55. Secrets

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It wasn't long until the girls were back outside to find Tara's car and Gemma missing. Lauren sighed and ran a hand through her hair. The boys next stop was here to escort Gemma up north but they couldn't with her missing. Tara waved the gang of bikers down as they pulled into the lot.

"Shes gone" Tara shrugged.

"What do you mean gone?" Clay asked.

"We went inside to check Nate in, came back and she left with my car"

"Did she say anything?" Clay asked, now off his bike.

"No, she was crying when we left her, Nate was begging her to take him home. It broke her heart"

"Jesus, she went home, to be with her family" Jax said.

"Abel" Clay mumbled.

"Lauren, can you drive Tara and Brea? Just follow us" Jax asked Lauren.

"Yeah, I can do that" she nodded, taking on the task.

"See you in Charming, love" Chibs said and kissed Brea as she got off, taking off her dampened helmet.

Lauren ran to the car, knowing they had to be quick. As they got in, following behind the boys on their bikes it was quiet. Lauren turned on the radio to fill the silence, Bird On A Wire by Johnny Cash played through the speakers. Brea looked out the window, letting her head rest against it as they drove through he foggy countryside. Tara did the same, taking this time to calm herself.

They drove through the night, Brea dozing off along the way. Lauren smiled, remembering her first drive with Brea to Charming. It wasn't ideal but it brought her here, and she didn't regret it at all. It was all worth coming back home and she hoped Brea would come around to feeling the same.

The first stop was Jax's house but when they didn't spot Tara's car, they continued on. Brea waking to the sound of the boys horns, shouting and signaling to keep driving to TM. Pulling up, Gemma was on the phone but then she stopped, her body seemed to clam up and she fell to the ground. The boys parking their bikes, Lauren, Brea and Tara hopping out of the car. Running to Gemma, trying to tell her to breathe. Tara called nine-one-one to get an ambulance to pick her up. Everyone following behind to wait to hear the news.
In the waiting room, Opie, Chibs and Juice occupied a full sofa. Brea sat on Chibs' lap to conserve space and stay close to her old man. Tig and Lauren stood against a wall together, also keeping close. Clay and Jax waited in the room with her. Tara filled the group in when she knew. The conclusion was that she stopped taking her meds and that caused her bad arrhythmia but she'd be alright.

In the morning, Bobby arrived and met with Jax as he was filling a cup of coffee. Brea lay asleep on Chibs' chest, he was playing with her hair lightly, distracting himself.

"Ayo" Jax called out to the boys, Brea jumping awake in Chibs' arms.

"I'll be right back, my love" he said, placing her on the seat he was previously in.

Tig kissed Lauren before walking with the others. Lauren sat at Breas feet as she made herself comfortable fast. Tig swung by to Lauren to fill her in.

"Gotta go out with Juice and Bobby, I'll see you soon" he said and kissed her forehead.

"Can't someone else go, Tig?" She whined.

"I wanna go, doll. Don't worry" he shook his head.

"Yeah, alright" she pouted as he left.
Gemma had asked to see Lauren, she left and Chibs took her place, letting Brea rest on his lap. Lauren walked to the room, being pat down by the guard in front of her room. She walked in, Gemma was handcuffed to the bed and a paper sat in her other hand.

"You wanted to see me" Lauren announced herself.

"You came up, and didn't tell me my grandson was missing? You knew I was worried" she spoke.

"We agreed to not tell you, let you deal with Nate and the murder charge you're up against first" She shook her head, looking down.

"We? No, baby, I wasn't a part of that deal. You and Tara, watched as that Irish scum killed Half-Sack and took my grandson!" She pulled against her cuffs with anger.

"Gemma, I'm sorry, I don't know what to say"

"If you find anything, or know anything about where he is, you tell me now or as soon as you know"

"I don't, aside from him being in Vancouver, that's the last thing I heard on him"

"And that's wrong, he's in Belfast. Old friend called and let me know" she pursed her lips.

"Does that mean we go to Belfast? Fiona is there. Will Chibs let Brea go?" She asked, filling with questions.

"His decision, keep her close and safe from Jimmy or protect her from the lie he's been running behind her back. You're gonna help find my boy, tell Tig that, tell whoever because you're going to Belfast if I can't"

"I will, Gem. I won't let you down," Lauren nodded and pat her hand "I'm sorry"

Lauren left the room, closing her eyes as she felt herself about to cry. Sucking up a sob, putting her hand to her mouth and walking slow. She felt my stomach churn, holding one secret and it backfiring so horribly. She only felt as if she needed to tell Brea about Fiona. It wasn't fair to Chibs and Tig to spill a secret she said she'd keep hidden but she didn't like secrets. Walking out into the waiting room where she saw Brea resting on Chibs' shoulder, him whispering sweet nothings to her. She couldn't possibly ruin that, not now at least. Maybe they'd go through Belfast without Brea ever seeing Fiona, if she even went. Lauren walked past them and outside to take a breath and collect herself. You couldn't make it without secrets but keeping them broke you down.

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