tara on her back, Gemma with a bloody nose and Lauren on the ground with her face bruised.

"What the hell happened?" He asked anyone.

"I was helping Lyla when I heard Lauren scream and Tara on top of her" Gemma explained.

Tig helped Lauren up and looked at her face. Jax saw him being very through with his examination.

"She's pregnant, Jax" Gemma answered Jax's confused look.

Jax then looked right to Tara and shook his head. He was disappointed.

"Tara, I closed my best friends casket today and you're throwing punches at Lauren. Go inside, I gotta get them to the hospital" Jax sighed.

"It's alright, Jax. I got it" Tig declined the offer, or tried to at least.

"Nah, I owe it to you brother"

Tara crossed her arms like a little kid. She was upset Jax treated her like a child first of all. She was then upset at herself for getting so worked up over something dumb. She would've never done something like that before. But SAMCRO changes people.

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