6. Better than good

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Waking up, can be either pleasant or unpleasant

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Waking up, can be either pleasant or unpleasant. Today was an unpleasant one for both Lauren and Brea.

Lauren woke with an arm wrapped her nude torso. Her eyes followed the arm to the face, Tig's face. She smiled knowing she had a crush on him, but then the smile left when she may have come off as too easy. But when he opened his eyes and looked at her, that same smile Lauren had was on his face. He went to reach for her face to kiss her but instead she ducked out of his grasp and stood up. Collecting her clothes as Tig watched with a smirk, being turned down by women was something that didn't happen to him often.

"What's the rush, doll?" He asked her.

"I left Brea with Chibs and Jax and Gemma and Clay last night. I abandoned her, in a town she didn't even want to go to, and for some guy I just met" she rambled.

Leaving wasn't for Brea at first but then she wanted an excuse. Still didn't leave out some regret of sleeping with Tig, but had a good cover up.

"Come to the fair later today? Tell Brea also, tell her Jax is coming" he winked.

"Are you?" Lauren asked him.

"Come to the fair and see" he smirked.

Lauren scoffed and walked out. That's when she realized she didn't know where she was. She didn't know how to get to Gemma's either. There was no way she'd turn around and ask Tig where she was, not now. But he realized before she could even act as if she knew where she was. Arms were wrapped around her waist and she jumped at the sensation.

"Don't know where you are, doll?" He asked with a grin.

"Maybe I don't. So what?"

"So how are you gonna save your friend? Can't get to Gemma's, let alone out of the clubhouse" he said letting her go and walking ahead of her, her following behind "I'll give you a ride, I guess" he shrugged.

"Thanks" she mumbled back.

At the Morrow house, Brea and Chibs were waking up on the account of a shocked Jax.

"Got the Scotsman too, huh?" Jax asked Brea with a laugh.

"What?" She asked Jax.

Her eyes trailed to Chibs and herself. Both had less clothing than they started out with before they were asleep. She groaned and ran a hand down her face, Chibs still barely up.

"What the fucks happenin?" He groaned.

"You're half naked in bed with Brea, brother" Jax said, smirk never left his face.

"Oh god, we get it, we get it" Brea said, sliding on her pants "no matter what we say happened, if we don't say we fucked, you won't want to believe anything other than that" she crossed her arms.

"It's okay, darlin'. I believe you" Jax said leaning close to her before walking past her and into the kitchen "Just don't want Gemma to see you guys, she'll think you're cheating on her only son"

"Ha ha" Brea scoffed.

Chibs was getting up and dressed, slowly due to the horrible hangover he had. Leaned over the holding his head, he let out a loud groan. Brea couldn't help but watch him. How did she even end up here? This was all a mess, the big anti-gang facade faded away, first with Jax and now with Chibs. They were normal guys. They loved, they fucked, they smoked, they laughed.

The door opening was what tore Brea's eyes from Chibs. Walking in was Tig and Lauren.

"Thanks for returning" Brea said sarcastically to Lauren.

"Thank me, not her" Tig said pushing her aside and bowing in front of Brea.

"Oh I'm so sorry, thank you so very much, you're my savior" Brea laughed along with Jax and Tig.

"Mornin, Chibs. How you feeling, buttercup?" Tig asked with a smile, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Hungover, asshole" he groaned

"Why didn't you go back to the clubhouse?" Tig questioned further.

"Brea wouldn't let me leave" his voice raised as he looked towards her "said I was too drunk"

"Well, too late to fix anything now. Look, you're alive and it's a brand new day ! We've got the carnival today"

"I won't be goin, got business at the docks, remember?" Chibs sighed as he stood up, now fully dressed.

Brea felt disappointed, not that if he went he'd hang out with her, but it still made her a little upset. Lauren noticed and pat her shoulder to comfort her without being obvious.

"You girls goin?" Jax asked Brea and Lauren.

"Yes, formally invited by Tig" Lauren smiled, answering for the clueless Brea.

Brea raised her brows to that news. Being invited and that it was from Tig.

"Let's get them to TM, get them some clothes again and then we can hang out there until the fair. Then all go together, meet the other boys there, how's that sound?" Jax proposed.

"Fine" Tig nodded.

"Sounds good" Brea nodded for her and Lauren.

"I'll go let Gemma know and we can get going. Meet you guys outside"

Going outside, the four were back where they were about eleven hours ago. The afternoon sun was up and high, everyone had gotten up fairly late. Tig and Lauren were set up near his bike. Chibs was ready to go on his and the only bike left was for Brea and Jax.

When Jax came out, he gave Brea her helmet and she strapped it on. As they left the driveway one by one. Brea held on and made sure to keep her eyes open on this trip. See the town she'd been growing familiar with already. Lauren did the same, just recounting what was new and what wasn't. A lot was the same, but she didn't expect anything different from sleepy Charming.

Jax had been riding alongside Tig, Lauren and Brea smiled to each other from the back of their bikes. Jax nodded to Tig, just seeing if he was good, he was. Better than good in his opinion.

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