80. Kid free

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Chibs' phone rang and eyes turned to him.

"Jax," he said, raising his brows and answering "Jackie boy, you alright?"

"I'm fine. Is Tara safe?" Jax replied in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, she's here patchin' up Alvarez" Chibs said as he stood up and stared walking towards the chapel.

"Brea?" Jax then asked.

"Here as well, brother"

There was more conversation, club stuff. Brea sat at the bar with a few of the guys, drinking a beer. Lauren's hands were free for a second but she couldn't go anywhere. Chibs had said they were on their way out, so she took the time to tell Tig bye briefly.

"Love you" she mumbled and pecked him.

"Love you too, doll. Have fun" he smirked and walked out the clubhouse.

"Sheriffs here, wants to talk to Tara" Chucky said as he rushed into the chapel doors, stopping in front of Clay.

Tara's head whipped around, Lauren came back to assist. Chibs kissed Breas forehead on his way out.

"No shenanigans, aye?" He said with a stern look.

"Yeah" she whispered.

The rest of the boys left. The only people left in the clubhouse were Alvarez and his men, Brea and Lauren. Everyone out rounding up loved ones or watching Tara be questioned by Roosevelt. Before they left, Chibs caught Taras arm.

"Try to keep an eye on her, please?" Chibs asked her.

"Of course" she nodded.

"I know you're busy too but only us and Jax know. Let's keep it tha' way"

"Chibs, I got it" she calmed him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, lass" he smiled and kissed her cheek before he left for his mission of the day.
Lauren and Tara left the chapel, Tara made her way right to Gemma and Lauren to Brea.

"What happened last night?" Lauren asked Brea.

"Nothing really, why?" Brea played coy.

"I know we aren't on best terms but, we're still friends and I still love you. Don't bullshit me now" Lauren grew stern, slamming her hand on the bar as she stared down Brea.

"It's nothing, alright!" Brea fought back tears of her own as events from last night were building up.

"There's something wrong. I've seen it happen, your downfall and I let it. I ignored it, I gave you space and that's what you did?"

"What'd I do?"

"You tried to kill yourself, the way you're tearing up, keeping it hidden, Chibs, Jax and Tara keeping an eye on you. I'm observant" Lauren raised a brow.

"I'm not talking about this here, not now" Brea shook her head.

Lauren sighed and grabbed a beer, chugging it fast. She threw out the bottle and walked outside, running into the boys. She didn't stop for Tig but he stopped her, grabbing her by her shoulders.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down doll. You alright?" Tig asked, eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah, fine" she held back the urge to sob and fall into his arms.

"What happened?" He asked, knowing her better than she assumed.

"Brea," she whispered quietly "she tried to kill herself last night. I don't know what's happening anymore" her voice cracked with a cry.

"I-I heard them talking earlier, it was weird. We're going on lockdown soon so she should be safe from now on"

"I know, I know" she mumbled and wiped away her tears.
Throughout the day, everyone was bouncing around place to place. Boys came back, in and out the chapel, outside for smoke breaks, getting family. It was a busy day.

Currently, everyone was at the clubhouse aside from Lyla and her kid, Piper. Brea sat in the billiards room, watching Abel throw the balls onto the table from his barstool. Her mind wandering to having children one day with Chibs and watching them grow as she watched Abel. Clay, Bobby, Tig and Chibs were sitting in the chapel. Jax stood across from Opie in the doorway of the chapel, Gemma and Tara approaching them. Lauren was holding Thomas, sitting at another table in the clubhouse.

"Where's Lyla and Piper?" Jax asked as the prospect, V-Lin, walked in the clubhouse.

"I was waiting outside, and she said she had to get something"

"So?" Opie asked.

"She must've left man, I-I'm sorry" he stumbled over his words

Opie turned to Clay.

"Go" Clay sighed and Jax and Opie left.

Lauren sighed at the messiness and hectic nature of the day. It was hard to keep up with who was where and when. Lauren tried to keep her mind on keeping Thomas entertained, taking him to look at different things and playing around with him.

"I can take him" Tara said.

"You sure?" Lauren questioned, not wanting to give him up.

"Yeah. Take a break, enjoy being kid free" she laughed.

"Yeah" Lauren nodded and handed over Thomas.

She looked around to see if anyone was free and ended up outside. Her phone rang from her real estate agent, her heart skipping a beat.

"Hello" she answered giddily.

"House is yours! They took the offer, all you've to to is get the keys and you're set" her realtor spoke.

"Oh, god, thanks so much. Just what I needed right now" Lauren smiled into the phone.

Brea saw her as she walked outside, lighting a cigarette.

"Good news?" She asked as Lauren hung up.

"Tig and I got the house" Lauren smiled.

"Congrats, that's exciting. Too bad we're on lockdown"

"Yeah, too bad. I'll probably wait to tell him until after all this blows over"

"Sorry" she shrugged with a half hearted smile.
It was night, everyone was getting to their homes, the women at least. Lauren had protection all around her with all the guys staying at the clubhouse for the night.

"Who's watching me?" Brea asked.

"I was gonna have you stay at our house. Rat will be there, I'm sure Tara could use some help with the boys" Jax offered.

"Are you sure? She could always stay at my place, baby?" Gemma asked Jax.

"Yeah, I want her with Tara tonight" Jax said, giving his mother a look that she understood.

"Oh alright, stay safe" Gemma smiled.

As they got ready to leave, Chibs pulled aside Rat.

"Anythin' happens to her, Tara, or the boys. I will not hesitate to kill you" Chibs threatened with a low growl.

"They're safe with me" Rat reassured him.

"Better be"

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